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  1. Drgreenz

    Should I get a Medical Marijuana Card if I'm in Med School

    So long as your in school you will be fine, once you start your internship and residency though you wont be allowed to unless your working out of some small clinic maybe.
  2. Drgreenz

    If you only had 2-5 minutes before the cops came.....

    yup if ya got a warrant by all means come in sit down have some coffee. lol but if you don't well its like the sticker on my front door says, "This house protected by GLOCK" lol
  3. Drgreenz

    Global Warming... Oops, I'm Sorry It's Now Called CLIMATE CHANGE :lol:

    i still dont see how these global warming nuts say co2 is bad, co2 is a main food source for plants which would make the earth a "better" place. The denser the co2 levels in the atmoshpere, the denser the vegatation can grow. Plus man made carbon emisssions has nothing to do with it. When Mt...
  4. Drgreenz

    If you only had 2-5 minutes before the cops came.....

    all i have to say is if I don't know you don't think you can enter my home. But then again i dont grow(dont need to) so unless its Obama's antigun patrol i dont think i have to worry lol.
  5. Drgreenz

    Can you clone from a clone and so on?

    a clone genetically speaking is the same plant as the mother, so no matter how many generations of clones later, they are genetically still the same plant.
  6. Drgreenz

    Best Food When High

    taco bell.
  7. Drgreenz

    This is kinda scary...

    How long until there are people rioting in the streets, how long until there is open revolt?
  8. Drgreenz

    $50 hit list.

    How bout the entire house, senate, exectutive branches. hell then we can start with gore, peta, fema heads too.
  9. Drgreenz

    This is kinda scary...

    All I can say is that yesterday morning when Obama told him to resign, our government crossed a very important line. No longer are they socialist, that is the very definition of fascism. Welcome to the Socialist States of America
  10. Drgreenz

    WTF Is Our Country Doing?

    I think you may have mistaken a lot of what I said being metaphors and euphemisms(ie. the people = the government, ect) I was talking about how so many people are more than willing to give up the right to become what they want and more importantly the right to fail, for a politician telling them...
  11. Drgreenz

    What's your theory of life, the Universe and everything...

    Just think about it, every single atom in every cell of your body has been in existance since the beginning of the universe(whatever theory you believe ) There is more energy in the atoms in one human body than there is being released as electricity by all the power plants on earth combined...
  12. Drgreenz

    Your Drink Of Choice

    Guinness any time of day anywhere i am lol
  13. Drgreenz

    favorite beer?

    If you like a good skunky beer try any of the Summit company's, i swear those guys go through more hops on each bottle than Hienneken does on a whole batch.
  14. Drgreenz

    So the kid upstairs odor's are "Seeping"

    Hell offer him a smoke to make him feel safe. lol
  15. Drgreenz

    So the kid upstairs odor's are "Seeping"

    Just tell him, "Hey man I like the idea of your own small grow but if I can smell it I think maybe others will to and Im not about gettin people busted, need some help or ideas on what to do with the smell?" something along those lines, hell maybe you will get a good friend/hook up/ potential...
  16. Drgreenz

    After day 1 of harvest

    congrats that harvest is looking good so far. +rep
  17. Drgreenz

    weed beer

    better yet they make whats called a hops filter, it basically filters all the beer through a tower of hops and you could replace the hops with buds maybe.
  18. Drgreenz

    weed beer

    Put it in before it starts to ferment, hops and weed are in the same genus so it should work out pretty good. I would use buds though idk bout shake/leaves
  19. Drgreenz

    WTF Is Our Country Doing?

    This evening I stood outside my back door and as I gaze out across an open field and into the distant trees I find myself wondering how in a world so vast and so intertwined would I turn a country into one unified front in which I am above all else. A country in which I was their Messiah, I was...
  20. Drgreenz

    H.r. 1388 - g.i.v.e

    its "good citizen camp" or fema camp, either way your fucked lol.