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  1. Drgreenz

    I love showing my boobs when I'm baked!

    well i guess i stand corrected lol
  2. Drgreenz

    I love showing my boobs when I'm baked!

    No... the only experience we have ever had like that is with 2 of her girlfriends(different time each), and it was just playing around nothing really hardcore.
  3. Drgreenz

    I love showing my boobs when I'm baked!

    For all of you who really are expecting to see something on here though, you probably wont, its to big a liability for rui. What happens if she isnt 18 and now rui has to deal with all kinds of shit lol i wouldnt get your hopes up. If you need boobs that bad google has got plenty lol.
  4. Drgreenz

    I love showing my boobs when I'm baked!

    She is bi, no swinging, no "experiences" in that "lifestyle" at all. but yea she likes girls.
  5. Drgreenz

    When do your plants begin to smell?

    I think it depends alot on the specific strain as well. I have had em be covered in trichs to the point of looking frosted and havee not had a smell problem but then i have had some that just reek when they have barely started flowering lol.
  6. Drgreenz

    I love showing my boobs when I'm baked!

    lol my wife would be the first one on here to ask for boobs lol or to "come meet my husband" lol. also the :(hopefully me) lol yea that generally is taken as a sign of sarcasm bro...
  7. Drgreenz

    Could an 84 year old man who has never used pot, use it to help and try to cure his p

    ild say get a better grade bud that has been properly cured, this will make it smoother and easier on his lungs. Also start small, one hit then chill, let him take a good 30-45 min first to see how it is affecting him dont just throw him the bowl and say "hit that shit old man." My grandpa is 79...
  8. Drgreenz

    I love showing my boobs when I'm baked!

    lololol im newly maried, i get it anytime i want and have no use for hands anymore lol.
  9. Drgreenz

    I love showing my boobs when I'm baked!

    to pm go to your "my rollitup" page then on the left about half way down it says send new message click it then you can pm whoever(hopefully me)lol
  10. Drgreenz

    I love showing my boobs when I'm baked!

    well this might be one of the hottest new threads on here lol.
  11. Drgreenz

    Global Governance through Realtime Interaction.

    I dont know maybe the small fact that people might want power? or the money to make their lives better? or the fact that as i said earlier, any and all governments that have had a communistic style of economy have failed miserably because people are greedy? (I stick my gun in your face and take...
  12. Drgreenz

    why are conservative women so sexy next to their counterparts?

    Finally another person who sees that the republican party is where the democrats were 60 years ago and the dems are just plain socialists. Take a look at the issues and most can see that being a conservative means you want less government, as in- no war on drugs, and less welfare. Whats going...
  13. Drgreenz

    Global Governance through Realtime Interaction.

    True in theory anarchism is the ideal form of government, everyone is truely free to do their own thing. But in reality it will never work.
  14. Drgreenz

    why are conservative women so sexy next to their counterparts?

    ps: Here are the 2 reasons why our school system is an epic fail; 1)we keep throwing and endless suply of money at schools without demanding proper spending. 2) Teacher's unions. and thats it, fix/get rid of those 2 things and our schools will go back to being competetive with the rest of the...
  15. Drgreenz

    why are conservative women so sexy next to their counterparts?

    Conservative chicks tend to be way hotter than their liberal counterparts... maybe its the fact that they try to BE ladies or maybe its just the lack of leftist nagging but its true. the republicans have a monopoly on the decent women.(with exception of hayden panneteire, ill give you dems that)...
  16. Drgreenz

    Global Governance through Realtime Interaction.

    war on poverty??? Cmon we are just trying to spread the wealth.... lolololol:clap:
  17. Drgreenz

    i think we have a winner

    yup pics to blurry to tell for sure.
  18. Drgreenz

    my outdoor grow idea

    Yea veg em out until the nite time temps stay above 60-65. then when you plant em in the ground dig the hole twice as big as the container you have em in now, sink em and back fill with a nice top/potting soil. then soak them really good and your off to a good outdoor grow. keep the pics comin...
  19. Drgreenz

    Global Governance through Realtime Interaction.

    These idiologies although great in theory dont work. they have never worked, and will never work. there is a reason why every socialist/communist country has eventually changed to capitalism(dont argue that china is still comunist, its government may be but its economy is capitalist now)...
  20. Drgreenz

    Is my buddy going to jail?

    Law of double jepordy... let the chick claim all the weed at his trial. then at hers he does it. you cant be charged again once aquited lol.