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  1. Drgreenz

    I Have No Choice, i have to

    I agree with oregon if there is any way of hiding or protecting em for another week at least you will be in much better shape, but reality does happen, good luck either way
  2. Drgreenz


    yea i was trying to hit both.
  3. Drgreenz


    If you read the post i stated the yes part and no if you simply think throwing a cutting into some good dirt will root it 100% you are mistaken.
  4. Drgreenz


    PS: as far as just planting without rooting hormone, from what ive read and experienced you have maybe a 50/50 shot at best of it taking root.
  5. Drgreenz


    Yes and no.... When you plant a clipping of another plant its called cloning. in MJ cloning you shoul duse a rooting hormone, i like the gells they are like 2 bucks at home depot. Cut your plant at a 45 degree angle dip into the gel and plant. Once the cutting developes any roots it should be...
  6. Drgreenz

    WIll this work?

    Yes you can keep multiple plants in that container but you must provide enough nutes to stop them from competing and not enough to start to burn em. lol its a balancing game but it can be done just fine. Just make sure to saturate the soil when you water to help keep down competition too.
  7. Drgreenz

    Polar Bears dying From Climate Change

    LOL all you liberals who believe climate change is a man made occurance are funny... Yes the world's climate is changing but it has been changing constantly since the world started.... ever hear of a little thing i call the ice ages?(yes AGES, one occurs roughly every 26000 years) and as far as...
  8. Drgreenz

    Preperations for the hole!

    If your outside, the old fish adage is good, decomposing animals provide tons of nutes and micro fauna in the soil. otherwise i just use a good soil and soak it really good after the transplant.
  9. Drgreenz

    Late Bloomer?

    Keep her goin, my last blooms are always my best for yield, idk why lol
  10. Drgreenz

    i need some imput on some things...

    Your thinkin right, just be sure that nite time temps dont fall below 60 or so. I personally like to keep em inside untill there about a foot or so. when you do transplant, keep with the 2X2foot hole but make sure you back fill over your plant about 3-4 inches. This will stimulate rapid root...
  11. Drgreenz

    lighting question

    It definately wont be to much lighting, i always use 1 200watt cfl atop each plant and a floro tube or 2 on each side. As for yield, there are just to many variable to really say. What strain, how long you veg, ect. depending on your patiance and if the whole closet is a dedicated grow room ild...
  12. Drgreenz

    Is this a Hermaphrodite?

    the 2nd pic is definately pollen sacks, the top is too blurry to really tell, are there pistols too?(little white hairs) if there are then it a hermie otherwise its just a boy. If its a male cut it out NOW, if its a hermie, i always put em outside and if they survive you got some good partially...
  13. Drgreenz

    Are these signs of a male? Early pollen sack?

    Yup the first pic is definately a pollen sack, ild say cut him out now or move him outside and hope for a hermie. Sry bro it happens lol. Good thing you caught it early though. Keep the pics comin though
  14. Drgreenz

    What would you do??

    Lookin good so far. Just remember the earlier you flower generally the smaller the yield. If it were me ild start one set, then in 3-4 weeks start another, i like my harvests stagard to about once a month that way i never run out for long lol. good luck
  15. Drgreenz

    Guerilla Q's: Area

    Look for fields with thicker more leafy vegetation over just grasses. Grasses grow in anything. then just kick up some of the ground. Try to get the darker blacker areas as far as dirt goes. If your in the northern hemisphere, look right on the southern edge of tree lines. Get close enough to...
  16. Drgreenz

    I love showing my boobs when I'm baked!

    Yea when i was there it seemed like out west and up north are nice but southeast(W sussex up to herts or essex county) did look kind of dirty lol.
  17. Drgreenz

    I love showing my boobs when I'm baked!

    Where abouts in uk(regionally) are you guys all my family is over in Nottingham. Im in US though
  18. Drgreenz

    5.5in sq pot plants, LST'd, multi toppings... and one maybe Herm so help +rep

    yup cut him out or take him out old say. rest look good though keep it goin.
  19. Drgreenz

    I love showing my boobs when I'm baked!

    But yea it was goin down and what not, not just kissing lol
  20. Drgreenz

    I love showing my boobs when I'm baked!

    lol i was gona say WTH do you wanna know so much bout my damn sex life? i said im not swingin with anyone including you lol