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  1. bobharvey

    I talked to God last week

    i'm actually enrolled in an online astronomy class but im too lazy to do any of the work haha... i don't care about what happened at the beginning...its not about that, its about right now. if you can master now, then you have mastered life
  2. bobharvey

    I talked to God last week

    no one said the end of the world was coming but i'm sure you were too fat and lazy to read all of the just decided to project your idioticness onto others which is usual of weak people who don't know true love; don't worry i forgive you and i love you! the end of suffering...which...
  3. bobharvey

    The World Freeman Society

    thanks brother.
  4. bobharvey

    I talked to God last week

    It wasn't my first time tripping. I had a direct experience. Most people either have had a direct experience and forgot or choose to keep it supressed. The Truth is coming out and it can no longer be contained. We have been living in the Time of Beast, the deception, the EGO. All of this...
  5. bobharvey

    The World Freeman Society

    I'm in the United States. It all works the same way. I know that library package is supposed to teach you how to do it. Have you done any of this? Are you a freeman? Or are you just talking about it?
  6. bobharvey

    I talked to God last week

    I had the same feeling when I went to a baptist church. The preacher said plainly that we don't even need church. All religion is a buffer between you and God. And then the Church tells you that Jesus is the only way to God. So really you have to go to Church to get to Jesus to get to God...
  7. bobharvey

    I talked to God last week

    We all have the ability to talk to God. And when I say God, I don't mean the Old testament YAHWEH or any other fixed form. I'm talking about the totality of all things and the connection of all things. The universe is a dot inside of a dot forever. We are all ONE. Here is my problem with...
  8. bobharvey

    The World Freeman Society

    hey bc have you purchased that entire library package from menards website? I'm interested in how to use your birth certificate to pay for school. I've been doing it the slave way with financial aid and i' ready to tell the establishment to go fuck themselves that I have a right to free...
  9. bobharvey

    I talked to God last week

    ???? God is love. How is that an attack?
  10. bobharvey

    I talked to God last week

    He said he loves you wackymack. You just forgot that ;-)
  11. bobharvey

    I talked to God last week

    More like an intuitive knowing than anything else.
  12. bobharvey

    I talked to God last week

    I was trippin on mushrooms and meditating. I talked to God. He told me to tell everyone not to fear. The Kingdom of God is at hand. I love you all. Never Fear, only Love. :peace:
  13. bobharvey

    For all the "OMG THE WORLD IS ENDING IN 2012" people...

    I love how this guy is so smart but thinks there are terrorists opposed to a planetary transition.
  14. bobharvey

    The World Freeman Society

    So do you think that these families are the 13 bloodlines of the Illuminati? That they are reptilian/human hybrids. Because...I do. This is the wrong thread for the subject but I think that if you do just a smidge of research the whole thing becomes rather obvious.
  15. bobharvey

    The World Freeman Society

    Yes unfortunatley i live in the Great Satan haha I wish I lived in Canada. The United States has no real patriots left. Only lefties and righties no such thing as Americans anymore. I looked at Robs freeman society website and saw that there is an American chapter coming soon. I'm pretty...
  16. bobharvey

    The World Freeman Society

    Isn't the whole Free man movement about loving your neighbor. You don't have to be sarcastic. I love you man. I love everyone. I know that this thread is not about war and fear mongering. It's about a choice. To be free or to live under the thumb of the elite. I did start a thread about...
  17. bobharvey

    The World Freeman Society

    I'm sorry brother. But now is NOT the time to be polite. You do realize what is going on in this world right? Chem trails, flouride, FEMA camps, war with Iran that will lead to a Christan-Muslim holy war...err WW3. The people that have decieved us all, hate us all, and they want you and your...
  18. bobharvey

    The World Freeman Society

    I'm sorry brother. But now is NOT the time to be polite. You do realize what is going on in this world right? Chem trails, flouride, FEMA camps, war with Iran that will lead to a Christan-Muslim holy war...err WW3. The people that have decieved us all, hate us all, and they want you and your...
  19. bobharvey

    The World Freeman Society

  20. bobharvey

    These Fans Are The Real Deal !!

    Hey 7th1der. I'm using a 150w HPS in a cabinet that has a total of 6 cubic feet of space. get a hid. it'll be totally worth it.