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  1. KP2

    What do you find to be the best DWC nutes ???

    superthrive and hygrozyme fro cuttings and veg gh3 botanicare cal/mag AN hammerhead occasionally hygrozyme (we haven't noticed any improvement using this product in flower) this is what you can expect.
  2. KP2

    12/12 from seed anything to know

    1/4oz if you're good. more if using hids.
  3. KP2

    First mycorrhizal grow

    what are you using?
  4. KP2

    rusty colored, crispy feeling leaves, any ideas

    this guy's got it right. get cal/mag, use 6-10ml per gallon, all through flower. you'll be happy you did (and i'm going to let the why be a surprise) ;)
  5. KP2

    Potassium deff HELP PLEASE!!!!

    sounds like a cal and mag def, not potassium.... check your chart again.
  6. KP2

    you'll probably only see mag def, or cal and mag def; low ph isn't too big a deal until you get...

    you'll probably only see mag def, or cal and mag def; low ph isn't too big a deal until you get down in the low fives. there's an organic product available called cal/mag, made by botanicare. it works wonders for cal and mag problems, regardless of ph (hydroponic fertilizer). my dirt starts at...
  7. KP2

    quick question about jiffy 7 pellets, please help?

    why did you make more than one thread? you have answers in your other btw. please stick to one thread.
  8. KP2

    65 watt (300 equiv) at lowes for 16.95

    the 65w cfl does get hot. imo good for light vegging, or microflowering.
  9. KP2

    jiffy 7 pellets, pleas help...

    ditto, or in the case of clones, plant when rooted; they root as the pucks dry. the pucks are all i use anymore ;).
  10. KP2

    organic pest control, please give ideas

    a mixture of 5tbs per gallon hydrophobic extract of neem and 1tsp per gallon dish detergent works very well on mites. the soap kills, the neem deters.
  11. KP2

    no, not really, not here... i'm kinda busy with the plants to post on them all the time... is...

    no, not really, not here... i'm kinda busy with the plants to post on them all the time... is there anything in particular you'd like to know about? and btw, it's "ma'am" ;) lol
  12. KP2

    Aero cuttings

    i've made cloners of all kinds of shapes and sizes; nothing seems to be as reliable as pucks. cost effective as well, 3$ for 72 pucks... ;)
  13. KP2

    Aero cuttings

    water being too warm or cold can cause stem rot, so can keeping the stems submerged. i find cloners to be a waste of time; i clone large numbers in peat pucks, in a simple dome. two weeks of wait and 100% roots is fine with me ;)
  14. KP2

    Aero cuttings

    mister aero cloners usually don't have air stones, and bubble cloners aren't aero cloners.... which do you have? if bubble, just let it bubble 24 hours a day until roots, and keep your res level 1-2'' below the net pots or cut stems.
  15. KP2

    organic pest control, please give ideas

    coffee grounds are high in nitrogen, but also acidic. used mostly as a soil amendment, and is usually composted before using.
  16. KP2

    organic pest control, please give ideas

    go with number 1. i was going to recommend that, but you've already found it ;). if you can't tolerate the smell, there are other options (some do not like the tobacco smell). you can also use diatomaceous earth, topically and mixed into new soil for transplant.
  17. KP2

    Should I help the sprout?

    dark, no, humid? yes. starting seeds in a clone dome, in peat pucks works very well; i've never had a helmet on those. the one that died might have had a broken cotyledon. i've damaged seedlings before, breaking or ripping off one cotyledon, which stunts growth for about a week, leaving you...
  18. KP2

    Should I help the sprout?

    thank you for replying. :) the thing about seed shells is they're designed to be dropped before the seedling sprouts. if this doesn't happen, the shell and membrane become much tougher and harder, and nearly impossible for the seedling to break through. this is because we plant seeds so...
  19. KP2

    Fighting pollination

    even with pollination, you'll have few problems, and a few seeds... not a fully pollinated crop (as is what happens if you lose a male amongst the females...) water is great for killing pollen, but beware! after 4 weeks in flower, spraying ANYTHING is an invitation to rot, esp with indicas....
  20. KP2

    Should I help the sprout?

    and by the way, i don't mean to be a bitch, but if you're going to challenge my posts, you better know what the fuck you are talking about.