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  1. smokeybandit22

    Problems with Flowering

    u know it just occured to me re looking at those pics- she may be root bound-what is she 3.5 feet?
  2. smokeybandit22

    Problems with Flowering

    honestly I am not familiar with coco earth but assume it is a light and airy substrate? why dont you try flushing with 2-3 times amount of water than u r pot and see if they improve. I think insufficient o2 in your root zone.
  3. smokeybandit22

    Problems with Flowering

    if you havent flushed, now would be a good time and immediately follow up with a feed. either that medium is drying out to fast or too slowly
  4. smokeybandit22

    problem help?????

    and who is the coward who neg repped me? to scared to attach your name to it? oh wait, can only be Elite- Where am I u r a coward. and u made a new enemy. look for me in every post you make now. let me pay 30 so I can have an Elite status so I can negative rep people who respond to an insult...
  5. smokeybandit22

    Problems with Flowering

    I didnt mean they were hungry-they are having root zone issues with not being able to uptake nutes. What is the medium you are growing in? looks like a rockwool cube in some sort of soil?
  6. smokeybandit22

    problem help?????

    obviously you start with reading and research and than progress to growing to gain the experience. man, why do u guys like to fight so much on this forum? have you guys won the cannabis cup? not likely with a CFl grow. cmon man.
  7. smokeybandit22

    plant problems... what's wrong?

    dude your plants are hungry-plain and simple.they will suck what they need from these lower levaes first-thus signaling a deficiency. look it up./
  8. smokeybandit22

    Plant Dying! (PICS)

    the only thing wrong that I can see is some root zone issues with the plants displaying slightly under or overwatered. either increase your spray intervals or decrease them- also airing out the res 2x a day to get some 02 into that rootzone along with an airstone would help alot. As for the...
  9. smokeybandit22

    plant problems... what's wrong?

    good job on putting up all that info. obviously it is important to be able to check that ph, but unless it was under 4, doubt u would have a problem at this age. that being said, I would venture to say your plants are just basically hungry. 3-4 weeks old is perfect time to start feeding. the...
  10. smokeybandit22

    Problems with Flowering

    I would say you are having root issues-nned some more info-medium, ph, ppms, watering schedule, feed sched, what that set up is in pic.
  11. smokeybandit22

    problem help?????

    book smarts is the way to grow a successful crop. and I think you can do a better job at trimmin ur nugs-too leaf, IMO:
  12. smokeybandit22

    What's Wrong With My Plants?

    wat up richjames? what happened to ur avatar of the rottie smoking a blunt? I see a bit of nute burn at the tips as well. funky looking trunks though. I bet it will grow out of it if he doesnt overwater or feed any additional nutes
  13. smokeybandit22

    problem help?????

    that is classic over fert- dark green fans, and those bud sites and surrounding calyx's seem sparse and airy. which can happen when over ferted. just stop nuting everytime and go oevery other or third. doesnt look overwater at all to me
  14. smokeybandit22

    problem help?????

    and this plant is not just suffering from nitrogen deficiency, otherwise the yellowing would be very uniform, similar to a banana peel and not have remaining green veins. it is suffering from probably Mg and K as well as N, and at this stage of it's life, yield can be reduced. it is correct to...
  15. smokeybandit22

    problem help?????

    boy oh boy, you can be over fert without getting burnt. very very common. burning usually occurs with high levels of N. high P, K and some micros doesnt always lead to burning. called a hypersensitivity to ferts. coomon to sativas. the first sign of over fert is twisted and distorted new growth...
  16. smokeybandit22

    What's Wrong With My Plants?

    should have put them in soil with no nutes. scotts is pretty strong stuff for clones
  17. smokeybandit22

    White top forming on top of cola

    albino? sorry havent seen that before-must be the late explosion
  18. smokeybandit22

    problem help?????

    what these guys are suggesting is not ur problem. the number one cause of the claw look-as if you bend the tip of ur finger down but keep your finger striaght-over fert. you probably shouldnt be nuting with every feed-jees cant believe no one picked this up
  19. smokeybandit22

    please help me diagnose?

    Jim, feeding with every water is generally a big no-no. I would venture to say that over fert of N, K and Mg has caused a Ca lockout. I would stop feeding with every watering and back those ppm's down-your tap water also appears to be 'hard'. try using distilled water with backing off the ppms...
  20. smokeybandit22

    Look at pics can't tell what I have going on with my plants?

    it's a nearly impossible task unless u r growing in a lab with everything contolled. many deficiencies have chlorosis as one of the symptoms. was just saying judgin by that lead the way the yellowing was very uniform. the easiest way to move forward is by eliminating things one by one. so...