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  1. sandmonkey

    First Time Growing

    Love the avatar. Reminds of home... :mrgreen:
  2. sandmonkey

    AK 47x Juicy Fruit

    damn that sucks dude... Wiring, etc. as what I'm always worried about. Then again my homebox is in my bedroom so it's a easier to monitor. Wishing your plants a speedy recovery!
  3. sandmonkey

    Finally: My HOMEBOX L!

    Congrats! you'll love it :grin: how many plants are you going for in your XL?
  4. sandmonkey

    sandmonkey's 1st grow: NLX and BubbleGum

    watered them a little bit and switched the HPS on at dawn. They seem to be adapting well to their new environment. I give em a lot of love :weed: will continue to give them only water for the next 48 hours. Then I'll slowly start introducing the Veg nutes. plz let me know what you...
  5. sandmonkey

    Finally: My HOMEBOX L!

    please do and also check out my newly started grow journal.
  6. sandmonkey

    Unholy water

    exactly what i'm doing ;-)
  7. sandmonkey

    sandmonkey's 1st grow: NLX and BubbleGum

    Thanks mate :mrgreen: I hate doing a half-a$$ job on anything in life, so I figured growing is one of those things where you either jump in with both feet or you just don't :wink: Hope my time spent researching pays off in the end :joint: about Fax Farm... unfortunately where i live...
  8. sandmonkey

    Finally: My HOMEBOX L!

    Yeah I read about that too, but apparently it only comes from PVC lining on the interior, which Homebox don't use. They use PE or something like that.
  9. sandmonkey

    sandmonkey's 1st grow: NLX and BubbleGum

    It's been a long time coming, folks. Should have started this YEARS ago. Better late than never :clap: thanks to RIU and a good friend for encouraging to get off my arse and just do it! Anyways, I got myself a L-size Homebox along with a 400w HPS, external ballast, inline fan with carbon...
  10. sandmonkey

    Finally: My HOMEBOX L!

    Greetings all! finally got around to setting up my Homebox this weekend, and JUST got some clones (NLX and BubbleGum) today :mrgreen: I've got a 400w HPS (external ballast) on some yo-yos, inline fan with carbon filter hooked up to a thermostat, and of course an electric timer :hump...
  11. sandmonkey

    To the young and the old members of RIU!

    I definitely wouldn't have started growing if it wasn't for RIU. I spent a month reading here, and as of tonight, i have a running grow room :mr
  12. sandmonkey

    lights on 48 hrs in 7th week flower

    give them a good night's sleep and revert back to 12/12. let them flower a couple of days more than you planned to compensate. good luck :peace:
  13. sandmonkey

    10 AK47 & 5 SuperSilverHaze - Frist grow

    I'm subscribed :) i'd also recommend using the HPS from start to finish. That's what I'll be doing with my Blue Russian (they've got AK-47 somewhere in their lineage) and BubbleGum starting tonight :mrgreen: best of luck :peace:
  14. sandmonkey

    strawberrycough grow journal

    good luck! i personally think (and I'm a total newb' by the way) that a total of 400 watts HPS is a little excessive for two plants; especially in terms of heat build-up in the grow space (unless you've got a good ventilation system for it). How close/far are the lights by the way?
  15. sandmonkey

    What nutes do you use?

    I'll be starting my first grow (from clones) tomorrow :lol: here's what I'll be using: CANNA Terra Vega then for flowering: CANNA Terra Flores CANNA PK 13-14 and a little bit of molasses :mrgreen:
  16. sandmonkey

    flowering on vacation?

    I just picked up a digital timer for my 400w HPS. paid about 9$ at my local supermarket. It even allows you to have a daily program (set on/off times) or up to 20 different programs so you can do different times on different days of the week (not that I would). I'm facing the EXACT same...
  17. sandmonkey

    AK 47x Juicy Fruit

    But isn't this strain called "Juicy Russian"? I know this because I'll be starting on monday with the Blue Russian strain (original Blue Hen x Juicy Russian).
  18. sandmonkey

    Northen Lights, Big Bud, Bubblegum (CFL First Time Grow from seed)

    Thanks for the tip! Surprised about the taste. Thought it would be more fruity. stupid question: what size pot did you use? a grower friend of mine recommended i grow 10 medium-sized plants rather than 4 big ones (my original plan). I'll be getting 5 Blue Russian plants and 5 Bubblegum...
  19. sandmonkey

    I think I've been ripped off.

    Well if you bought it from some shady guy off the street what did you expect? This should be an incentive for you to grow. Why waste money on garbage? Any weed that hasn't properly been dried and cured will feel fluffy.
  20. sandmonkey

    Blue Russian?

    OK decided to do a bit of both :mrgreen: 5x Bubblegum 5x Blue Russian Grow room and all the equipment should be here tomorrow, so hopefully I'll be ready to roll by saturday. Apparently the Blue Russian flowers in 50-55 days so not far from the Bubblegum. Again, if anyone has any...