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  1. smokeybandit22

    What might be stressing my Hemi here?

    ok stimie, your plants look like total crap. your 'healthy' one is on its way to looking like the rest. was just trying to help, you obviously have some major issues going on, with your plants too. ur plants resemble nothing like anything I have seen at 90+ days of flowering.
  2. smokeybandit22

    whats up with this plant?

    mg will will work in a very diluted strength. r there nutes in that soil? you may want to upgrade to better quality nutes in a month. remember very low strength
  3. smokeybandit22

    First grow.. we need help please!! (pics)

    looks like you are having some significant nute issues- for one I can see mg deficiency and that copper badning looks very much like boron although that is rare. somethings up here and I think ur temps may be on the high side as well. gonna say your runoff ph is very very low
  4. smokeybandit22

    whats up with this plant?

    hungry gals u got there. i would feed em a little veg and a little bloom nutes- the bloom b/c they need some p and k in decent dosages
  5. smokeybandit22

    Slight curling of tips and slight yellowing

    have you checked the ph of your rain water?
  6. smokeybandit22

    expert advice? which nutrient combination do i choose? +rep

    how do you like those super bloomers? do you notice a difference in yield versus without?
  7. smokeybandit22

    What might be stressing my Hemi here?

    didnt say nute burn. overfert does not always wind up with the plants buring. I think there are some issues with your grow room including temps and ventilation. these gals do not look anywhere near what they are supposed to even for a hermie. possibly a light leak. the first three pics there are...
  8. smokeybandit22

    expert advice? which nutrient combination do i choose? +rep

    5-15-14 is what I would go with. everything else seems to high. If you have been feeding them 20-20-20 chances are their N levels are high enough going into flowering that yellowing should not be a problem. you could use this to the end as the others ratios of N is just too high IMO. no need for...
  9. smokeybandit22

    Tips curling, crunchy leaves help!!!!

    judging by the dark green almost leathery leaves I would venture too much N in this stage of flowering. I agree flushing will be best followed by immediate feed of bloom nutes. no more N nutes.
  10. smokeybandit22

    What might be stressing my Hemi here?

    good just makin sure. what r your temps? those gals look dried out
  11. smokeybandit22

    PH water level keeps changing

    I would say your meter needs calibrating. if water company says 7 than why would it be 4 out of the tap? many water supplies do add in buffers to stabilize the ph but they are not that strong and should not cause those fluctuations
  12. smokeybandit22

    need help with temps

    seems like yo have it nailed. optimal daytime temps 73-82 with nighttime diff of 10 degrees or so. I keep mine at 64 at night with no noticible issues. when you start getting into the 50;s you will have problems.
  13. smokeybandit22

    Help!!! Fire Inspections

    probably not much in Ca. Im sure they see many a grow op. why dont you get a medical card and free to grow a shitload?
  14. smokeybandit22


    u need a digital ppm meter. 40 bucks or so on ebay
  15. smokeybandit22

    What's your average yield per plant???

    3-6 per plant-avg of 5. veg for a month or so, end up at 3 feet or so. 2 plants to one 400 or 600 hps.
  16. smokeybandit22

    ph kits

    the first leaves, the cotyledons, are the seedlings primary reserve nute source for first weeks of growth. chances are if they are yellowed and drained, than some light feeding would be in order. and those moisture meters are known to be very ver unreliable, especially for ph.
  17. smokeybandit22

    ph kits

    gotcha. first nuting time for a seedling can be very tricky. got to keep in mind that 1/3rd strength of those npk's is really like full strength with NPK's range of normal of 5-2-2 or something like that for veg. ur generally right about the dark green and yellow leaves, just that too much can...
  18. smokeybandit22

    What might be stressing my Hemi here?

    damn dude, they look fried in that first pic. I would bet your veg nutes too high and bloom nutes too low.