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    Skunk#1 x Black Domina project

    no, but sounds nice..were did u get the skunk#1 from? (what breeders/company)

    operation phantom fury

    thanks D.C BEARD

    operation phantom fury

    thanks man, yeah im working very hard on this plant...running a perpetual SOG with seeds so i can grow as many out as i can (well over a 1000) by the time im done with the F1' kind of sucks because i cant grow anything more room..and this is not going to be some pollen...

    Nirvana AK-48 600 Watt Ebb & Flow

    those are comeing out nice man..what hood are u useing?

    operation phantom fury

    im also breeding a auto flower plant... i used a auto AK47 x HINDU KUSH male and crossed it with some bagseed plants that i fell in love with..the F1's i grew out are nice plants but they need a shit load of work: yeild and mold are the two bigest probs right now..she wont stop getting...

    operation phantom fury

    heres some pics of a plant im breeding with, i tryed to make a journal once but was just to hard to keep up with...i have had this purple plant for almost a now just growing out the first of the F1's. i grew 10 beans and had 6 females and found one nice male thats showing some...

    Anyone ever gotten a mutant Purple Wreck seedling? Look at this!

    hey man check this out its from the cannabis breeders bible by greg green: chapter 16. CHROMOSOME MODIFICATIONS IN CANNABIS: trilateral branching is common with south american sativa strains instead of two branches -one at each side on the stem,180 degrees apart- a third branch...

    Anyone ever gotten a mutant Purple Wreck seedling? Look at this!

    hey chapman,just saw those pics:o:o:o:hump:..fuck thats a nice u know it sex yet?....also whats the specs on the grow? lights, nutes,etc..thanks meangreen.

    Anyone ever gotten a mutant Purple Wreck seedling? Look at this!

    thats kool man..i was just reading about that (forgot what its called) but u can breed true for that if u wanted to, the book said that it happens alot in south african<(spelling) strains. and you can use it to breed a "whrooling" shoots/flowers by crossing with a "alternate branching"...

    HULKNugs Medical Grow – Indoor, Hydro - Blue Dream (2 room setup)

    sorry man havent been around, but no i got no journal :-(, but ive had my maga garden for 2years now and im still useing it, as for negatives: dont pick it up if its heavy because the edge will crack other then that it works fine..

    Nirvana AK-48 600 Watt Ebb & Flow

    yeah i had some mold do the same, congats of the 4 ladys;-)

    HULKNugs Medical Grow – Indoor, Hydro - Blue Dream (2 room setup)

    looks like u put a lot of time in to the set up HULK looks sweet, i have a mega garden and i love it ..subed meangreen

    SOG growers wanted !!!

    yeah i growing in just perlight, i dont use H2o2 because i use hydrozyme, SUB-M, SUB-B,..and it will kill all the good stuff in my rez, the RH did get out of hand for a week and thats what caused all the mildew. i whould'nt say that bamboo is worthless just keep a good eye on it if ur...

    Nirvana AK-48 600 Watt Ebb & Flow

    there comeing along nice man, love all the air movement u got going on can never have to show ur going to put some co2 in there right?? right?? i bet they whould be monsters..

    Calling all seed breeders! I got an idea...

    sounds "SEED RUN" i ment make some reg ak47's seeds and some NL seeds so u can have more of them if u ever want to go back to look for or find a trait that mite get lost...if u want your strain to be more NL why not use a female NL and a male AK47, then grow out the F1's, find...

    cross breeding a marijuana/tobacco plant?

    oh yes it is!!... look up protoplast isolation and fusion..ive been looking into it for over 2 years now..theres alot of home work to it...meangreen

    SOG growers wanted !!!

    well im 100% sure i been useing them for about a month now and they all got mildew at one point.

    Calling all seed breeders! I got an idea...

    well the bud from the F1 mother has a sweet fruity smell (that came from the auto plant), rock hard buds that dry real fast conpeared to my other strains, i smoked some when it was real fresh and the high wasnt there but after a 2 week cure man it got alot more potent. it has a conplex...

    Calling all seed breeders! I got an idea...

    well i crossed a bagseed female that i really like and just grew well with a (auto AK47 X HINDUKUSH) really just trying to make a hardy strain that will do well indoors and out side gorilla grows, at this point i can back cross to get the auto trait faster or make a reg IBL...

    Calling all seed breeders! I got an idea...

    thanks for the info jester..yeah none of the f1s auto flowered, the f2s should have a 25% auto trait..i use a bagseed female i was working with in the cross and most of the traits in the auto male were dom/hetero miness the auto flowering trait and a few others...but whouldnt i be able to out...