• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

The World Freeman Society


Well-Known Member
Robert A menard recently came out with his newest video. Robs Cunning Very Plan. Anyone not familiar with the Freeman known as Robert Arthur Menard, he has been deconstructing laws, statutes, and acts to determine the true power they have over you.

Anyone interested should check out Thinkfree.ca

Theres a bunch of FREE movies by Robert explaining the details of what he does. Its funny seeing a cop or lawyer get SCHOOLED by a guy who just wants to be able to smoke weed and live Free in Peace.

Robs Very Cunning Plan (movie)

More of Robs Free ThinkFree Movies

World Freeman Society Website and Robs Plan

Check this one out if you dont have a couple hours to kill watching movies..:lol:
My Favorite short clip (10 min) of Rob Schooling some guy over the phone

I would Love to hear any thoughts of anyone else familiar with Robert Arthur, And if you've never heard of him check out some videos and let me know what you think.

Im definitely going to be one of the first to joint the Canadian Freeman society. Im sick and tired of government trying to control us... Im not a baby, Im not a criminal, And Im Definitely Not a child of this Province.



Well-Known Member
I don't want a police state, I want a Peace state./quote]

A "Peace State" will only work when the majority in any particular society are a moral people.


This is true. Actually the Freeman Society will be hiring their own Peace Officers who will even hold regular police officers accountable if they are ignorant towards the law or if they feel they are above the law. These Peace officers will Not be enforcing statutes, or Acts, but rather only real crimes that break real laws. Theres really only a few ways to break the law.
1. Inflict harm on someone.
2. Steal from someone.
3. Damage someones property.

A crime without a victim really isnt a crime.

The plan is Not to overthrow the standing government, if anything its more to help them out and try to fix a failing system.

Now can you name your society?

Laws, statutes, and acts are set to govern a Society. I dont know anyone that can name their society.

When you become a lawyer in BC you join the Law Society of BC and they give you a card, etc. You are then a member of that society and the rule of law takes effect over you.

A society is any number of people joined together by mutual consent to deliberate and act for a common goal.

When you apply for you SIN/SS number and basically Ask the government to be able to work and pay taxes you are asking to be a part of their society.

There is absolutely No Laws that state you Have to apply for a SIN number and work for the government. Look it up. Everyone assumes thats the way it is because everyone else does.

Robs plan is pretty simple. Lets start our own society. Not some BS society, but lets do it Legally, and lets do it Now.

Our own society where we will hire our own Peace Officers who will even be able to arrest Regular police officers if they try to abuse the law or think they are above it, And set up our own De Jure Courts.

De jure meaning "Of Law" as opposed to the De Facto court system we have today. De Facto meaning "In Fact"

200 years ago this would be normal. People wouldnt be bending over and accepting whatever the government tells them. We are led to believe we Need the governments help when in fact its the Government that needs Us.

Robs Plan:

The Plan is very simple and involves the creation of an actual society with the associated lawful courts and supporting peace officer force. Using fundamentals of law and existing and established rights, we will create a society called The Freeman Society of Canada, establish The Canadian Common Corps of Peace Officers, and convene new lawful de jure courts which will be accessible to all and not owned and operated by the law society.

The Society will provide members with a nameable group and also all the basic things that existing de facto governments do such as identification cards, international travel documents and consular support, health care access, banking services, education and housing support, functioning and accessible justice system and an accountable and restrained force to keep the peace. With a goal of claiming and homesteading a valley and therein building a community of families living in unique, environmentally low-impact yet high tech equipped homes this mostly self sustaining community with all the amenities of any modern village we can demonstrate how easy it is to live in peace and abundance.

For the rest of the World, Freeman Societies are being formed and people are getting together. Each country will be able to emulate what we are doing here in Canada, with New Zealand, the UK and Australia already taking part.

We are entering the early phase of this plan, and as it unfolds this site will be updated.

As each country creates its Freeman Society, a new Chapter will be made and links to each Society will be made available. In the next few weeks this site will become larger with more up to date info on our developments. A new Forum will be created here and hosted here so members globally can discuss ideas and share information. A real sense of community with no boundaries. Below are a few services and benefits members of The Freeman Society Canada and The World Freeman Society will enjoy.

Members will eventually enjoy all the following:

  1. ★Identification Cards – This will be the proof which rests on them.
  2. ★Notary Public- We will have our own Notary Publics to witness the NUI and COR process.
  3. ★Education – The Freeman Society of Canada (and their global counterparts) will provide educational and support services on line and through regular meetings.
  4. ★Laissez Passer – Just like a Passport, except for Freemen who are traveling without intent to engage in commerce in the host country.
  5. ★Support – A 1 800 number with recording and witness and legal support available 24/7
  6. ★Banking – Working with experts in the field, we will set up a bank and credit union for the safe and secure storage and use of individual wealth.
  7. ★Freeman Traveler and PACLIP – This is the Blue Plate Traveler with a system of identification using our own numbers and plates joined with PACLIP “Private Automobile Collision Liability Insurance Program”
  8. ★Canadian Common Corps of Peace Officers [C3PO] – We will be engaging our own Peace Officers drawn from our own members and from existing peace officers. (Each World Freeman Society will create their own if required)
  9. ★De Jure Courts – We will convene our own courts within which all are equal and charges may be confidently brought against existing courts and their agents and officers and within which the criminal code is enforced against them and disputes between us may be judicially settled.



Well-Known Member
I don't want a police state, I want a Peace state./quote]

A "Peace State" will only work when the majority in any particular society are a moral people.

ViRedd...who are you to judge who is moral and who is not moral? The only people that are immoral are the people that are in power. All of that fuckin shit is gonna change soon though. Can't you all just smell revolution in the air?

Peace will come when we wake up, realize that the goverment is OURS not theirs and withdrawal our consent from THEM. We then have to live the way this fucking country is suppossed to be; with freedom and Independence. No more fuckin big brother, no more nanny state, no more welfare state. All of you that can't survive on your own will be WIPED OUT in the next few years.

Planet x is crossing just like it does every 3,000 some years. There will be total chaos, famine, earth quakes...you know the whole Revelations thing. But the people that choose to live in LOVE and not fear will survive. All of you who has not raised your consciousness but remained locked in the rat race and ego...you won't know what to do. I love you all. Please research what I am talking about to see I'm not making this up.


BTW the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is a corporation. The people you elect work for the corporation. THey don't give a FUCK about you or me. They know this is coming. They planned the economic failure. They build shelters with your money to save themselves and their families. They know the survivors will be sent to the FEMA camps. Where you will be exterminated.



Well-Known Member
ViRedd...who are you to judge who is moral and who is not moral? The only people that are immoral are the people that are in power. All of that fuckin shit is gonna change soon though. Can't you all just smell revolution in the air?

Peace will come when we wake up, realize that the goverment is OURS not theirs and withdrawal our consent from THEM. We then have to live the way this fucking country is suppossed to be; with freedom and Independence. No more fuckin big brother, no more nanny state, no more welfare state. All of you that can't survive on your own will be WIPED OUT in the next few years.

Planet x is crossing just like it does every 3,000 some years. There will be total chaos, famine, earth quakes...you know the whole Revelations thing. But the people that choose to live in LOVE and not fear will survive. All of you who has not raised your consciousness but remained locked in the rat race and ego...you won't know what to do. I love you all. Please research what I am talking about to see I'm not making this up.


BTW the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is a corporation. The people you elect work for the corporation. THey don't give a FUCK about you or me. They know this is coming. They planned the economic failure. They build shelters with your money to save themselves and their families. They know the survivors will be sent to the FEMA camps. Where you will be exterminated.

I agree with some of that, but I disagree with most of it.

Vi didnt judge Anyone with that statement. He made a Very valid point.

This isnt about fear mongering and the end of the world. This is about people who want to live free in peace. A revolution is coming, but it wont be with guns and war. This is going to be a revolution of Peace. People who are just tired of the same shit want to step back and not be a part of the two sided BS. Theres a lot of problems with the government, but I wouldnt say they are all immoral. The problem is people are just doing their jobs. Anyone who works for the "government" Only works for agents of the government. No one can say "I met the government, he hired me". No one can point to anything and say "Thats the government"

You are absolutely entitled to your opinions or theories and I respect that, but I think thats a little but off topic for what this thread and what the World Freeman Society is about. I dont want people to think this is about fear and the end of the world. :razz:



Well-Known Member
I'm sorry brother. But now is NOT the time to be polite. You do realize what is going on in this world right? Chem trails, flouride, FEMA camps, war with Iran that will lead to a Christan-Muslim holy war...err WW3. The people that have decieved us all, hate us all, and they want you and your families dead. They flaunt it in front of our faces calling for a New World Order. They are now calling for a one world government run by the banks who will engineer the collapse of our economy...which was fake to begin with.

I'm not saying to be fearful. I'm saying to wake the fuck up. You can't have peace and liberty without the full awareness of the people. "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of tyrants and patriots." Thomas Jefferson.

They will take our guns next people.

Withdraw your consent. Refuse slave wages. Be independent.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry brother. But now is NOT the time to be polite. You do realize what is going on in this world right? Chem trails, flouride, FEMA camps, war with Iran that will lead to a Christan-Muslim holy war...err WW3. The people that have decieved us all, hate us all, and they want you and your families dead. They flaunt it in front of our faces calling for a New World Order. They are now calling for a one world government run by the banks who will engineer the collapse of our economy...which was fake to begin with.

I'm not saying to be fearful. I'm saying to wake the fuck up. You can't have peace and liberty without the full awareness of the people. "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patirots and tyrants." Thomas Jefferson.

They will take our guns next people.

Withdraw your consent. Refuse slave wages. Be independent.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry brother. But now is NOT the time to be polite. You do realize what is going on in this world right? Chem trails, flouride, FEMA camps, war with Iran that will lead to a Christan-Muslim holy war...err WW3. The people that have decieved us all, hate us all, and they want you and your families dead. They flaunt it in front of our faces calling for a New World Order. They are now calling for a one world government run by the banks who will engineer the collapse of our economy...which was fake to begin with.

I'm not saying to be fearful. I'm saying to wake the fuck up. You can't have peace and liberty without the full awareness of the people. "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patirots and tyrants." Thomas Jefferson.

They will take our guns next people.

Withdraw your consent. Refuse slave wages. Be independent.

Start your own thread. This is NOT about fear mongering and war. Sorry "Brother"


Freeman Pete

Active Member
I have heard of Rob Menard. Even better I know him quite well enough to know that he is a peaceful man and his intentions are good.
If you want to know what a Society is, think about this....
We all live in a Free and Democratic Society right. They mention it all the time. So what is the name of your Society?

You have laws which you are told you have to obey. Maybe a Child Registration Act, or Illicit Drug Abuse Act.
Notice, ACT here. Is an Act a Law? If so, why not call it LAW.
Because it isn't a Law. Simple.
An ACT is a Statute. Or Legislative rule of Government.
WTF I hear you say.
What I am saying is, an ACT, or Statute, or Legislation is a Rule of Society given to force of Law by the consent of the governed.

You need to belong to that Society in order for those rules to apply. So if you belong to this society, What is it's Name???

MAXIM. If a thing cannot be named, then all knowledge of it perishes.


Well-Known Member
I have heard of Rob Menard. Even better I know him quite well enough to know that he is a peaceful man and his intentions are good.
If you want to know what a Society is, think about this....
We all live in a Free and Democratic Society right. They mention it all the time. So what is the name of your Society?

You have laws which you are told you have to obey. Maybe a Child Registration Act, or Illicit Drug Abuse Act.
Notice, ACT here. Is an Act a Law? If so, why not call it LAW.
Because it isn't a Law. Simple.
An ACT is a Statute. Or Legislative rule of Government.
WTF I hear you say.
What I am saying is, an ACT, or Statute, or Legislation is a Rule of Society given to force of Law by the consent of the governed.

You need to belong to that Society in order for those rules to apply. So if you belong to this society, What is it's Name???

MAXIM. If a thing cannot be named, then all knowledge of it perishes.

Well said.



Well-Known Member
I've never heard of Menard before, but I will watch more of these vids when time allows.

I like this guy... simple equations

"You say you have as much power as the supreme court, who says that they only have so much authority... are we in agreement?"... silence... uhhh


Well-Known Member
I've never heard of Menard before, but I will watch more of these vids when time allows.

I like this guy... simple equations

"You say you have as much power as the supreme court, who says that they only have so much authority... are we in agreement?"... silence... uhhh

Yeah that clip is Great. Its funny how much power you have with a little knowledge. Ignorance is the only thing that keeps the government in power.

I like Rob Menard because he doesnt preach, or claim that He can change the world. He just shows how you can empower Yourself....And he backs everything up with Real Knowledge, Not BS and Opinions.

He only made his first movie a couple years ago, since his first experiments just finding out what people know he has come a Long way and is on the verge of creating the World Freeman Society for anyone who just wants to live a peaceful, Lawful life without having to deal with De facto courts and useless statutes and acts putting people in jail for victimless crimes.



Well-Known Member
It really pisses me off that I have to play by a set of rules that I never agreed to. Nor have I even seen the entire rule book. Who among us really has?

"I take no part in agreements in which I have no say." -Don Juan Matus

Any Castaneda readers out there?


Well-Known Member
It really pisses me off that I have to play by a set of rules that I never agreed to. Nor have I even seen the entire rule book. Who among us really has?

"I take no part in agreements in which I have no say." -Don Juan Matus

Any Castaneda readers out there?

You would Love Robs Videos then. Check out Thinkfree.ca go to the Free Movies section.

A society is a group of people joined together by mutual consent to deliberate and act for a common goal.

Law society gets cards that show their membership. In a society you allowed to create a language and a law to govern that society.

The law society has done a great job of creating a language that looks Exactly like English, but its not english, you have to be a part of the Law society to be able to claim full understanding of it. They change the meaning of words to mean the exact opposite.

In Blacks Law Dictionary the word Person is defined as a Corporate Body or Entity.

It says absolutely Nothing about a human being, which is what I am and nothing more.

When you pay taxes you work for the government and you become an agent of the government, by doing so any Law, Statute, or Act created by the law society has rule over You.

Most people dont know the difference between a Law, Statute and an Act.

The fact is there are only 3 ways to break the Law.

1. Harm someone
2. Steal form someone/fraud
3. Damage someones property

Any crime with a victim will fall under one of these three categories. Any victimless crime is Not a crime, its a waste of time and another way for the Government to profit off of your existence.

The declaration of Independence Guarantees Life, Liberty and the Security of Person.

Most people think "security of person" means to keep us safe. But its not for Canadians. Security of person is actually the security of a PHYSICAL DOCUMENT that is Your share in Canada. Canada is a company. Every citizen owns a stock in this company (look it up) The number on the back of your birth certificate (if its old enough :wink:) Represents the bond number that tracks your share in Canada.

Each and every citizen in Canada is worth Millions and your MP is your representative of this money and they collect the dividends from this share every year.

You can actually ask a lawyer about that. No lawyer in their right mind will say that Security of Person means to keep the citizens safe on record.

Its pretty messed up when you get into it. It makes you think twice before signing Anything.



Well-Known Member
Hierarchy of Law states that God is above the People/citizens (you or me), The people are above the Government, and the Government is over the Slaves.

Since we outlawed slaves the government has been trying to put Us under them. WE control the government. They work for US. We need to take control. When it comes down to it We dont need the government, they need the people.



Well-Known Member
Before amendments 13-15, corporations were only able to exist for public works, e.g., bridge building and other infrastructure. The corp. would then be dissolved afterwords.


Well-Known Member
Have you seen The Corporation?

Part 1

Part 2

Here in the U.S. the amendment that freed the slaves enslaved america.

I havent but I will definitely check it out. Empire of the City is another Great movie you can watch on Google Video. It ties everything together, from Bush, Bush senior, Jesus, Every war, The Rothschilds and the Banksters who really run the world.
