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  1. Drgreenz

    Are my police growin???

    idk, the only security i know of is the card reader to get in(they go through my ranges gate) other than that there is electricity for lights on the range but i have walked every inch of that place not to mention helped with half the building projects out there and have never seem any glimpse of...
  2. Drgreenz

    Small white worms in soil

    could be; good one.
  3. Drgreenz

    Small white worms in soil

    Post some pics. for the most part worms are generally good, now if they are little fat grubs then yea toast em.
  4. Drgreenz

    Are my police growin???

    whoooaa now lets not start talking bout ruining a perfectly good crop lol. Nah the gun range isn't my personal one i belong to a private club that owns it. As far as the cop range goes, i have never seen anyone there that was not a cop, no caretakers/property managers nothin but cops, and when...
  5. Drgreenz

    plants about a week into flowering, i left lights on??

    I would just go back to their normal schedule, it might stunt the flowering a little bit but they should recover so long as the extra lighting isnt an ongoing thing throughout flowering.
  6. Drgreenz

    favorite beer?

    if you like shocktop try fat tire, its awsome. My favorites are 1. guinness, 2. fat tire, 3. killians, 4. shock top
  7. Drgreenz

    Are my police growin???

    I hate thieves but my thing is "is that shit gona be used to set up other people for their busts?" the cops around here make all their busts by setting up people then hitting them for buying. If thats the case then idk maybe they should not have it lol.
  8. Drgreenz

    Are my police growin???

    nah this cant be a true gov grow, they are at a gun range lol it is police property with no public access. they were legit pot though when i found em, here are some pics of the area.
  9. Drgreenz

    Are my police growin???

    Yea the range is all actual police property too so i know know one else would have the balls to stage a grow there lol. The best part is that the entrance into it is inside my range which is a private range and you need a key card to get in so the cops dont lock their side at all, and they have...
  10. Drgreenz

    Are my police growin???

    nah they are on the upside of the range by the parking area(behind where you stand to shoot) not downrange.
  11. Drgreenz

    Are my police growin???

    Yea as summer goes on im gona keep checking it out maybe take some pics and yes if they are there again ill take all that shit when they are ready! no need for the pigs to have that stuff. :)
  12. Drgreenz

    Are my police growin???

    Ok so my gun range buts up against the Federal Cartridge proving grounds(30kacres of bullet testing) and a police range. Last fall i went "exploring" around the police side and maybe 15-25 meters into the bush there were hundreds yes hundreds of plant growing in full flower. At first i figured...
  13. Drgreenz

    what do cops do when they ....

    It depends more on where you live. If it is an area know for growing then yea 6 plants aint shit, but if you are in a place not know for it or have a really small know nothing backwoods PD then they might wait for you just so they can add a grow op bust to their rep.
  14. Drgreenz

    NORML Breaking News: Marijuana Legalization Bills Introduced In Massachusetts!

    This most likely wont pass... but, thats not the point, ive already talked with some congressmen and they say it passing is not the big thing, but the fact that it will give a precedence in future legislative sessions and in other states as well, and opens the groundwork for real legislative...
  15. Drgreenz

    Growing big buds...

    ps: it didnt really "fatten" up my buds a whole lot maybe 15% or so but the amount of trichs seem to double each time i use it lol(could just be the strain). good luck let us know how it works for you.
  16. Drgreenz

    Growing big buds...

    make sure it is "blackstrap molasses" that is the most unrefined and easily used by plants. I put 1 tablespoon per gallon of water to start and do it every 4 or 5 day then over a few weeks move to 2 or 3 tablespoons per gallon and use that water every second or third watering.
  17. Drgreenz

    Does curring get you higher?

    CBD's and other starches and sugars in the plant.
  18. Drgreenz


    The big thing here is to just make sure the nite time temps dont really fall below 60-65. if its warmer than that it should be fine, maybe a temporary stunt while it gets used to its new enviroment.
  19. Drgreenz

    Got a problem need advice

    If the temps at nite drop below 60-65 often i would not put them outside. the light change wont kill them but the temp change could very easily.
  20. Drgreenz

    Lose your property for growing food?

    You guys need to look up agenda 21(UN population agenda to set the human population at 500million.) and watch these and put it all together.