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  1. Drgreenz

    Could We Make a Weed Religion?

    Mormans are bout the only religion that doesn't/hasn't had drugs as a type of sacrament(including weed). "For so the Lord said unto me, "I will take my rest and I will consider in my dwelling place like a clear heat upon herbs. For afore harvest, when the bud is...
  2. Drgreenz

    Could We Make a Weed Religion?

    lol there was no bashing there and besides your wrong about your entire statement, 1. polygamy is doctrine sanctioned by the morman church. 2. "1 or 2 hundred years ago." wth is this? Joseph Smith(their prophet who recieved the golden plates) recorded it on July 12, 1843. 3. "Their men had...
  3. Drgreenz

    Shit help

    Get a wire coat hanger cut the straight sid off bend a loop at the top around the plant and stake it up and it should be ok.
  4. Drgreenz

    Christianity has been debunked once and for all

    you mean islamic terrorism..... ive never had to shoot a christian or jew in iraq thats for sure.
  5. Drgreenz

    HELP HELP HELP question important please answer!

    I would go with the 2 liters or a half gallon pot if you can find them, you can avoid alot of root/room issues with proper feeding/watering, especially if you are keeping them small.
  6. Drgreenz

    how red is YOUR neck?

    i bought a geo metro just to put gas cans inside and shoot the shit out of it.
  7. Drgreenz

    A Burning Question ..

    lol no man a few setups like that will only be pulling a couple hundred watts you should be fine barring any faulty wiring lol. newer(2000+) houses in the us have to have a least 14guage wiring if i remember correctly which can handle quite a bit of wattage.
  8. Drgreenz

    rarest strain but availbale on bean sites

    If you really want to take some time you could start building your own strain. It would take a while(years) but start building a data bank of what you like about what strains and start propagating them with each other, its the same thing that farmers have done with corn and other stuff. who...
  9. Drgreenz

    A Burning Question ..

    also check out some pet stores, they sell clamp style sockets rated for extreme wattages(some up to 450w, yes for growing 450w is not much but in the average "real world" it is lol) then you should be fine i have seen 4 sets of 2-200w cfl replacements run on one outlet with no problems.
  10. Drgreenz

    Buried Semi Trailer Grow Room

    Check out the documentary "The Union: The Business of Getting High" there is an old gro op there that is 20 train cars stacked 10x2 under ground.
  11. Drgreenz

    Iran Update...

    Max sry to hear you didnt enjoy your tour, i loved everything about being in the service. I was infantry though so i had a fun job. :twisted: I was medically retired in 08. As for mandatory serving though i dont think so, alot of our strength comes from the services being all volunteer, that way...
  12. Drgreenz

    If there are any pollen balls on him now then they will have pollen already but if you cut them...

    If there are any pollen balls on him now then they will have pollen already but if you cut them and put back into veg he should be ok, just make sure you check for more pollen sacks every day for a while.
  13. Drgreenz

    Iran Update...

    As far as fighting in Iraq goes, 95% of the people we were fighting are not Iraqis, they are Lebanese, Sudanese, Iranian, Syrian ect. And yea as a vet i took an oath to defend the US constitution from ANY enemy foreign and domestic. I grew up shooting competetively for the Colorado...
  14. Drgreenz

    POT or NOT?

    What you got is a sub species Rhapis excelsa, called false arealia, its a type of lady palm from japan they get about 3-5 feet high and bushy. Good lookin plant when they get big and yea tell people its a Purpleberry Kush, super rare strain you dont know about cause i just made it up lol.
  15. Drgreenz

    first grow any suggestions..

    yup looks like a slight nitrogen deficiancy. Ild maybe start running some nutes if you haven't yet. Start with 1/4 strength and build from there. Lookin good.
  16. Drgreenz

    What Would Our Founding Fathers Do?

    Joe another great post, keep em coming, and the rest of you.... look into what your government has become and where it is heading..... I got lots of guns and hope you do too. "The roots of liberty must be watered in the blood of patriots..." John Adams
  17. Drgreenz

    Growing season

    Thanks bro and yea those deer suck balls, lol thank god i get em back come huntin season lol
  18. Drgreenz

    Iran Update...

    You and your daughter would be toast bro sorry... This thread is starting to make me think of things I've done as a soldier. And im sorry but if you are trying to harm me or anyone around me you are an enemy combatant and so is anyone helping you. There was a group of 3 boys in Ramadi that came...
  19. Drgreenz

    Growing season

    I would germinate them inside for a few days and as far as outdoor planting just make sure your area's nite time temps dont drop below 60-65 degrees. If your somewhere rural i would put them fairly close(within a few acres) and if possible on the south side of a treeline or woods(north end of a...