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  1. GotBeat5.0

    How to get a...

    personally I dont think you can. i believe that all has to do with genetics and how long your plant is in the veg stage. My buddy whos doing an outdoor grow his stalk for his plant is thick. its been in the veg stage since the end of March no nuts no nothing.
  2. GotBeat5.0

    How to get a...

    tomato sticks are your friends if you go to Lowes they have them as big as 5/6 ft tall
  3. GotBeat5.0

    How to get a...

    your best bet is just to have a fan on it. on your next grow just make sure to have a fan next to the plants from when there seedlings. my stalks arent super thick but boy are they strong man. and thats all you need is a strong stalk thickness dont mean squat (unless your an outdoors grower...
  4. GotBeat5.0

    GotBeat5.0s Official Grow Journal

    its basically creating little slivers at the end where you want it to root. supposely doing that helps promote the actual forming of the roots but like i said 1 out of 10 not even gonna bother wasting my time with that any more well for now anyways
  5. GotBeat5.0

    GotBeat5.0s Official Grow Journal

    Alrighty Then its what I like to call update time. Man I love this Happy Frog soil. keeps the moisture very well in the soil. Only have to do oce a week waterings for now which is pretty nice now that with my luck ive been working alot lately but anywho things are going great in the room...
  6. GotBeat5.0

    GotBeat5.0s Official Grow Journal

    yep used a gel did a 45* angle and the scaring method and only one rooted. wont waste my time at least with a seed i know what sup ya know
  7. GotBeat5.0

    GotBeat5.0s Official Grow Journal

    Oh I tried my last grow I took my males and practiced on them and was only able to like root 1 out of 10 I dunno I followed a tutorial and all but makes me sad. so fugged it plus you guys see I barely even have any space so maybe next run during the fall Ill try again. for now im...
  8. GotBeat5.0

    GotBeat5.0s Official Grow Journal

    well actually my game plan was to create some more seeds of the Afghani and the Sweet Dreams. I suck at cloning I just cant get it so just doing the next best thing.
  9. GotBeat5.0

    GotBeat5.0s Official Grow Journal

    nah I figured im just gonna let it do its thing. Im def 100% figuring for a bunch of males. So honestly im more then sure the number will go down by more then half. Only time will tell for sure
  10. GotBeat5.0

    GotBeat5.0s Official Grow Journal

    Room is about 6 feet tall. if it comes down to it im gonna be doing some bending for sure
  11. GotBeat5.0

    GotBeat5.0s Official Grow Journal

    Figure I give a quick update cause ever since teh last watering these plants have grown like 3 inches its def turning into a nice jungle in there :smoke1: Middle of the Room Left Side of the Room Whole Room Shot
  12. GotBeat5.0

    connecticut anyone ?

    beat = hartford (like in hart beat) lol surprised youve never heard of that before
  13. GotBeat5.0

    Soil Growers: What You Use To Water?

    You know for the last 2 years or so Ive been growing Ive always used a series of 2 liter bottles. But now that Ive started to expand in size and knowledge the one thing I havent upgraded was that what I use to water. I know the motto if it aint broke dont fix it well Ive upped to a count of 10...
  14. GotBeat5.0

    400W hps heat issues

    the main question is what are you using to have all that air get out? is the door open at all at any points or is it always closed? When I had my temps issues I decided that the issue was that I never had a way to get any of that hot air out of the room. so if you can find a way to get the...
  15. GotBeat5.0

    connecticut anyone ?

    from the beat here
  16. GotBeat5.0

    Seed Development

    did you put the pollen on the preflower hairs? cause my understanding is you have to brush it those and you'll see the hairs change colors within the weeks. Im trying to find a link that had some good pics of what to watch out for...let me keep looking real quick BTW seeds take 5-7 weeks to...
  17. GotBeat5.0

    feminizing seeds. any help?

    try doing a search for Somas Method of feminizing. His way pretty much is the simpliest but i guess the lonest possible way aka 2 grows Pretty much you keep your maturing plant 2-4 weeks past when its done. doing that the plant forces to shoot out its own bannan like sacs and that is the...
  18. GotBeat5.0

    Droped my New hps sodium light!!!

    it wont the point of a HPS_MH converision bulb is for that MH to handle the big kick of power that HPS unit produces.
  19. GotBeat5.0

    GotBeat5.0s Official Grow Journal

    Alright now its been a good minute now since Ive updated but nothing that exciting as happen since the transplant. They took the first watering very well. Just finally had to water them today - boy was that a task went from taking an hour of watering to 2 1/2 hours. Well this is the formula I...
  20. GotBeat5.0

    GotBeat5.0s Official Grow Journal

    def link me to your thread Id like to see some of these experiments go down for sure