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  1. G

    Virgin grower need's advice on outdoor New England Sativa???? I think its a sativa ??

    it all depends on the september/october weather luck, you need that long warm fall if you have pistiis, you're doing well, with some luck you'll have a great plant
  2. G

    Selfed Seeds, I need help.

    indeed, 'clone' was being used loosely, better to say a very close pheno to the parent which is what buyers of S1 seeds are hoping for
  3. G

    Transforming my hermie into a female???

    it is a project, cutting off balls seems to make it grow 2 for every 1 you cut i have done it for 1 plant, you need to keep at it every day mist with water to help kill off stray pollen, which also helps, too much water is a mold danger though
  4. G


    i've ordered to NY, all orders got through, and no one has beat on my door(yet)
  5. G

    Selfed Seeds, I need help.

    i've grown out a couple of S1's that came from a hermie mishap 1 out of the 2 was very close to the mother's traits, except it had no hermie trait, and was very nice, kind of like mom without the hermie attitude the other was a 'brat', kind of a foul tasting beast that would gag most, looked OK...
  6. G

    phosphoric acid mold preventer?

    dose makes the medicine, what are the details about strength of the mix? too much would certainly be a disaster, so subbing if any others have experience
  7. G

    Indoor CFL/Reflected Bagseed? "arizona" grow. need some infos...

    you probably will be OK, others have had worse light accidents with no harm reveg isn't going to happen from that, no promises on hermie, but probably not
  8. G

    Indoor CFL/Reflected Bagseed? "arizona" grow. need some infos...

    hermies seem to be pretty unpredictable, it could be a stress hermie that will stop throwing roosters if its conditions improve i've had genetic hermies that throw roosters hot and heavy for the duration of flower so keep watch, hope for the best
  9. G

    Indoor CFL/Reflected Bagseed? "arizona" grow. need some infos...

    sounds like a hermie, there are probably more, the better way to spot them is to get on your back(or put the plant up high somehow) and look from underneath, balls show up better that way i know because i've snipped my way through a few hermie grows it is possible the numbers will be small, i'm...
  10. G

    Clone of A clone of A clone of a clone?

    i have done a clone of a clone of a clone, but that's far as i've gone based on other's posts and experiences, a clone can be kept going for many generations though there may be exceptions
  11. G

    Recommendations please for a strain that will get my ass off the couch

    i can't give you recent strains, but there is smoke out there that can do this i remember weed from the 70's that would definitely get you off the couch and out the door but indica hybrids now rule the land, they will not help, though they have their uses
  12. G

    Stealth 165 watt CFL grow

    subbing in, got to see how the 2nd swazi turns out
  13. G

    A Fool and a Hermie Seed

    over the 2 weeks of flower mark, slow to go into flower by my hybrid experience height was 20 inches a couple of days ago, not huge but 10 of those inches were in 7 days which is a bit out of my comfort zone, thought about an emergency top seemed to slow down some in the last 2 days, may be very...
  14. G

    Swazi Pure Sativa Indoor Low wattage Cfl grow with desklamps .

    give the plant its due, it's not just another hybrid grow it could have gone longer, but understand the choice, these sativa grows can become a career some very long looking pistils on there
  15. G


    i see this result posted often enough, so it's hard to ignore if there are hermie nanners around, both plants should have seeds MJ is not supposed to have 'immaculate' conceptions, but i'd be hard put to explain a deal like this any other way
  16. G

    Male plant pollen and hermi female...

    from my modest readings on mj genetics, it's difficult to say what you'll get from a hermie femme and normal male the hermie trait might predominate, it might not
  17. G

    Swazi Pure Sativa Indoor Low wattage Cfl grow with desklamps .

    6 weeks is the longest time for seeds to ripen, should be somewhat less maybe 4-5 weeks, but every strain/plant has its quirks you could pollinate the lower branch, make some seeds, and if you want, back cross later back crossing with a hybrid male parent is likely to give you quite a variety of...
  18. G

    pre-flower topping?

    hmm, got the same deal kind of a more sativa dominant plant than i've had before, the stretch is getting to be a concern so thinking about an emergency topping
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    Growing tree's in a tree

    much improved, this may the longest total growing time in the trees i've seen yet
  20. G

    Male plant pollen and hermi female...

    i'm growing out such a plant right now, maybe thing is, how are you sure the resulting seed is from the male pollen, or self pollinated by the hermie pollen in my case, i kept the hermie blooms under control, pollinated with the male pollen but eventually that hermie overwhelmed me with...