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  1. wesnile20

    3rd Week of Flowering blueberry!!!! PICS PICS PICS PICS

    THAT LOOKS GREAT! ur first grow too.. NICE JOB...i hope mine turns our like that
  2. wesnile20

    5days old. Wonder woman.

    my pics didnt up load sorry guys ill try again...but so far my game plan i got laid out wat do u think? should i change anything up...or try somethin else..?
  3. wesnile20

    5days old. Wonder woman.

    hey wats up guys.. im jus posting my wonder woman plant im growing hopefully it turns out great... im jus goin with one plant for now.. and planning on cloneing off of it..wat do u guys think? so far im useing some Super soil pottin soil. regular tap water which sits. for 24hours and super...
  4. wesnile20

    50watt hps

    hey i have 2 plants and a 50watt hps bulb set up.. doo u think that will get the job done? or it that too low..? im talkin through the whole process too VEG AND FLOWERING..:-(
  5. wesnile20


    so i got the Econo wing reflector from sunlight supply... its pretty good ggreat price.. not made cheap at all.. BUT.. its only down fall is that its NOt the rest of the price is too good to be true nahh jus doesnt come with the Great stuff that the pricer ones...
  6. wesnile20


    ofcourse its too late for u to do it but next time..before u plant ur seeds or anything else bake that soil first....
  7. wesnile20


    i know it sounds stupid.. but i had a bad Gnat problem in the past.. and one of the guys on here told me to Bake my soil in the oven too 200 degrees for bout 12-15 minutes.. he also said it would ruin the nutrients in the soil BUt it will get reild of all the bugs in the soil plus eggs..I tryed...
  8. wesnile20


    ok koo ill jus sit back and see wat happens i was reading, about wonderwoman and it said its has a slow vegatitation process. yea cause im jus seeing very very lil improvement these last couple of day compared to the other stuff ive grown..
  9. wesnile20


    Can anyone help me please?
  10. wesnile20


    how can u tell when a plant is premature? I've been growing prettymuch stress for all my grows, n that shit grows like wildfire but it's stress. Now I just got wonder woman n I'm useing regular potting soil wit lil nutrients n it n it's cracked outta the soil now for bout 3 days but it's just...
  11. wesnile20


    Lolim glad u did a thread on this cause I jacked a bottle from homedepot bout 5 months ago but never used it cause it looked pretty cheap. LOL now I will one thing when u crack open the bottle wow!!! This shit STINKS!! It's gets on ur hand smells terrible LOL. U said that's one drop every...
  12. wesnile20

    Sprouting and seed question

    Koo thanks alot. Can anyone help me out with the other question?
  13. wesnile20

    Sprouting and seed question

    hey 1st question my Hommie jus picked up a zip of lemon kush n he been breakin it up seperating it , we came across a grip off seeds but they look fresh like a green color like this stuff was jus finished not to long ago, so can I go on n germinate them or should I let them settle in n turn...
  14. wesnile20

    Free Gram in Downtown LA

    lol it do sound fishy..but im with gangjababy. why would it be a bust..BUT ..u see who ever posted that ONLY posted once..and it was there first post and we have not herd from that user I CHANGE MY MIND id rather jus go to my local weed man and pay for my GRAM...ahhaah
  15. wesnile20

    which method do u use to crack ur seeds?

    LOL I've had the same thing happen to I would lose them n my roomate would come up on some seeds outta nowhere n go plant them outside n not say nothin. They were struggle seeds though "stress" but still he was jackin my shit LOL
  16. wesnile20

    which method do u use to crack ur seeds?

    yea im glad i asked everyone on this thread..cause i would of been still waitin for them to crack with my shitty shotglass method. lol
  17. wesnile20

    which method do u use to crack ur seeds?

    yo the cable box method sounds funny BUT DAMN...that seed crack with the quickness hahahah yea ill be doin that all the time now... THANKS!
  18. wesnile20

    hey wats up man...

    hey wats up man...
  19. wesnile20

    ~~~GETTING ~ FAT~~~ warning not for children

    hahaha yea that looks beautiful...a lil sample want hurt.
  20. wesnile20

    which method do u use to crack ur seeds?

    Yep I just did the paper towl method. Ima check up on them tomorrow n see wats up. Puttin them somewhere kinda warm like the cable box gives them a lil boost or somethin ?