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  1. G

    Can you TOP off the day before going into flowering?

    i have seen this posted as a trick for flowering very sativa dominants in smaller spaces
  2. G

    Will this kill me?

    vaporizer's are great for salvaging weeds with unsavoury traits, though that might be an expensive solution for a single bad bag
  3. G

    The Golden Seed

    i've grown nirvana's PPP and california orange, both were very close to their descriptions, so no complaints i ordered them through another seed bank(seed boutique), but many get them directly through nirvana seem to a fairly good rep for delivery, but any seed order has risks in getting your seeds
  4. G

    Some help with cloning

    i've cloned in dirt, no hormones, just patience 2 weeks minimum, that should begin rooting, keep the light low and the soil moist
  5. G

    I think I have spider mites, how can I solve this?

    that's interesting, see many singing their praises, i'm wary on anything that gives off some kind of gas that fills a room to the point it will kill bugs which doesn't sound too healthy
  6. G

    I think I have spider mites, how can I solve this?

    burns tend to happen to the tips, and then work inwards, the nitrogen 'claw' is the most famous deficiencies tend to work from the bottom of the plant and larger leaves but deficiencies can arise in many ways, missing/unbalanced nutrition in soil, water PH isn't quite right, odd imbalances, ...
  7. G

    The Golden Seed

    you certainly won't be guaranteed a cloneable plant from a feminized seed, but that's true for regular seeds, there are a few plants that won't clone well but i have seen many feminized femmes used for clones, but i haven't used one yet for clones myself
  8. G

    How would I find...

    now this is a worthwhile thread/topic, the pat answer is landrace strains from the desert areas that said, it doesn't give you much of a list but for genetics that have heat resistance, certainly some afghans are going to be in that category and those genetics are available from many breeders...
  9. G

    I think I have spider mites, how can I solve this?

    good point, mites kind of look like crabs they will be on the leaf surface, spiders should look more like spiders and be on their webs but i suppose it could get confusing, there are pics out there for id'ing help
  10. G

    The Golden Seed

    a feminized seed is a good start, as far as advice just use all the info you can find on here good soil, lighting, ventilation are the keys - do that and you probably will get a strong mother
  11. G

    Advice on Trichs (Microscope Pic)

    very tricky to make a trich call from pics to me, they look mostly clear clear can look cloudy when they reflect light it's the kind of thing that checking as much as you can will payoff
  12. G

    I think I have spider mites, how can I solve this?

    first things first, identify the enemy, get a magnifier and scope down the situation a few webs could be mites, could also be some small spiders, which are usually a good thing one thing about mites, they look evil when you see them up close
  13. G

    A Fool and a Hermie Seed

    a definite twist to my grow, a variegated example of cannabis there seem to be no ends to the twist and turns this plant can do some of the leaves are dark green on one side, and a lighter green on the other the big central leaves are all dark, though there's all kind of stuff going on leaf...
  14. G

    A Fool and a Hermie Seed

    thanks for looking in, i have a strange beast going this time, it's a variegated plant the leaves have bands of different colors, lighter and darker greens, new pics in a few days
  15. G

    These god dam cfls

    the cheap 23-26w cfl's deliver far more light for the dollar, these types of cfl's are a luxury version i can understand the desire for big light packages to avoid the messing with a lot of small bulbs but at this point even a cfl fan like myself would start thinking a HID bulb would make more sense
  16. G

    CFL Lumens/Watt Chart - Find Most Efficient Setup

    important topic for us CFL people, got to get the most out our little bulbs i ran across this at, they weigh in at 74 lumens per watt, best i've seen for cfl's at a reasonable price and they were cheap, less than $2 per bulb, here's specs (4 Pack) 23 Watt CFL - 2700K Warm White...
  17. G

    Why did the marijuana bill NOT make it on the 2012 ballot in California?

    I like the notion about refocusing away from the commerce option. That's currently a decided issue in SCOTUS, if there's any MJ commerce, Fed wins. But something closer to Alaska's arrangements. Say state legalization of small grows for head of household. Grow it in your home, consume it in your...
  18. G

    confused about vaporizing

    a vape that has hand held heat source is going to be a little tricky to use it will take practice, what you want to see is the vaped weed should not have any burn, just dried out it's a great way to use the herb
  19. G

    High Grade Seeds-------all smiles with delivery :-

    well, that kind of bites a big one, have had some bud rot in the past was during my HGS nl#5 growing, sigh, sometimes the price you pay for big dense buds but mid summer humidity and big buds, that does make sense unfortunately a vaporizer can be used to render the spores inert, my mold...
  20. G

    Looking For Best NL ...and more...

    odorless may be an exaggeration, NL's have a low odor rep, but that's not odorless i've run the nl#5 from HGS, some others on RIU have also ran it with good results a nice hash/pine odor, not too strong, and not too much like weed imo