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  1. H

    Help me- Help FDD

    I haven't been on this site for a long long time, but reading through all of this made me feel really bad... FDD taught me 90% of what I know about marijuana cultivation, through his logs, post. I even saw him make some cool glass a few times on a streamed video. Good luck FDD, my best...
  2. H

    Marijuana Morning sickness, Cannabinoid Hyperemesis.

    So I have been reading up allot of this condition for the past few months, I am 100% sure this is what I am suffering from. Please take this very seriously if you suffer from any type of morning nausea or stomach cramps you cant explain. Smoking makes them both exponentially worse at the time...
  3. H

    what yall think?

    well, it looks to me like that things already flowering. And no this is an experiment not a grow.
  4. H

    What is the best nutrient regime?

    Hey monkey, I have a good amount of experience in soil and I'd be happy to give you some advice. First off yeah i really would get some new nutrients those aren't that great. A big no on the grow big as well. I have here compiled a bare bones essentials on the absolute minimum of what I would...
  5. H

    Harvest these WW's this long weekend or wait a couple weeks??

    those look nowhere near done bro. Don't dissapoint yourself and pull them too eearly.
  6. H

    Hygrozyme... Someone Please Explain?

    If your in hydro this stuff will literally turn brown roots PEARLY WHITE in a few days, i consider it a must for keeping healthy roots. I don't use it in soil with my organics though.
  7. H

    Making some BHO with frozen trim/bud, grind it?

    I've been reading for hours on the subject and haven't come to a conclusion on this specifically before I start. Anyone with experience please let me know your thoughts thanks.
  8. H

    Mold? Just dug up my killa it smells like shet!

    Okay so i just harvested a few outdoor plants and did a quick dry to sample a few buds, there had been some pm on some of these buds because of the density. I cut out everything i could see and decided it was fine..... HERE I AM WITH AMMONIA FOR THE 2ND TIME AFTER DOING THIS.... don't do it if...
  9. H

    7 weeks will they get bigger? (pics)

    SERIOUSLY... you guys are giving him really bad info. Please dont listen those idiots and go at least to the end of week 8. They will be fattening up, and i do not agree with snowball about a 1.5-2 week flush I would say 1 week tops if you truly want your plants to bulken up. The taste is in...
  10. H

    Updated pics of my 1st grow nearly 10 weeks flower are they ready to chop yet?

    I agree they look like there's still new growth all over. Go get a cheap hand held microscope and look at the resin you pull your harvest based on the colors of the tips of the resin, you should be able to find allot of info on the stickys up top.
  11. H

    GO Question and Some Budporn

    I agree I use the bio marine almost every watering also, I don't follow their directions i just add 10ml per gallon every time its great.
  12. H

    Root Organics

    Roots is the best soil you can buy In my very honest opinion. It's so popular that its back ordered at allot of places currently, I prefer roots over the foxfarm soils like happy frog and ocean forest because it doesn't get so compact and it already has the perfect perlite ratio right out of the...
  13. H

    My Organic Flowering Mix

    So what I've been doing is mixing up the following and using it right away, what i dont use I aerate with an air stone until I need it.(24 hours max) Can anyone see something I'm missing for early bloom. My soils packed with beneficial fungis and bacterias like crazy. My bloom recipe: Earth...
  14. H

    Would like some opinions on the best organic nutes for hydro/ aeroponic grows

    DON'T DO ORGANICS IN HYDRO. really don't its asking for trouble. your going to need to change the rez every week religiously or you'll have root rot, and the stuff just plain doesn't mix very well. Use the GH 3 part and some kool bloom, it's been working for years and years for most people.
  15. H

    Advice On Some Bat Guano And Liquid Seaweed Anyone?

    ascophyllum seaweed extract is literally the best you can get. Another thing your wrong about needing to bubble your tea. It wont go anaerobic from not having a blubber...... it's more improper ingredient mixing.
  16. H

    Anyone try Kushie Kush nutrients?

    its more like 90 dollars..... and its 5ml a gallon if i recall correctly. i know it was something unconservative like that. Yes some of their products are effective. I can personally vouch for voodo juice after seeing all my friends plants its amazing, I'm going to switch from rhizotonic once...
  17. H

    Skunk or Kush

    well in my opinion that's a no brainer kush. When i think of skunk i remember it being mids at the best, though i might grow some of my own one day.
  18. H

    Should I add a DRIP system to my DWC???

    I hand water mine twice a day. why would you want the bottoms of your root mass to be healthy and not the part in the net pot?
  19. H

    150 plants. cloning for success

    In your case i honestly think you would be ALLOT better off getting a 4 foot t5 and have 2 or 3 flats with humidty domes under it for the same amount of clones and do it in rockwool. It'll pay off, you'll then have something to veg all of those clones for a few weeks after being rooted its a...
  20. H


    Yeah it really depends, i mean you obviously saw uncle bens monster with 4 big arms. Just veg you plant 2 months to get a really really nice root mass, use a root stimulator also i like rhizotonic.