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  1. wesnile20

    HERMI??? please dont say it is..

    yea...true. fuck it imma go all out then lol full NUtrients..TIGER BLOOM. n flower that bitch to get the most budd out of it i still got the other 3 plants hopefullly theyl make it i am goin to take thme out of that closet for good...THANKS ALOT GUYS!
  2. wesnile20

    HERMI??? please dont say it is..

    ohh its calll sensa spray? if the spray does work could i still CLONE OFF OF THIS PLANT? imma look it up probly go to the local hydro store..n see wat they got.. i mean it sucks that its a hermi but i still wanna BUD THIS BITCH u willl be like wasteing money..but yea ill see wats...
  3. wesnile20

    HERMI??? please dont say it is..

    heres more pics i put it in the sun, there still "SHITTY" lol jus a lil less SHITTIER then the last..see so now i got a problem cause i got 3 more plants in there which are bout 2 and a half weeks old..soo u think there pretty much F'd too huh...also i dont think it was the seeds that jus turnd...
  4. wesnile20

    HERMI??? please dont say it is..

    sorry for the quality i took it off the iphone..apples shit soo it is u think. n its common for them to come in the veg stage? i thought it was still too early...
  5. wesnile20

    HERMI??? please dont say it is..

    hey guys i got some pics..i been growing Wonder woman "FEM" seeds i got from NIrvana..its bout a month and a half old now..still in VEG...some balls have been poppin up these last 2 lil bunches of like 4-5 all next too each friend said its still to earlly to show sex , n said...
  6. wesnile20


    oh yea will in that case ill move it now then... thanks alot!
  7. wesnile20


    Yea I am.. I wanna wait a bit more though to see the sex of the plant. If it's a female I'll move it into a bigger pot. Male I'll keep it n the same shit n just move it outta my room LOL thanks for he help!!!
  8. wesnile20


    I was just wondering , I got a plant n a ripped up milk gallon n is growing really good it's bout 2 n a half weeks. but get this I can see roots growing already through the jug.. Is it bad for the roots to be showing? Or should I get like some black tape n cover the sides ? I herd the roots...
  9. wesnile20

    oh yea forsure,,,thanks alot again for the help! +rep

    oh yea forsure,,,thanks alot again for the help! +rep
  10. wesnile20

    koo alright then thanks alot for the info imma go ahead and fire the bulb up..yea its in my...

    koo alright then thanks alot for the info imma go ahead and fire the bulb up..yea its in my closet.. but i got 7 cfls in there soo i should be alright for now..and i got 4 plants...eventually imma go HPS..probly 400w yea all the rest of the cfls i have ALL SAY COOL WHITE u know lol...soooyea im...
  11. wesnile20

    hey i jus responded to ur post about those flo lights u were helping that guy out with..heres my...

    hey i jus responded to ur post about those flo lights u were helping that guy out with..heres my question aemlengthbuds.. im in VEG stage now .soo hey i got a DAYLIGHT CFL bulb 100W replacement useing 23W. light output is 1600 Lumens but on the bulb it says 35K , and on the package it says...
  12. wesnile20

    Best fluorescent tubes for 3 plants?

    aemlengthbuds.. im in VEG stage now .soo hey i got a DAYLIGHT CFL bulb 100W replacement useing 23W. light output is 1600 Lumens but on the bulb it says 35K , and on the package it says WHITE AND NATural...soo is that a good bulb for VEG??? OR for FLOWER.. cause the lumes are pretty low..
  13. wesnile20

    Best fluorescent tubes for 3 plants?

    hell yea jus go to a specialty store like he said...cause i know yesterday i was at LOWES...N could NOT fine ONE "COOL WHITE" MINI TWIST Bulb for shit..they dont call them coolwhite...really nomore.. unless u are gettin straight cfl tubes which ur doin soo u should be good cause i saw a grip of...
  14. wesnile20

    wonder woman, lemon kush, and Purp

    yea soon as the lemon kush broke soil it started streching right off the bat but its doin great now..soo i jus keep the fan on it 24/7, the purp is kinda dieing off for some reason the steam jus want get stron enough to stand up by its self..where can i find the 4x42w at? and how much do they...
  15. wesnile20

    wonder woman, lemon kush, and Purp

    Big plant is wonder woman, the one in the milk jus is Lemon kush,n the two off the the lower right , the one to the farthest right is Purp, and next too it is another wonder woman..WHICH i really need to put both into pots
  16. wesnile20

    wonder woman, lemon kush, and Purp

    hey wats up guys im finally uploading some pics of the wonder woman i got from nirvana..i also got lemon kush and some purple.. tell me wat u think telll me wat should i doo im growing in my closet.. slideing door not walk in soo not that big... im useing Tap water (sits for 24hours) with super...
  17. wesnile20


    koo imma remember that THANKS ALOT BOTH OF U GUYS.. yea i spray them when the days i dont water them..and i water every 3 days..imma get a reader though jus to be on the safe side...
  18. wesnile20


    ok ..soo once i do there where should my level/percentage be at? wats good wats bad...
  19. wesnile20


    oh yea far i jus got 2 milk gallons in there n i cut off the top to make them more open..
  20. wesnile20


    i jus got a question im growing indoors in my closet.. n i got 4 plants in there right now. closets not too big..NOT A WALK IN, A SLIDE DOOR many cups of water should i put in there to keep it up..i dont got money to get a reader.. but im jus kinda goin off how it feels when i open...