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  1. TheDankness

    Is it just me or is this(pics) F#@KING SHWAG?!?!?!

    ha this is better than what i have, i dont have a single bud in my whole bag moron.
  2. TheDankness

    Is it just me or is this(pics) F#@KING SHWAG?!?!?!

    You sound like a really great business man, the kind that I'd like to deal with... not. What is it with everyone? Why is this the only business I know of in which the consumer has NO CONTROL. What ever happened to the customer is always right? Doesn't anyone realize that if we, the consumers...
  3. TheDankness

    Is it just me or is this(pics) F#@KING SHWAG?!?!?!

    Alright final post on the subject here people. The bag is not worth $50. I got ripped off. I have paid 200 an ounce for bud that would blow this shit out of the water. End of story.
  4. TheDankness

    Is it just me or is this(pics) F#@KING SHWAG?!?!?!

    we were arguing about whether or not its shwag, I don't blame her for getting ripped off at all.
  5. TheDankness

    Is it just me or is this(pics) F#@KING SHWAG?!?!?!

    I am honestly shocked you are sticking up for this guy, do you like getting ripped off or something? Trust me it costs him maybe $2 to produce what he sold me.
  6. TheDankness

    Is it just me or is this(pics) F#@KING SHWAG?!?!?!

    haven't smoked any dude, I'm thinking about asking the guy myself for my money back. You seem to want to start a fight here, why is everyone assuming I blame my girl for this?
  7. TheDankness

    Is it just me or is this(pics) F#@KING SHWAG?!?!?!

    I would NEVER beat my girlfriend, I love her to death, we've been together almost two years.
  8. TheDankness

    Is it just me or is this(pics) F#@KING SHWAG?!?!?!

    This dude grows it, its 100% profit for him and it makes me sick to think about it.
  9. TheDankness

    Is it just me or is this(pics) F#@KING SHWAG?!?!?!

    Well sorry donald trump, I'm a college student and 50 dollars is a lot of money to me. I haven't negative repped anyone, just so you all know. Later.
  10. TheDankness

    Is it just me or is this(pics) F#@KING SHWAG?!?!?!

    I NEVER yelled at my girlfriend for it, I blame the dealer entirely. If anything I'm taking out my frustrations on some of *you* and I apologize. I have no idea why any of you are paying 50+ dollars for weed like this though. I consider my reputation to be tarnished for paying 50 for this...
  11. TheDankness

    Is it just me or is this(pics) F#@KING SHWAG?!?!?!

    Not having pot is no excuse to pay ridiculous prices like 50 an eighth for absolute shit. I can smell your desperation from here, I hope you take someone with you when you shop for cars... If you honestly wish you were me right now, I feel sorry for you.
  12. TheDankness

    Is it just me or is this(pics) F#@KING SHWAG?!?!?!

    Please don't call me a fool. If you think 50 dollars is a fair price for nug you're part of the problem. Doesn't anyone ever even think about how low production cost is for mary? The mark ups are fucking ridiculous. The only reason I pay it is because I have no other option.
  13. TheDankness

    Is it just me or is this(pics) F#@KING SHWAG?!?!?!

    50 is standard for an eighth of nug where I'm from, but this is NOT nug. Not in the very least... god I'm still fuming about it. I wanted my money back but my girlfriend won't do it. I'm afraid if I see the asshole that sold it to her I won't be able to prevent myself from punching him in the...
  14. TheDankness

    Is it just me or is this(pics) F#@KING SHWAG?!?!?!

    I am so fucking pissed off right now. My girlfriend just picked up an eighth from her friend for me, 50 dollars of my hard earned fucking money. When I spend 50 on an eighth I AT LEAST expect to get nugs. This is absolute shit, all you folks out there in Cali thank your lucky stars you don't...
  15. TheDankness

    I plug in my lights and poof, the curcuit breaker blows

    I bet its faulty wiring, sounds like a short to me. That's not really even close to enough wattage to trip your standard breaker unless there's a short somewhere. Make sure you wired your hot and neutral lines correctly.
  16. TheDankness

    Aero garden

    I would think not to add any nutes if she's drooping. I always see plants droop when they are over watered, or over-nuted. I don't think I've ever seen a plant droop from lack of nutrients, the lower leaves would probably slowly start to yellow and fall off first.
  17. TheDankness

    2nd Grow: Organic Bagseed CFL Coco Grow

    Update: January 10, 2009 Some new things are going to be happening coming up that are going to drastically change this grow. My girlfriend and I are planning on moving in the spring, her sister is moving with her husband and they want us to live in their house until they find a buyer. I don't...
  18. TheDankness

    Aero garden

    It should be because its operating from AC electricity, any device operating on AC is constantly switching on and off. Everything you own that's plugged into a wall outlet is operating at 120v AC 60htz (unless it has some sort of internal or remote power supply, which many devices do have)...
  19. TheDankness

    Energy savers/large rechargable batteries for lighting

    Duuuuuude give it a fucking rest...:wall: Maybe you should spend your time building that Schwinn power plant you've been raving about. I bet all those 10' plants in your greenhouse are just starved for that massive 200 watter you plan on lighting them with. I'm just saying, you might as well...
  20. TheDankness

    2nd Grow: Organic Bagseed CFL Coco Grow

    Update: January 07, 2009 Another pic update today, all four seedlings are doing well and starting to take off. You can see that the SS, although its the oldest plant, is looking like its going to be passed up in size by GS1. GS1 is a fast grower, probably another fucking male. GI1 is looking...