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  1. S

    it is best not to top your plant if its in the flowering cycle.

    it is best not to top your plant if its in the flowering cycle.
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    Sex of my babies???

    u cannot tell the sex of the plant until you put it into flowering(12 hours of light/12 hours of dark). After a week or so of flowering you will be able to tell if the plant is male or female. If your plants show little white hairs at the tops of the leaves and the armpits of the branches then...
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    What's wrong with the babies?

    well from the looks of the bottom set of leaves it looks like the plant is suffering from Nitrogen(N) defficiency. add a little Blood Meal/Worm Castings/Bat Guano or Fish Emulsion to your soil. 1/3 of the packages recommended dosage only otherwise you could burn you plants. Another problem i see...
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    sorry to ask... brown spots

    lots of ideas actually... here they are 1.) Moisture Issue: if the light is too close to the plant it will draw moisture from the leaves, drying them out. Solution: If temps are too high make sure to use a fan to push the air around your grow room, also use a an...
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    When should I water?

    go to your local garden shop or even home depot/lowes or an home improvement store and purchase a moisture wand... they cost about $15 but well worth the cost! this will save you a lot of time and root rot! good luck!
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    ordering mylar

    if you feel using/buying mylar is unsafe(which it completely isnt) then just paint your grow room walls flat white(non-gloss) paint. it works just as well!
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    Stop BUGGING me!

    nah no pics... i dont have a camera that has that good of a resolution in order to actually see them.. so neem oil? where do i get this neem oil?
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    Grow Site Busted!!!

    dont go back!
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    Stop BUGGING me!

    Ok so i went into my grow room today(veggy room) and i was taking a closer look at the 4 little girls i have sprouting up. 3 are coming up just the way i wanted them to. the 4th however, when looking closer at the top portion of soil i happened to notice little itty-bitty tiny white bugs...
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    my first time be gentle

    the lowryder strain is a great strain! either that or trainwreck!
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    table for one please

    cfl's or Metal Halide lights for veg cfl's or High Pressure Sodium for flowering grow box dimensions around 2' deep x 3' long x 5' high distilled water pH test kit timers thermometer fan mylar or sum other reflective surface and the products you need to build your box
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    HELP, My plant fell

    first of all if you are growing it indoors you will need to put it under artificial light. there are so many factors that play into window sill growing. once you have the plant under artificial light keep the light as close to the plant as possible.. this will keep the plant from stretching out...
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    during flowering? hmmm... not sure about that but during the vegative cycle, in order to top a plant wait until the plant grows its 5th node then chop off the top right above the 4th node this will cause the plant to grow 2 cola's instead of 1. you can repreat this process several times. Top...
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    Mystik newbie here

    well you could always keep the plant you have thats still healthy, growing and keep it as your mother plant... all you have to do from there is take a cutting, clone it, veg it till it sprouts roots then stick it in your flowering room. this way you can keep your mother plant growing to it full...
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    MH to HPS conversion bulbs

    for fatter buds ur gonna need a hps since flowering requires more reddish/orange color light... metal halide gives off purplish/ blue which is optimum for veg growth, buy a new ballast and save urself time & money!
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    advanced nutrients sensi grow HELP!!

    rule of thumb with any nutes is always start ur plants by feeding em them 1/3 strength of wut the directions tell u and with every feeding gradually increase the dosage! hope that helps homeboy!
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    sprouts curling up.. wut is wrong?

    o and watering schedule goes like this... water once every other day & let the soil drain thoroughly
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    sprouts curling up.. wut is wrong?

    ok so here we go..! i germinated my seeds a week and 1 day today.. 5 germed and thru the sprout cycle only 3 survived. already off 2 a bad start! so now 1 had 2 b braced since it was stretching(moved the lites closer now she's ok), 1 is a week out of the soil and still real real tiny but doing...
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    Can you please Diagose My Plant

    so wut exactly do u need help with? and wut type of lites are u using? hps? mh? cfl?
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    Questions about pruning

    i wouldnt prune either... unless you're talking about topping the plant.. if u top it once, 2 cola's will grow, once the 2 cola's grow out about 2 inches top both of those & u will get 4 cola's and so on.. i doubt ur talking about pruning the plants