well thanx , i'll let you guyz know how it goes , but what about the niacin ?
(it was once suggested to me by the army for detoxing)
i'll let you guyz know how it goes, the guy hiring me told i could set the date a week off to help me.
yeah but will this work with a heavy smoker ? such as a blunt-a-day smoker
oh yeah im in texas too , i use to live in t-ball , right off of cherry st. - watch out for those hatin cops out there
u guys (and gals 2) let me down,
as much as i brag about you guys and you cant help a brotha pass a urine test.
i hope you guys really dont find yourself in my position , cause it's really not a good feeling
Just finished checking out my flowering 6 foot girl and i was wondering ,
does spraying my plant (misting it with a spray bottle) hurt the gland trichomes ? does the water make them lose their ball heads ? or is it good ?
i dont have a microscope but would like if someone who does can answer...
2 years ago , i shot up meth everyday .
I fuckin loved it, i even said to my self " this is what i will do everyday for the rest of my life".
but then i got tired of that life and chose to stop , so i started smoking pot more ( i had stopped daily smoking since my highschool dayz)
blunt afer...
sorry dude i would help , but i wouldn't consider myself and expert on nute. but i do know that you dont wanna use soil nutes on hydro systems.
I also know you dont need nutes for the first weeks too.
here's what i'm using now with my Aerogarden"
general hydroponics- maxigro 10-5-14 (veg...
Hey you need help with a DWC ?
well here you go an easy Do-It-Yourself
give me reps if it helps :mrgreen:
VINEGAR !!!!!!!
vinegar is the shit , for cleaning glass.
Pour it in , put it in a ziplock, shake, let it sit for a little, then wash it with hot water out and let it dry.
This makes my bowls good enough to sell as NeW !!
The doctor is a reputable seed dealer, i always refer people to him.
And if you join HG420 before hand you will get $10 off your order too.
You would almost think it was legal because of the doc's professionalism.
so yeah i just seen this another thread, another local story in my part of the world.
3 accused of using Humble corpse's head to smoke pot | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
I tell you what, houston sure does have some interesting potheads
I know it sounds sick, but i think i would smoke from it