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  1. smokeybandit22

    plant super droopy when lights on with pics!

    give one of em some fresh water and she if she picks up. also that light is intense so maybe back it up a bit for awhile
  2. smokeybandit22

    clones starting to flower already?

    at 340 ppms, ur water seems very hard. u r gonna have to do something about that. an overload of mg and/or ca in that water will lead to lockout of Zinc. as long as your lighting is 18/6 or 24/24 than they will revert back to veg. the clones must have been taken from flowering female about 2-3...
  3. smokeybandit22

    Plant Sickness need help! Pics

    easy, there are several products that contain just potassium silicate which is like 0-0-5 and adds exra silicone as well. one label is Growtek or Growtech. for soil, wood ash works but are very acidic. low nitrogen will turn the leaf pale green very slowly. low K issues will turn the edges...
  4. smokeybandit22

    leaf tip

    sounds like u need to let your tap sit out a day or two to remove excess chlorine
  5. smokeybandit22

    Plant Sickness need help! Pics

    what do you mean you just cut the tops off? your problem is K or potassium. and lack of nitrogen. potassium the leave edges will burn and turn necrotic and low N will make the yellowing from K excessive. dont flush again. they need some quality bloom ferts and some veg ferts now as well. u need...
  6. smokeybandit22

    Dutchmasters Reverse,a study of hermie's.

    the shit works, but you have to administer it propely, meaning right before flowering and 10 days or so into it. becareful with the penetrator the mix is like 10 of reverse to 1 of penetrator. spraying in the middle of flowering actually makes it much worse. sprayed propely, you may still find...
  7. smokeybandit22

    Yellowing leaves in flower

    if the leaves are fading evenly, than like we said, give it some N. if it is not uniform, and starting round the edges, may be something else. post some more pics
  8. smokeybandit22

    strange pale and blotchy leafs

    my bad, I misread. how those girls in flower doin?
  9. smokeybandit22

    clones starting to flower already?

    woah, those ppms are very high, not low at all. those wisped leaf tips sure sign of zinc deficiency from being way over ferted causing lockout. ppms should be around 300-400 depending on hardness of your water. they will start burning soon for sure. my 2 cents
  10. smokeybandit22

    ph kits

    woah dude, there is a general rule of thumb of no nutes until 3rd or 4th node and/or 3rd week of life. they are overfert with those ratios of NPK
  11. smokeybandit22

    Heat Stress? Overwatering? I'm lost!

    that last pic looks like sure sign of over fert. sure there arent any nutes in the soil?
  12. smokeybandit22

    strange pale and blotchy leafs

    nah man, you said u always run into this problem even though they grow out of it. why not next time start em in soil without any nutes. bet the problem goes away
  13. smokeybandit22

    :DHeYY GuYzz!!:D WaTz ur AvErAgE GrOw aNd HoW LoNg DoEs iT LaSt U!!!??

    I thought middle easterners did not like PORK
  14. smokeybandit22

    ph kits

    if there are no nutes in that soil I would say they are ready for some at very very low strength. also, watch out as that mulch you have will make your soil very acidic. add some fine dolomite lime to the top layer of soil to help buffer your ph
  15. smokeybandit22

    nitrogen def

    most strains need a good amount of N during the first 3 weeks of flower which to me is the most critical time as the hormones change and the plant biochemistry undergoes major changes. you see many many posts about early yellowing in flower-prob the most posted item-usually b/c they switch to...
  16. smokeybandit22

    strange pale and blotchy leafs

    have to go with your gut than. sorry cant be more helpful-funny no one else wants to chime in here. do you think maybe the soil is drying too fast? if this happens, the EC of the soil can rise dramatcially. since you dont think it is the nutes, and not overwatering, than has to be something...
  17. smokeybandit22

    Need help**Pics**

    true, true, just dont over do it and start slow. they look great
  18. smokeybandit22

    is it lock out or a deficiancy, plese help.

    about a cup mixed into the top layer of soil should do it
  19. smokeybandit22

    Im intrested in opening a headshop...questions about local laws

    exactly what Grotech said ontop of searching google. So it seems his advice was spot on.
  20. smokeybandit22

    is it lock out or a deficiancy, plese help.

    they r looking good but a little stretchy. anyway to add some more light? the pics u posted resemble a K deficiency, or possibly mg or both. the molasses and epsom salts will work. but I would not be foliar feeding them at this point. u want to be careful and not feedem too much N at this point...