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  1. G

    Swazi Pure Sativa Indoor Low wattage Cfl grow with desklamps .

    understood that a 3 meter plant inside is a tricky proposition but respect for the attempt, many fond memories of old sativas from years gone by, they are not that practical inside though, unless you get the 'just right' genetics
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    Swazi Pure Sativa Indoor Low wattage Cfl grow with desklamps .

    a 3 meter plant under cfl's would be quite a sight, still, if you LST like the devil, you might pull it off
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    Help with a seedbank!!!

    seed boutique's standard shipping is envelopes, $5, the cheapest way to ship
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    Help with a seedbank!!!

    i've had great luck with letter shipments, every order got through used seed boutique, they have very nice letter shipping
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    the "ideal" setup?

    subbing for a highgrade-seeds grow, i've had pretty good luck with HGS
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    Best Stealth Strains

    the thing about strains and odor is that there can be a lot of plant to plant variety one pheno is faint, another reeks, which makes for risky growing, or a grow ended early NL does have quite a long history, at least for certain breeders, and usually a low odor, the nl#5 i grew out was very low...
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    Albino Bud? - Worthless

    variegated means uneven coloration in the leaves it's not exactly a trait, but a description, so you can have both, albino and variegated
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    Indoor CFL/Reflected Bagseed? "arizona" grow. need some infos...

    not bad, all things considered, there is going to be bud worth having and the yellowing leaves is the plant sucking nutes out of them to feed the buds, not all bad so you could have fertilized more heavily, but at this point probably better to ride it out as is
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    Many cartel grows in the woods behind us!

    this kind of thread is going to create some strong opinions, too many of us have dealt with rippers at one time or another we don't like 'em but just to fan the flames, suppose the cut plants are viewed as police property? i'll have to admit, the idea of ripping off LEO makes me smile
  10. G

    Albino Bud? - Worthless

    those are variegated leaves, growing out a variegated plant of my own, though not so dramatic as Dwezelitsame's plant very cool looking plants come from this trait, though some are just mutant/freaks that produce little
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    Swazi Pure Sativa Indoor Low wattage Cfl grow with desklamps .

    curious how this turns out, got a strong sativa streak in my current grow under cfl's always curious how a sativa/cfl grow turns out
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    Are there any Organics that don't smell like DEATH???

    alfalfa tea, if not taken too far, doesn't smell too strong, kind of like spinach to my nose, just don't brew too long
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    Daytime indica?

    this is true, i do just that and forget others may turn up the temp high if you keep your temps low enough, you get no weed hangover what so ever, at least in my experience the high just fades gently away
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    Daytime indica?

    just in general, i've been vaping a number of indica dominants, mostly because they're what grows well in my small setup you don't get that burnt out feeling from a vape that makes sleepy time, been my experience anyways
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    CFL Questions

    cfl's are kick ass veg machines, lot of people use them, but i see a lot of mixing of HPS and cfl's i agree with your point, you don't need anything else for vegging, they are just plain better, especially when you take into account how cheap they are as for pics, everyone likes pics no matter...
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    new york outdoor how do they look?

    that is the trick in new york, the weather rules i will mention that NOAA who does the long term weather forecasts is predicting a very warm fall up in the north east, hopeful thought anyways
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    CFL Questions

    pics would be helpful, but your description is pretty dead on with my cfl experience cfl's with plenty of blue(i use 5000k for veg) can produce very compact plants a node an inch is what i get, start flower around 5/6 nodes in flower is when they explode
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    new york outdoor how do they look?

    indeed, the eastern emerald triangle has woods that are dark and deep not much seems to get found, as you say it's a big f'ing chunk of territory
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    Can i clone without rockwool, propergator & rooting powder????????

    ^ all water cloning is definitely worth doing just for the wow! effect, very cool the cutting will just sit there, and sit there, and all of a sudden the tap root jumps out and starts to take off
  20. G

    Daytime indica?

    if you don't vape, i'll mention it as a possibility, more heady, less body, and less body 'heavy' at the end