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  1. smokeybandit22

    Nitrogen Overdose? Other Defeciency?

    if u r gonna use distilled water I would suggest you pick up some calmag for additional supplementaion. plants use alot of Mg and Ca throughout theri lifetime and many times just not enough in the nute bottles
  2. smokeybandit22

    Nitrogen Overdose? Other Defeciency?

    call ur water company and ask them if they add buffers to the water supply-this would explain such a drastic swing in ur ph. also, that plant in the back in the first pic looks like she is going n deficienct early
  3. smokeybandit22


    u got something going here. these plants should look a deeper green and i can see the purpling starting on the leaf margins-these symptoms signify a nitrogen deficiency. being so young and considering already ferts in the soil, you should check the runoff ph and make sure N isnt getting locked...
  4. smokeybandit22

    Advise for FIRST Timers

    awesome roseman. thanks. am gonna try it tonight
  5. smokeybandit22

    Advise for FIRST Timers

    I also heard Sea Monkeys (brine shrimp) works wonders on the eco environment for hydro
  6. smokeybandit22

    Advise for FIRST Timers

    wait. so can I or cant I use Cat piss for extra N during flowering? all seriouness, nice post, somone needs to say it. should be in a BIG sticky labeled 'Etiquette'-Im sure that Johhny guy will correct the spelling.
  7. smokeybandit22

    Nitrogen Overdose? Other Defeciency?

    ok looking at the new pic, indica is more like it. soaking up those amount of nutes in a short period of time will show burn in a couple of days. flushing is good idea to remove the salt buil ups as well. Unless ur water is hard, over 250ppms, I would use tap b/c there is a small amount of trace...
  8. smokeybandit22

    Nitrogen Overdose? Other Defeciency?

    man you gotta check everyday with DWC. it is the best method to grow with least maintanence but you gotta be vigil. That being said, your plants look real healthy and somewhat happy. Being a dominant Sativa, that leaf curling and cupping is a sure sign of overfert. ur ppms are very very high for...
  9. smokeybandit22

    4 weeks into flowering but no crystals

    you wont really see trichome formation until the 5th week. smell from the release of terpantines more prevelant later in flowering. handle the plant abit and you will smell it.
  10. smokeybandit22

    Help with some Diagnostics.

    judging by the two pics I would go with overfert over underwatering for sure. the plant is an overall very dark green instead of the lighter healthier happy color. those leaf edges could be nute burn or a calcium deficiency, hard to tell with those pics. have you flushed the res in the past 2...
  11. smokeybandit22

    is my Fertz #'s anygood

    those look like some good ratios. I wouldnt worry bout the extra K, the plant will need it when entering flowering.
  12. smokeybandit22

    Yellow dots and brown deformed top leafs?

    and u r gonna want to pick up a bllom formula that has a much lower N value soon
  13. smokeybandit22

    Yellow dots and brown deformed top leafs?

    judging by the overall light green of your plant it looks on the verg of an n deficiency, waiting will worsen the plants condition. 1/4 strengt now should be fine. if you were nute burn and not deficienct I would say wait. but she is hungry. i would go with 1/2 strength
  14. smokeybandit22

    First time grow pics; opinions welcome

    for starters they look healthy. I would venture to say that they are on the borderline if not already overferted. stop the nutes for a while. they should be a nice deep healthy green-ur are on the darker side. the tips of those affected plant looks like nute burn.
  15. smokeybandit22

    Planted Single Seed Got 10 Sprouts?

    those dont look like weeds to me. u can clearly see the cotyledons
  16. smokeybandit22

    Brown black spots yellowing edges

    sounds like an mg problem. if the browning was on the edges more likely potassium, but mg deficiencies are pretty common. can be fixed using epsom salts
  17. smokeybandit22

    Yellow dots and brown deformed top leafs?

    flushing is your best bet. you say that you water every other day with nutes. this means your soil is probably drying out too quickly which can quickly lead to salt build up from the ferts especially that u r feeding with every water. i would only feed every other water and get your temps down...
  18. smokeybandit22

    Verizon FIOS

    the rea question is...why wouldnt you just reschedule the appt with them if you were one week from harvest? you could have had everything clipped and stored by than, thus avoiding this headache. half pound must mean at least 3 plants if not more, would u think they would not smell it? ripening...
  19. smokeybandit22

    Growing In North Carolina

    look on the Norml website-all state info is listed
  20. smokeybandit22

    htgsupply taking forever to ship

    you may have a point here. I have ordered from them in the past, they took awhile to ship. One set I have had no issues with. The other set, the bulb blew in a week and the cord plug going into the ballast melted/corroded. This was a the 600W HPS with digital ballast. I will say that thier bulbs...