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  1. smokeybandit22

    5 weeks into flowering and not much progress

    if it is a dominant sativa than is normal. if dom indica, than have to look at other causes like over fert, temps, etc
  2. smokeybandit22

    Curled wavy ripply and droppy leaves! Please help! DWC

    do they sell aquarime water chillers? the best and most cost and effecient way is to have a fan blowing over the top of the res-will lower temps up to 10 degrees. used to make 'nute ice cubes' in the past when temps were an issue. frozen water bottles suck.instead of changnign ur res., try...
  3. smokeybandit22

    5 days into 12/12 and problems??

    they look good otherwise. sure u r not overwatering? how bout your humidity?
  4. smokeybandit22

    Curled wavy ripply and droppy leaves! Please help! DWC

    ok, I reread your post-didnt see you had 700 ppms listed. I would say that may have been excessive if they are under 4-5 weeks old. will take a few days to show improvement from being over fert. I would leave em at 450 ppms as you have them. the res temps seems a bit on the warmer side but...
  5. smokeybandit22

    My First Hydro - New growth yellowing

    that's a deficiecny for sure. looking like K or Mg or both. normally happens from excessive salt build ups in the res. when was the last time you changed out ur res?
  6. smokeybandit22

    5 days into 12/12 and problems??

    and possibly overwatering with too cold of water
  7. smokeybandit22

    Curled wavy ripply and droppy leaves! Please help! DWC

    pics would help. are you using rockwool or hydroton as your medium? if it is rockwool, than very impt to not let that rockwool get wet-no top feeding either. sounds like you have eveything chimed in. and changing res every 7 days may be excessive. tons of bene microbes that build up in there and...
  8. smokeybandit22

    FAQ about bagseed for noobs!

    u r in pakistan and you are asking us about weed? go get some kush seeds.
  9. smokeybandit22

    help with bagseed plant

    got to be nutes in that soil cause them bitches is mad overfert
  10. smokeybandit22

    1st DWC Grow w/ CFL, any advice?

    good point Islandguy.
  11. smokeybandit22

    Beat the heat(must commercial growers)

    ah nevermind, lame attempt at a joke. I meant that there are 'some' lunatic liberals who speak like he does-jibberish, no sense, no answers, no proof and absolute stupidity. there are 'some' Republicans like this as well. in fact all of congress is this.
  12. smokeybandit22

    3 New Plants in Flowering New Pics, little yellowing need help!!!

    u have a very common issue. they look about 3-5 weeks of flowering and you prob went to flower nutes too soon. The first 3 weeks of flowering is the most critical time in MJ's life. this is where your final tally will be decided to a good extent. I dont see any deficiencies besides N which is a...
  13. smokeybandit22

    Beat the heat(must commercial growers)

    the real question is, why on earth am I and we still entertaining this baffoon? probably a Democrat.
  14. smokeybandit22

    1st DWC Grow w/ CFL, any advice?

    those ppms are too high. I suggest you change to plain h20 for a week. there is plenty of food in the cotyledons. every article I have ever read confirms that nuting before 2-3 weeks will lead to issues. nute burn is the end result after missing the warning signs of over fert, which include...
  15. smokeybandit22

    1st DWC Grow w/ CFL, any advice?

    still a little young for nutes at this point. u want to start feeding them when the cotyledons food storage gets used up, i.e they turn yellow. yes you can get to harvest with those lights but the real question is what will your harvest be with that lighting.
  16. smokeybandit22

    can I get some links or info on cloning???

    here: have to scroll down a bit but there are several techniques you can try.
  17. smokeybandit22

    Beat the heat(must commercial growers)

    and way to Pm me that I am a reject and am gonna get pissed on. How old r u? 12? jerkoff assclown. plain and simple.
  18. smokeybandit22

    Help me prevent a problem....

    I think those levels are ok, although probably better in weeks 3-6 than now. Dont know about plain sugar, most soil growers use molasses-black strap unsulphered
  19. smokeybandit22

    What do you know? Make money?

    hey, way to go man. I applaud your efforts. Here is a good article about plant nutrient metabolism and how problems arise:
  20. smokeybandit22

    Leaves folding Up??

    well looks ike they dont like being sprayed like that. leaves fold like that when humidity is too high and trying to expel as much moisture as possible. they are also starting to yellow-either time to start feeding them at 1/4 strength or if you are feeding them than you are most likely...