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  1. bobharvey


    they will double if not triple/quadroople in size during flowering. Yes they grow very fast during flowering. Make sure that your lights are plenty enough away. I have burned many a leaf with cfls cause the stems would grow so fast overnight.
  2. bobharvey


    You need to vegitate until you have at least 4 sets of leaves. You technically don't have to vegitate at all if you flower from seed. If you want to treat them with love and respect then I would wait at least a month so that they grow a good strong root system.
  3. bobharvey

    The Bible

    Yeah I have tried to talk to my Dad about meditation and he seems to think that meditation of Eastern thought like Buddhism is evil. However it says quiet plainly in the Bible for Christians to meditate. And it doesn't say contemplate or concentrate. It says meditate. Ma Ra Na Tha is Aramaic...
  4. bobharvey

    NIST Official Investigation on WTC 7 (8/21/08)

    YouTube - Walmart Intercom: 9/11 Truth
  5. bobharvey

    How can I force flower outside?

    If you have a 6ft plant then I'm sure you could harvest a couple of the small...I repeat small buds. But I wouldn't even recommend that. I would wait and just buy weed if you need it. You'll be good to go come october if you planted in may.
  6. bobharvey

    NIST Official Investigation on WTC 7 (8/21/08)

    NIST is a non-regulatory federal agency No offense but wouldn't a federal agency be biased?
  7. bobharvey

    How can I force flower outside?

    I have no idea. I would hope that they might tough it out by the time the frost does get here but you may just have to harvest early. You should have planted early and you wouldn't have this problem. If I were you I would go ahead and get an indoor garden set up and start some seeds indoors...
  8. bobharvey

    How can I force flower outside?

    they will be forced to flower anyway...the days are getting shorter remember?!
  9. bobharvey


    thats what i was wondering
  10. bobharvey

    The Bible

    Every religion is a result of man missing something that He could not fulfill with everyday life. Desire is the root of all evil. Desire implies that YOU are not satisfied with the current situation that your life is at. So YOU chase all kinds of pleasures to fulfill that desire whether it is...
  11. bobharvey

    The Path Of Love

    exactly! learned that shyt in high school biology
  12. bobharvey

    Another Georgia/Russia thread

    well played bongsmilie
  13. bobharvey

    The Path Of Love

    Animals have one factor for motivation. That is instinct. Man has reason. Some animals may have reasoning capacities but not quite to the extent we have. We are at the top of the food chain so shouldn't we be responsible for those under our domain? Man is responsible for the everything we...
  14. bobharvey

    The BOX.

    Have you heard AUM yet? I can't quite get deep enough. I feel jolts of energy shoot throughout my body and I can't ever be completely still. I tell myself it is just the ego dieing and I believe it is. I have seen my spiritual eye though only vaguely and it is not perfectly clear. Here...
  15. bobharvey

    Glenn Beck

    I have only watched him a handful of times. I'm sick of everything else on tv and his show seems like it is for the average American.
  16. bobharvey

    The Path Of Love

    "It is not what enters into the mouth that defiles the man, but what proceeds out of the mouth, this defiles the man." Matthew 15:11 And Jesus ate fish.
  17. bobharvey

    Glenn Beck

    I like a lot of what he has to say, but there are a few things I disagree with as well. I can't figure out what time his show comes on or I would catch it on time, I always get the re runs.
  18. bobharvey

    Glenn Beck

    Does anyone here watch/like Glenn Beck?
  19. bobharvey

    Another Georgia/Russia thread

    Apparently I am watching all the wrong channels. I have no idea what is going on with that whole conflict. I am not well versed in politics here in America and especially not in that part of the world. I haven't had the internet to look up unbiased news sources and I'm just now learning that...
  20. bobharvey

    2012 the end or not???

    The Catholic Church is basically its own country, has its own army, and doesn't pay taxes anywhere. You don't know what you are talking about. You are completely ignorant if you let the power and influence of the Church go unnoticed. How many oil companies don't have to pay taxes? They get...