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  1. smokeybandit22

    really really slow going..

    that Mg soil is probably very acidic. what is the ph or your runoff?
  2. smokeybandit22


    no nutes in that soil right? seedlings need a decent amount of P during this stage-first signs of p deficiency are leave tips doing 'the twist'. there should be enough reserves in the cotyledons to supply the plant with what it needs so I would check acidity of your soil. cant really add any...
  3. smokeybandit22

    Yellowing leaves in flower

    looking like these guys? if so follow same advice
  4. smokeybandit22

    Week 4 flower - N deficiency?

    just not too much. u want to control the yellowing at this point until final 2 weeks before harvest. otherwise they look good and no other signs of issues that I can see. yellowing is normal towarss the ends so no panic, just next time keep em on the veg until week 3 or 4. alot of growers...
  5. smokeybandit22

    Week 4 flower - N deficiency?

    yeah, u cut the veg too early. you can give em 1/4 -1/2 strength veg nutes for next 2 weeks or so- I do also notice the start of a P deficiency noted by some of the lower fans that have turned bronze and whose tps are doing 'the P twist'. maybe want to up ur bllom ferts a tad as well
  6. smokeybandit22

    do i have a problem?

    instead of flushing maybe just empty half the res and dilute it. unless the brown edge gets worse but you should post a pic of it.
  7. smokeybandit22

    really really slow going..

    poor circulation/lack of fresh air is a possible cause.
  8. smokeybandit22

    Need help**Pics**

    looks like they are ready to be fed. the lif tips curling and starting to twist is indicitive of a starting P deficiency. also ur humididty looks on the low side, hence the droopiness and fringed leaf edges. also indicitive of mg deficiency so 1/2 strentgh nutes should do wonders. good for you...
  9. smokeybandit22

    nitrogen def

    even easier-leave your veg nute schedule for the first week of flowering thancut your veg nutes in half add 1/2 bloom and in 2 weeks cut veg to 1/4 and 3/4 bloom than zero and full last 3 weeks. seems you have a strain that likes to be kept fed
  10. smokeybandit22

    strange pale and blotchy leafs

    those flowering plants- 2 diff strains right? and is it the bag seed that has the blotchy leaves? also, those clones look on the big side, although there is no set size limit, just persona preference. I would however recomend that if u r gona take them that big to do it 2 weeks prior to...
  11. smokeybandit22

    do i have a problem?

    honestly, they look small for three weeks. you may be watering too much. is that rockwool drying out at all in between waterings? ur nute mix looks ok at those ppms. try cutting your watering times in half and see what happens.
  12. smokeybandit22

    strange pale and blotchy leafs

    all of the exisiting leaves on a clone have yellowed all the time for me. my theory is the plant using up it's reserve food sources. you say no nutes for the mama that you put into flowering right. the first pic on the latest pic? for 3 1/2 weeks they look good but dont know if it is the light...
  13. smokeybandit22

    :DHeYY GuYzz!!:D WaTz ur AvErAgE GrOw aNd HoW LoNg DoEs iT LaSt U!!!??

    ok, this guy doesnt even smoke mj. Im calling bullshit on this wierdo. check out his other posts
  14. smokeybandit22

    strange pale and blotchy leafs

    yeah, I did read your post thoroughly. and the reason for overwatering or overnuting is b/c there are not that many others things it could be. obviously. the tips of your plant's leaves are yellow and necrotic. which does not signal a deficiency but the opposite. if all ur other plants are fine...
  15. smokeybandit22

    circadian cycle, phytochromes, florigen manipulation

    man that is a FREAKY avatar. cant stop staring at it. how the hell they do that?
  16. smokeybandit22

    Hermie ALERT - take a look and help me out!

    seeds from a naturally occuring hermie will have a hiher ratio of hermies than a female that was forced to turn hermie to produce seeds.
  17. smokeybandit22

    Hermie ALERT - take a look and help me out!

    dude, your plant is covered with male flowers, pollen sacs, pistols. no way to pluck the off. this is not ur usual 'intersexed' plant with mainly female flowers and a few male flowers. looks 50/50 to me.
  18. smokeybandit22

    Hermie ALERT - take a look and help me out!

    hate imageshack. that is a true hermie. remove if you have other females. will still make some smokable bud but it will def get very seeded.
  19. smokeybandit22

    strange pale and blotchy leafs

    stupid is as stupid does I guess. tryin to help. why would overwatering be stupid? overwatering will cause ur issues if not nutes.
  20. smokeybandit22

    ph kits

    nevermind, thought you said soil. u will need proper ph test kit with up and down. did u try ur local pet store?