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  1. bobharvey


    So should I support the actions of the military at abu ghraib as well?
  2. bobharvey

    The Path Of Love

    I think that I have learned a lot from marijuana.
  3. bobharvey

    Riddle Me This

    It is time for a coup!
  4. bobharvey

    Riddle Me This

    What the hell is the point of a National Convention? Is it supposed to be a pep rally? It is the dumbest thing I have ever watched in my entire life. Are the people there undecided or something? I mean they are obviously there to support the party so I'm sure it is fair to assume they will...
  5. bobharvey

    The Path Of Love

    I used to meditate sober. But I can only deeply meditate when I use marijuana. I only wish I had access to some stronger weed. I honestly believe that the plant was put here as a spiritual tool. I can honestly say that marijuana expands my awareness. I can literally feel my chakras when I...
  6. bobharvey


    Insurgent attacks that would not have ever happened if the country had not be destabilized. But I know what you are saying. Regardless of how the civilians are killed the fact remains that they were innocent. The families of those killed have every right to be angry. It doesn't make sense to...
  7. bobharvey


    I'm not wrong. All you have to do is google the civilian casualties of the Iraq war and you will see that they outweigh number of American soldiers killed. So how suppose all of those people got killed? They were alive before we invaded. And I said that I had trouble reading run-on sentences...
  8. bobharvey


    I'm sorry I have trouble reading run-on sentences.
  9. bobharvey

    So I Show Up To DUI Class BLAZED.....

    oh well as long as you were not in possession they couldn't do dickle
  10. bobharvey

    Amanita Muscaria

    I have been reading up on Amanita muscaria mushrooms and I have visited a couple of sites that are selling them. I have never done shrooms before and I am not interested in them because I just want to get high. Instead I am interested in the spiritual experiences I can get from eating them...
  11. bobharvey

    I think I'm coming down with a fever...

    Jungle Fever...and Michelle Obama has got the cure. bongsmilie J/k but I'd seriously, I'd hit that.
  12. bobharvey


    Okay so if foreign soldiers invaded your neighborhood (Russians for example) after they bombed the shit out of your city's/nation's entire infrastructure. Those bombs probably killed your friends and family members. Are you telling me you wouldn't fight the occupation? And get revenge for...
  13. bobharvey

    Seven Ways Your Vote Might Not Count This November

    I watched the documentary War On Democracy by John Pilger. Here is a link if you want to see it: The War On Democracy - In the documentary it talks about a coup that ousted and kidnapped Hugo Chavez. When that happened the citizens took to the streets. The military swore...
  14. bobharvey

    A Thought On The Ultimate Crucifixion

    Christianity says that God has 3 aspects: The Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit. The Father is God in the aspect of Unmanifested Infinity and this exists beyond vibratory creation. The Son is the direct reflection of God the Father. The Son is the only begotten son. We are all the Son...
  15. bobharvey


    Who are you to judge who the "bad people" are and how do you know what faith they represent? I'm not being an ass, I'm serious.
  16. bobharvey

    Seven Ways Your Vote Might Not Count This November

    Vi what is it that Hugo Chavez has done that is so evil? As far as I know he made Venezuelans wealthy. Unless the documentary I watched was wrong. And it very well may have been.
  17. bobharvey

    Seven Ways Your Vote Might Not Count This November

    Well I agree with most of your ideas. I would be a Republican if the Republican party were really Republicans lol. Didn't George Washington warn against the two party system? That's the division I'm speaking about. It seems like every four years we all disagree about the same stupid issues...
  18. bobharvey

    Seven Ways Your Vote Might Not Count This November

    Do you really care what Med is? I mean you two obviously don't get along. Although I don't know your exact political affiliation you are obviously conservative. I guess it's all in good fun but isn't the division what is hurting America?
  19. bobharvey

    Seven Ways Your Vote Might Not Count This November

    What's wrong with Hugo Chavez?
  20. bobharvey

    The Path Of Love

    Lao Tzu and many of the other eastern sages had a hard time trying to explain the Tao because it was beyond ideas. Some people don't seem to understand that words are just symbols that convey ideas they are not concrete and they are intended to be just signposts. The Tao or God whatever you...