Just want to clear one thing up for anyone who is unsure. A Freeman is neither man or woman. Anyone can be a Freeman.
Freeman (websters)
1. A person who is not a serf or a slave.
1. (medieval Europe) a person who is bound to the land and owned by the feudal lord (ie; our modern government...)
Its not that we are sexist at all, its just that when you get into the legal jibber jabber and the details it starts to degrade the whole idea when you start trying to define Freemen or Freewomen.
The idea is that we are All equal. There is no need to define between what makes a Free Man or a Free Woman.
Its kind of like the word Mankind.
Mankind - 1 \ˈman-ˈkīnd, -ˌkīnd\
: the human race
: the totality of human beings
Dont look at it as "Free" and "Man" Just look at it as "Freeman" There will be no restrictions to join Any of the World Freeman Chapters, You just have to want to live a Lawful, and Peaceful life.