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  1. smokeybandit22

    How Long Do You Figure?

    the scopes are $10 at radioshack. looks like you almost have half brown hairs. why not just harvest the top 1/3rd of the plant, EXCEPT FOR THE MAIN COLA AND CLOSE SIDE BRANCHES, and let the rest to finish up? you will get high, she is probably getting close to peak capacity, but just keep in...
  2. smokeybandit22

    Beat the heat(must commercial growers)

    lol. when you pass 2nd grade english we will take you more seriously. who the hell even knows what in the hell you are trying to say.:sleep:
  3. smokeybandit22

    Ailment Quiz!

    np, what ppm's or nute strength are you running?
  4. smokeybandit22

    How Long Do You Figure?

    looking nice and like a sativa. gotta check those trichs but to least 10 days probably more. I wouldnt have started to flush so soon.
  5. smokeybandit22

    got some sick looking leafs :(

    if it has spread to the smaller fans next in line age wise on the branches, good chance is either K or mg. either one exhibits almost the same thing until later in the deficiency.
  6. smokeybandit22

    why is my 2 week old s tips turning yellow n brown

    agreed. looking like begining of nute burn
  7. smokeybandit22

    Beat the heat(must commercial growers)

    this guy is an 'assclown'. good call T.H. Cammo. He doesnt make any sense at all, often quite contradictory. +rep
  8. smokeybandit22

    still unsure <<pics>>

    pistols v into a clit, you got slit
  9. smokeybandit22

    Help - Strange drying and browning of fan leaves (pics)

    red stems can just be a genetic trait-unlikely p deficiency at this age. it may very well be an mg problem. when was the last time you changed out your res? never hear of lowes selling ppm meters. check out ebay-they have good stuff
  10. smokeybandit22

    Can I cut off a branch?

    u can do it in a week. you will sacrifice some taste and potency but should make up for it if you pick the most ripe buds. denug as son as you clip and maicure and put into a shallow cardboard box with a fan blowing away from the box-remvoing excess moisture. yuo dont have alot of time and you...
  11. smokeybandit22

    Help - Strange drying and browning of fan leaves (pics)

    doesnt resemble an mg deficiency yet in my eyes, but very well could be the start. and in this case it would be from lockout, not from not having enough available (given their age) but still, I would bet anything your ppms are over 750 and thus nute burn, lockout of mg if is does exist. adding...
  12. smokeybandit22

    Can I cut off a branch?

    the flower tops will be the most ripe, most ripe trichs and lessen as u go down
  13. smokeybandit22

    Can I cut off a branch?

    stonerman got it wrong about shock. have yet to see shock from harvesting upper part of plant and than the lower weeks later. if anything, it is the exact opposite. usually see a very big explosion of growth in all lower buds and branches. just cant hack the main cola. been doing this for years.
  14. smokeybandit22

    problem help?????

    this was my original post: 'what these guys are suggesting is not ur problem. the number one cause of the claw look-as if you bend the tip of ur finger down but keep your finger striaght-over fert. you probably shouldnt be nuting with every feed-jees cant believe no one picked this up' seems...
  15. smokeybandit22

    Help - Strange drying and browning of fan leaves (pics)

    well looks like there has been some good growth in 2 weeks-but I would venture to say that your ppm's are just too high for them, i.e. nute burn. is this a DWC setup? make sure if you have sufficienct root length that if they r in rockwool cubes that the rockwool cubes stay dry. I would flush...
  16. smokeybandit22

    Can I cut off a branch?

    well obviously wait if the trichs say so for the whole plant, but instead of cutting a whole branch, try just the top buds on some branches from the middle of the plant. sometimes the whole plant is not ready at the same time therefore neccessitating this procedure
  17. smokeybandit22

    still unsure <<pics>>

    ball on a stick, you got dick
  18. smokeybandit22

    Is This A Real Problem?

    ok, havent heard this before and was wondering if you had actual proof or from experience. The grow nutes usually lower ph and the bloom usually raise it.
  19. smokeybandit22

    Is This A Real Problem?

    wondering where you heard overnutes leads to ph drop. I notice when plants are suking up alot of N the ph usually drops a bit.
  20. smokeybandit22

    Is This A Real Problem?

    at first glance I say nute burn or heat burn from spraying them. but looking at the bottom of the pic, very blurry, almost looks like u r getting some intervienal yellowing in the first pic. It is either too much nutes, stress from the light/spray or mg or k deficiency. didnt post ur feeding...