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  1. smokeybandit22

    Wilting and Curling leaves ! EMERGENCY HELP NEEDED

    yeah, they r thirsty. like we said.
  2. smokeybandit22

    New grower.Discolor on the leaves.Does anyone know what is a matter with it

    yes dude, relooking at those pics, shows signs of P K mg deficiencies. u r using the super bloom but what are you using for Nitrogen? Im pretty sure the NPK ratio is low in N. They will need a decent amount of nitrogen and the other elements from a grow forula on top of the bloom-very much so...
  3. smokeybandit22

    Wilting and Curling leaves ! EMERGENCY HELP NEEDED

    water her- she should recover-escpecially if only like that for few days. one on right looks fine
  4. smokeybandit22

    Sticky residue?

    maybe soda?
  5. smokeybandit22

    What am I doing Wrong???PICS included

    hey good advice Bless America, + rep
  6. smokeybandit22

    Need help

    do u have a local hydro store? if they dont carry one, like the Hanna for $30.00, they should be able to order it for you. Ebay has a tone of them
  7. smokeybandit22

    Help please

    couple things to look into. 600 HPS with roughly 90,000 lumens at < 2 feet is extreme. The other is, from what u r describing and without any helpful pics, may be time to start a light feeding regimen, especially if the storage in the cotyledons has been used up. temps seem on the low side...
  8. smokeybandit22

    Need help

    with those wood chips in the soil, I would venture your runoff if acidic. need to keep ur ph in range of 6.4-7.
  9. smokeybandit22

    Need help

    no nutes in the soil? post up some pics- could be overwatering.
  10. smokeybandit22

    Minor Nute Burn? (with pics)

    yeah, what jammin said. seriously, it is classic overfert-claw leafs, dark green foliage, intervienal bleaching. exasperated by light intensity-thus the burning.
  11. smokeybandit22

    Help on diagnosis included

    kind of behind for 3 weeks. given the soil too, I would say nutes in soil just to much for the plant. escpecially being transplanted to this soil. not much u can do, as flushing will make worse. everytime u water, she gets more nute blasted and ceases growth.
  12. smokeybandit22

    Need help

    a week old, u r most likely looking at nute burn, not likely to get a deficiency at this stage. general rule of thumb-no nutes for 3 weeks
  13. smokeybandit22

    Ailment Quiz!

    well my eye can see she is not a happy camper at all. besides the first pic, which is indicitive of a K deficiency, the photos all show signs of over fert, pic 2, and nute burn, rest.
  14. smokeybandit22

    Multiple sickness itis osis

    I would not feed them until those cotyledons have started to yellow. There is a general consensus for any growing medium to not nute in first 3 weeks of life. when u do start, start very very light
  15. smokeybandit22

    Please HELP(PICS)** Plants look sad :(

    am gonna second the overwatering- will lead to nute uptake problems
  16. smokeybandit22

    pistil hairs turning brown after 3 weeks of flowering

    member Panhead had a very long thread that I was fortunate to participate on for study of Dutchmaster Reverse with conclusions. It does work, just needs to be applied very timely and properly.
  17. smokeybandit22

    Plant Dying! (PICS)

    the easiest way to cool your res and cheapest too, is to have a fan blowing over the top of the res-will knock off up to 10 degrees and also have a more optimal-less humidity-root zone. hook up a 4" inline duct fan either blowing into or sucking out of. 84 degrees will bea killer everytime. if u...
  18. smokeybandit22

    Couple of problems Need Help! White Spots, Purple Tips

    quite commonly, 'the twist' is the start of a P deficiency as would venture a guess also the culprit of your purpling leaf egdes. now with that amount of ppms, which I believe is high, there has to be something else going on. there is an imbalance somewhere.
  19. smokeybandit22

    Multiple sickness itis osis

    yes. soil is ok but you will releaze much much faster growth, yield and quicker harvests with aeroponics. in any hydro app, cant really go off those bottles. at max 50% when they are more mature. for now, they dont need anything. they will pick up right away and when you notice those small...
  20. smokeybandit22

    Is this Genetics?

    yeah, BC trippin is correct- I thought you were already close to harvest for some reason.