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  1. CDXX

    How to keep your reservoir cool

    Hahaha. If you actually read the directions, you would see that it can cool INSULATED reservoirs 15-20 degrees. I have clearly stated, numerous times, that I insulate my reservoir. Ironically, I do it because it is more efficient (since you're all about that); it retains the cold much better...
  2. CDXX

    The Great T5 Adventure!!!!

    Entry #15 Solving My Nutrient Problem So yesterday I emptied my res, scrubbed it with h2o2, and refilled it with water. I added the weekly dose of h2o2 (roughly 130 ml, or a little over 1/2 cup), and balanced the pH. I let the plants flush overnight in just the water and h2o2. Today, I...
  3. CDXX

    How to keep your reservoir cool

    Perhaps you missed part of my point, which is understandable, because I've made several posts on this thread. So, let me reiterate: Just empirically speaking, my power bill hasn't gone up. The ice probe is equivalent to having roughly one, single fluorescent bulb running (50 watts or less)...
  4. CDXX

    The Great T5 Adventure!!!!

    P.S. This is assuming you aren't using organics. H2o2 will not work well with organic nutes, as it will basically kill the living organisms that make organic fertilizer effective. So, everything I've said applies strictly to non-organic nutrient solutions. If you are using organics, I'd...
  5. CDXX

    The Great T5 Adventure!!!!

    While I do give my plants a bath whenever I change the reservoir, you are in fact supposed to put h2o2 in your reservoir regularly to help keep it sterile. Here are a couple of helpful links that I used to get this info, though I have more if you'd like...
  6. CDXX

    The Great T5 Adventure!!!!

    I just measured it out, then stirred it into the reservoir gently. I use roughly 5ml per gallon daily, plus 11/ml per gallon every time I change the reservoir (which is about once per week). This has worked very well; the rot is gone as far as I can tell. I'm continuing the h2o2 just to keep...
  7. CDXX

    Multi Spectrum T5 Veg and Flower with Flood table and Tent-First Grow.

    Your plants look great, I'm jealous. Did you end up killing the rot with h2o2?
  8. CDXX

    Bizzare Plant Sickness...

    Ok, so here's the quick version: I'm growing hydro (DWC). I have a reservoir with 3 plants in it, so they all get the same inputs (light, air temp, pH, water temp, nute levels, DO, etc.) In the beginning of my project, I neglected the plants for a little over a week, so they got sick...
  9. CDXX

    The Great T5 Adventure!!!!

    Entry #14 Weird Plant Issue So there is a problem with one of my plants, but I've run out of ideas on what the issue might be. This is mainly due to the fact that 2 of my 3 plants are doing fairly well. I'm still working on some nutrient issues, but they are mostly green, plenty of new leaf...
  10. CDXX

    The Great T5 Adventure!!!!

    Entry #13 Playing Doctor So, yesterday I began focusing on my plants' health. Up until now, I had been too busy working the kinks (heating, cooling, etc.) out of my setup to give them the proper TLC they will need to get better. To this end, I did two things. The first thing I did was double...
  11. CDXX

    does revive work from advanced nutrients?

    I just switched to AN from Botanicare PBP. Because it was a new setup, I had some issues in the beginning of my grow (my pH was erratic, not enough DO in the water, temperature issues, not to mention the nutrient switch, etc.) So, while my plants were still having a decent amount of new...
  12. CDXX

    Woohoo, 503 represent! Portland Grower Looking For Patients

    Hello again everyone! I've gotten some great responses from this post, so I figure I'll keep it current :) I still have plenty of room for more patients, so if anyone is in search of some of Portland's Best, let me know and I'll be happy to grow them some!
  13. CDXX

    T5/CFL Review: Post Your Experience HERE!

    Hey everyone! So I am a huge fan of the new HO T5 fixtures, but I'm curious to see what everyone else thinks about them. SO, if you've had a T5/ CFL experience, good or bad, post it! Phoenix XL 4' 8-bulb and Sun Blaze 4' 8-bulb As far as my experience goes, I've used two types of T5, the Sun...
  14. CDXX

    The Great T5 Adventure!!!!

    Feeding Issues: As you can see, my plants look a bit under the weather. I'm sure they're still dealing with the root rot, but it also looks like they are getting too much water, and are suffering from some sort of nutrient issue. One of the plants has some kind of burning around the edges, but...
  15. CDXX

    The Great T5 Adventure!!!!

    Entry #12 Chilling Out So, I've added an air conditioner to my setup (see pictures). It was not easy, but definitely well worth it (It would take forever to explain what exactly I did to get the ac going, if you have a specific question, feel free to ask). Now I will be able to use co2, and...
  16. CDXX

    How to keep your reservoir cool

    This is a forum about marijuana growing. This thread, in particular, is about cooling reservoirs. What this thread is NOT, is a place to have a debate about energy consumption and climate change, or whatever else it was you were alluding to by saying "catastrophe". I offered up a...
  17. CDXX

    How to keep your reservoir cool

    A) No, I'm not an inexperienced grower, I actually grow considerable amounts of very good cannabis (I'm in the medical community, so I don't mind saying that on the 'net). B) The jab about my level of knowledge, and the "faddish" line you keep throwing around do nothing to further this...
  18. CDXX

    How to keep your reservoir cool

    I think you are missing my point...efficiency can be measured in many ways. While watt per watt, an air conditioner might be more efficient, my point is that the Iceprobe works very well for situations where an air conditioner would be overkill due to its size and power. Even the smallest air...
  19. CDXX

    How to keep your reservoir cool

    I can tell by your comments that you don't like the coolworks iceprobe lol. You're clearly experienced, so I'm not trying to challenge your expertise...but works really well, and for the price and ease of use, I'd say its better than almost any other option on the market. When I used...
  20. CDXX

    Multi Spectrum T5 Veg and Flower with Flood table and Tent-First Grow.

    Hey, just out of curiosity, how much h2o2 are you using? Also, you might want to try and put a clip fan on the side of your tub or something and have it blow some air on the base of the plants, if nothing else, it will keep the root area cooler.