Search results

  1. TheDankness

    Underground Plant? (Pics)

    Hahahahaha, god damn, I'm hungry and now I want an f-ing baked potato with the works, mmmmmmm.
  2. TheDankness

    Underground Plant? (Pics)

    I plant my seedlings in dixie cups, and I know you're not supposed to, but I used clear ones because its all I had around the house when this batch of seeds popped. I go to water my seedlings today, and what do I see? I see two little green testicle looking things on the side of one of the...
  3. TheDankness

    Solution to mount a bunch of bulbs?

    I have seen several journals where growers do just that, plug a bunch of those into a power strip. You just have to make sure that they stay in the plug tight, they have to be able to support the weight of a light bulb without coming unplugged. Added: I should have said that even though that...
  4. TheDankness

    My 2nd Time Grow, With CFL's

    I see what you guys are saying about the police, but there are ways to get out of their "gotcha games." Most important is always be aware of your rights. Police have no right to search your home, vehicle, or person without some probable cause. If they make one up, just continue to deny...
  5. TheDankness

    Please help this poor noob

    From how you wrote it above you made it sound like you were looking for some kind of tool kit. Dude if all you need is a kief scraper, just use a razor blade. Or you can use a piece of cardboard from a pack of cigs. If you're looking for something more, I would check your local hardware...
  6. TheDankness

    2nd Grow: Organic Bagseed CFL Coco Grow

    Update: November 22, 2008 I took some more pics today, all of the young ones this time, no new buds harvested yet. I transplanted the two plants I germinated first into 2 gallon containers, they will stay in these new containers up until harvest. One of the plants had a little droop going on...
  7. TheDankness

    A good soil..

    I don't care what the hydro camp thinks, I know growing organic will yield better results. There are several organic hydro nutes (Umm, PureBlend Pro for example, which this site endorses the shit out of) that have been available for years, and there are countless organic growers who use them...
  8. TheDankness

    Bagseed CFL Stealth, MAX LST

    looking good lipples, just don't go getting impatient on me now...
  9. TheDankness

    A good soil..

    Its funny that you mention that, my first grow I used mg, and I had purple/red stems. I think in the growfaq I read that purple or red stems are caused by a potassium deficiency, which could definitely be caused by nute lock. Nute lock is one of the leading complaints in regards to mg soil...
  10. TheDankness

    A good soil..

    You can grow pot just fine with MG. With that said, you can grow better, tastier pot, without having to worry about nute burn, lockout, or ph issues if you grow organically. That's all I'm getting at here, do what you will my man.
  11. TheDankness

    Extremely long flowering

    I'm pretty sure its the spectrum as well, probably slows down bud production a couple weeks. There are more factors playing into this though, like the fact that its probably a lanky outdoor sativa. If that's the case, then 12 weeks is perfectly normal, some may even go 13 weeks. I say wait...
  12. TheDankness

    A good soil..

    Alrighty bro, its your grow so its most definitely up to you. I say pick those death balls out, but its up to you, just be prepared to put your grow big on a shelf and have plenty of distilled water on hand for flushing...
  13. TheDankness

    GOOD Idea? or BAD Idea?

    Well, for starters you could take the humidity domes off, as they are no longer necessary later in the plants life cycle. As a matter of fact, I only use them until my seedlings are a couple weeks old. The only time elevated humidity is really crucial is when plants are young, because they...
  14. TheDankness

    A good soil..

    I detect a subtle hint of sarcasm in his sig.
  15. TheDankness

    A good soil..

    I honestly think his best option may be to buy time released fert soil, and pick out all the nute balls. It wouldn't take THAT long, as long as you were only removing balls from the soil that you needed along the way, not all of it at once. I just hope you aren't planting a field, that would...
  16. TheDankness

    A good soil..

    If you have high quality organic nutrients like the Fox Farm line then why in the f would you just stick them on a shelf and choose to go buy a bag of MG moisture control instead? I say buy a bag of soil, any soil, organic is best, that has no time release ferts and as little nutrients as...
  17. TheDankness

    GOOD Idea? or BAD Idea?

    put a couple ventilation holes on the sides. I plant my seedlings in dixie cups, then put clear dixie cups upside down on top of them. For ventilation I cut a couple holes about an inch above where the two cups meet, one hole on either side. You can tell its working if there is condensation on...
  18. TheDankness

    A good soil..

    Not much to work with there, I wouldn't trust any of it, all of that time release nute stuff is absolute shit. Maybe look online to see if there is a hydro store at least in the same state, then shipping wouldn't be too bad, as long as you're only buying one bag. Look for Fox Farm Light...
  19. TheDankness

    2nd Grow: Organic Bagseed CFL Coco Grow

    Well I read it on Botanicares recommended feeding schedule for PBP. They say if you use reverse osmosis water, or if you use coco media, to supplement with at least 5ml of Cal-Mag for the first 2 weeks. But this isn't straight coco, and I just did a little reading on some of the ingredients in...
  20. TheDankness

    2nd Grow: Organic Bagseed CFL Coco Grow

    Here is a list of what Roots Organic Potting Soil consists of: Coco fiber, perlite, pumice, compost and peat moss amended with bat guano, mycorrhizae, earth worm castings, fish bone meal, kelp meal, feather meal, prilled rock phosphate, green sand, soybean meal, humic acid, K-mag, glacial rock...