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    question about grow lights

    HPS - High Pressure Sodium MH - Metal Halide Both can be used. HPS is better for flowering since it provides the red color of the light spectrum MH are better for vegging since it puts out the blue color of the light spectrum
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    Effects of topping AFTER seeing white hairs..

    see when the plant begins flowering it uses the energy stored in its leaves to produce flowers(buds) chopping off leaves now could cause stress and possibly even hermie the plant leave em alone... next time remember to top them in veg once the 5th node of sun leaves present themselves.
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    Small Bagseed will germinate?

    good seeds, if you look at them closely they are tiger-stripped brown and black
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    Is My Joint Compound Buckets Big Enough?

    well if the roots have more room they will grow further and ultimately increase the size of your plant as well! so its up to you if you wanna upgrade pot sizes!
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    first time grower $200 to spend

    you wont even come close to spending half that if you go the way i did! i found 4 pieces of cardboard about 3' x 3'. went to walmart got some chrome gift wrap paper and neatly applied it to each piece of cardboard with clear scotch tape. then i went to home depot and bought 4 clamp lamp light...
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    soil or nutrients?
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    wut cycle? veg or flower? i'd say shitty for both personally! if you wanna use a plant food from miracle grow stick with Miracle Grow Tomato Plant Food for veg and either Miracle Grow Rose Food or Miracle Grow Bloom Booster for flowering! IMO
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    Small Bagseed will germinate?

    9 times out of ten the expectancy of seeds that are white or black(not tiger-striped) are slim to none!. they might germ but i would just stick to getting better seeds. make your time worth it!
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    Are my plants going to die?

    and they dont grow taller due to darkness! they grow taller when you place the light further away from the plants although you dont want you plants stem to be weak and top-heavy so its better to keep the light as close as you can to the plant! just make sure if using H.I.D. lights you arent...
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    Are my plants going to die?

    have a diagnosis, solution and tip! Diagnosis: well if the plant started off with the tips of the leaves being yellow and slowly spreading down the leaves i would say this is a Nitrogen(N) defficiency. if this isnt a Nitrogen(N) defficiency and the plants leaves began with yellow spots and...
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    you will soon enough! i remember waiting for my mothers to be at a good maturity to clone now i...

    you will soon enough! i remember waiting for my mothers to be at a good maturity to clone now i keep it on constant flow........ everyone hates me cus i always got that killer but i wont sell any of it! haha haters! so besides this what are your interests?
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    Too much iron my plants are drooping.

    when using you water for feeding, do you leave the water out with the cap off for at least 24 hours?
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    drying out need help with pictures

    also you shouldnt be watering once a day! that could be causing your plants to wilt too! over-watering leads to root rot, root-rot turns to death! buy a moisture wand while your out too, this will drastically help you with proper watering schedules
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    drying out need help with pictures

    you answered your own question! if you are constantly running 2 fans directly on the plants, they are eventually going to dry out! leave your fans on but make sure they dont point directly at the plants. 2nd, buy a thermometer w/ hygrometer to measure your humidity levels. Mary Jane likes the...
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    When it rains

    anytime homie
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    First Grow. Odd leaf curling. Ahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Plz Help

    Leaf problem: Not enough moisture, Mary likes her humidity between 40% - 50% Solution: Cool Mist Humidifier/De-Humidifier or place a cereal bowl of water in your grow area Holes in the Leaves problem: Could be bugs, I don't know of anything else that would create holes in your plants leaves...
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    foliar feeding

    yes dishwashing detergent will work just fine just dont over do it!
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    Moving Plants Outside from Inside??

    problem is... if you chop down your girls too early the canabanoids and other psychoactive chemicals in the plant which create potency wont take place. thats why a certain time is place on every strains flowering cycle!
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    hey whats going on?

    hey whats going on?
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    yea you can transplant at any time as long as the roots are big enough to hold together the soil the plant sits in. Most important is what the person above me said! Dont rip the dirt off the root system!! another good tip is when you tap the pot and remove the plant, while the plants still in an...