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  1. smokeybandit22

    strange pale and blotchy leafs

    sure there are no nutes in the soil? if not, I would go with overwatering
  2. smokeybandit22

    :DHeYY GuYzz!!:D WaTz ur AvErAgE GrOw aNd HoW LoNg DoEs iT LaSt U!!!??

    sounds like you are 'reaching' here. Also, looking at your others posts make me think you have other motives than growing.
  3. smokeybandit22

    sugar yeast mix in cloneing dome?

    I wouldnt do it, it will be a breeding gground for bacteria and mold, exactly what you dont want in a high humidity tent. if anything, they need more 02 for root development than anything
  4. smokeybandit22

    Tips of leaves yellowing on 2 week old plant

    the leaves are supposed to look like they are strecthing a bit. maximum surface area for light. it is the stalk you dont want stretching too much internodely
  5. smokeybandit22

    All 3 plants are sick - see **PICS**

    if it has only been a few days, than they need more time to use their reserves stored up. that yellowing looks like the same over fert-besides n def starts with lower leaves. leave em be, hang in there and dont clip leaves until they are 50-75% dead
  6. smokeybandit22

    too much air = drooping leaves?

    I stand corrected.
  7. smokeybandit22

    nitrogen def

    I disagree to a degree with lampshade. when u flushed, if you did not feed immediately you made the problem worse. if you flush again now, than you will make the problem worse. not much you can do at this point but it is very normal for most strains to yellow even in the presence of proper N...
  8. smokeybandit22

    purple edges on leaves

    plants use alot of P during seedling stage so could use some. problem is finding nutes with good level of P and low N and K that would otherwise burn them. if u r using soil, try wood ashes but do measure your ph as these are acidic as hell.
  9. smokeybandit22

    leaf problem progression chart

    ur plants are not showing signs of being burnt, exact opposite if you know what you are looking at. they show clear signs of a Mg deficiency-yellowing starting at tip, working way back, rust colored random spots, tip curling down. also from that last pic with the leafs' brown and twisted, sure...
  10. smokeybandit22

    too much air = drooping leaves?

    not likely the circulation. very likely could be the misting-
  11. smokeybandit22

    ph kits

    add some fine dolomite lime to your soil-cheap maybe $3.00 at home depot or lowes
  12. smokeybandit22

    strange pale and blotchy leafs

    looks like over fert/nute burn. plant having trouble making chlorophyl. wouldnt be misting them either
  13. smokeybandit22

    Whats wrong with my babies?

    ppms r parts per million- refers to level of nutes in solution
  14. smokeybandit22

    What is this?

    why did u stop feeding her 2 weeks ago? she is hungry
  15. smokeybandit22

    Whats wrong with my babies?

    I agree that the ppms may be getting on the high side as well
  16. smokeybandit22

    combining ebb and flow with dwc

    I agree with sativaplanet. you have to be real careful with DWC not to keep the medium wet-you can use the drip until the roots are long enough to dip into the res but I wouldnt go further than that. I have tried the combo of both, and most times the roots/plant were not nearly as performing as...
  17. smokeybandit22

    What is this?

    and possibly overwatered judging by the leaves hooking down, flat unhappy
  18. smokeybandit22

    What is this?

    they are hungry dude. not burnt at all. very even yellowing-chlorosis-overall light green plant-otherwise healthy.
  19. smokeybandit22

    I know what my problem is, now I need to know how to fix it....

    I wouldnt transplant them now. usually first or second week of flowering is the latest you would want to. fine dolomite lime 1 cup per gallon, also some perlite or vermiculite will help tremendously. I would say to skip the store brand ferts and opt for something a little more to MJ liking like...
  20. smokeybandit22

    The effects of a small container? will it recover

    and u prob lost a week or 2 with the transplant