It really pisses me off that I have to play by a set of rules that I never agreed to. Nor have I even seen the entire rule book. Who among us really has?
"I take no part in agreements in which I have no say." -Don Juan Matus
Any Castaneda readers out there?
if you are really interested in reading all the laws go ahead, they are allat you local Library, county court house, and online. and you do agree to follow these laws, just by being an american, which sucks, trust me ive been one for a long time.
almost all laws are created because some one made a need for that law. for example, in the early days of commercial aviation you could bring anything you wanted onto an airplane, guns knives, hell anything as long as you promised not to hurt any one with it, then some anus had to go and ruin it for everyone by using this privelage to hurt innocent people.
what i am getting at is this, if you dont like our laws go live in Uganda, or the congo, where the law is looser and you are almost garunteed to not break it. i can also garuntee that you wont last long because you are not wealthy enough to live in a truly free society where people can do as they wish, when they wish, and how they wish.