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  1. sandmonkey

    1000 watts in a 4x4?

    If you have proper ventilation and cooling, it should be awesome! I'm using a 400w HPS in a similar space, and it gets pretty hot in there!
  2. sandmonkey

    how many plants can i grow under one 400w hps

    Not sure how many max, but I'm growing ten (in soil) but could have easily added another 4 at least. my room is 4ftx4ftx8ft.
  3. sandmonkey

    sandmonkey's 1st grow: NLX and BubbleGum

    thanks! I just hope that this slight mutation doesn't stunt growth in the long run. It hasn't so far...
  4. sandmonkey

    PK or MOLASSES ???

    A friend first informed me, then I did some research here and elsewhere. In any case, I would never use more than 50% of the recommended dose on these nutes. So if you wanna start using molasses, cut down slightly on the amount of PK nute you already use as the molasses contains a lot of both...
  5. sandmonkey

    PK or MOLASSES ???

    Well, I'll be using Canna PK 13-14 during flowering, definitely with molasses. I've already been introducing small amounts of this black goodness and my girls have only been vegging for a week. Even when you eventually flush, you should do so with molasses.
  6. sandmonkey

    Finally: My HOMEBOX L!

    just added a small fan to keep the air circulating and toughen those stems. They seem to like it :)
  7. sandmonkey

    Weird Fan Leaves growing!

    Thanks for the quick reply. Weird though that the BubbleGum doesn't have any of this odd growth. Will these leaves grow normally later or is it only the newer leaves that should come out normal? I'll ride it out either way. As long as there's smokable bud at the end, I'm good :weed: I...
  8. sandmonkey

    Weird Fan Leaves growing!

    Hey all, I noticed last night that a lot of the new fan leaves growing out of my NLX clones are just weird :shock: Some of them have only 3 blades, some 4, and others have disproportionate blades. Should this be a cause of concern? :confused: TIA
  9. sandmonkey

    sandmonkey's 1st grow: NLX and BubbleGum

    so far so good... kind of :? I ended up cutting off some of the fan leaves that already had half the blades snipped off when they were just baby clones rooting. Figured no point wasting the plants' resources on leaves that will die anyways, so focus on new growth. I also introduced a small...
  10. sandmonkey

    Using Molasses While Flushing????

    I was wondering if one can start using molasses during vegetation? I started using half a teaspoon per gallon when i water and so far no problems. Is this wrong?
  11. sandmonkey

    How you can use a carbon filter

    as long as it's tubed to a ventilator it doesn't matter where/how you place it. I prefer to hang it up horizontally so I have more space to work with my babies :weed:
  12. sandmonkey

    plz help! yellowing on a growing clone's leaf

    Thanks for the quick response and great advice mate! I really appreciate it. I'll just let them be for another 24 hours then see what's what. +rep for you my man!
  13. sandmonkey

    plz help! yellowing on a growing clone's leaf

    roots had already grown through and out of the planting medium before i transplanted.
  14. sandmonkey

    plz help! yellowing on a growing clone's leaf

    twice so far, which I realize now was too much. it's been 20 hours since I last watered them and the soil is still moist under the surface. For soil I'm using "Janeco" Light Mix, 12-14-24. It's made in Holland, and is basically a mix of different types of peat and perlite. The pH of the soil...
  15. sandmonkey

    plz help! yellowing on a growing clone's leaf

    greetings everyone! I usually try to avoid making new threads since most questions have already been answered, but I really need some help with this :neutral: My clones were transplanted in soil three days ago and have been doing fine until today. I noticed on two of my clones that one...
  16. sandmonkey

    strawberrycough grow journal

    thanks for the advice and correction mate.
  17. sandmonkey

    Finally: My HOMEBOX L!

    Yeah, i'm not totally convinced about the straps. wouldn't want anything falling and smashing my babies :-? I'll definitely look into getting chains. Thanks for the advice bro! and plz do stop by my grow journal :weed:
  18. sandmonkey

    Finally: My HOMEBOX L!

    I just checked out your 1st grow album. The Master Kush looks INSANE! I'm blazin' some locally grown MK and it doesn't look nowhere near as good as yours! good s#it man.
  19. sandmonkey

    sandmonkey's 1st grow: NLX and BubbleGum

    thanks mate. Appreciate you stopping by::bigjoint: Here they are on the 3rd day. Two of them were wilting last night, so i gave them an extra dose of H2O and they're looking better today. I attached some pics that i JUST took.
  20. sandmonkey

    How long have you grown??

    just under 24 hours now :mrgreen: