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  1. doogleef

    are my plants ok

    Rep+ Doe. Good reply. :clap: Its likely a moisture issue.
  2. doogleef

    p.h goin up and down good or bad ???

    So the last 1/3 is locked out of K (above 6.2)? No thanks.
  3. doogleef

    Colorado Med Growers, Unite

    If you want to get something to really have an effect on your root structure, try smart pots or copper hydroxide spray :bongsmilie: (echo?) Root pruning works just like pruning the top. makes it a bushy lil bitch, :lol:
  4. doogleef

    Colorado Med Growers, Unite

    Let it go. It does not take long to leach soil when using solo cups causing unexpected N deff. Pretty bad on a couple. Caused necrosis in places. I've done it before (with FFOF now that i think about it) :lol:.
  5. doogleef

    p.h goin up and down good or bad ???

    Meh. Sounds fishy to me. I've pulled lots of harvests with a nice stable PH.
  6. doogleef

    superthrive clones

    Clones only, and even then there have been many studies that show limited to no benefit from B1 in propagation. It's one of those old marketing fables that never really died. Butric acid is the best I've found for helping root and Butirc doesn't make it faster, its just more profuse when it does...
  7. doogleef

    are my plants ok

    Do you have a circulation fan in the room blowing around the leaves?
  8. doogleef

    p.h goin up and down good or bad ???

    Hey Billy. Hydro PH can swing from 5.5 to 6.2 and be OK. My nute mix (GH FloraNova) drop ph to about 5.6 outta the bottle so i just watch it and only correct if it goes over 6.1. The best way to keep PH stable in hydroponics is to add H2O2 (35% at 2ml/l of rez water every few days) to keep all...
  9. doogleef

    Colorado Med Growers, Unite

    Lots of things can account for thing including long nodal spacing That would be a feeling. Not a fact. Your not doing anything out of the ordinary. Anyone using compost has lots more myco activity. I know there are LOTS of different types and I know that spores take months to...
  10. doogleef

    Nasty's 1000w 6 plant Hydro Grow! Pics n' updates!

    If you MUST have a clone of it then take a single lower branch for a clone. It will take several weeks to root. Don't remove any leaves or branches if you can avoid it. Fast water uptake is a great sign. They are easting well. You'll start smelling in the next couple weeks.
  11. doogleef

    Colorado Med Growers, Unite

    That is exactly what I'm saying. How do you know you would not have 3' plants in 8 weeks without that stuff? You don't. :lol: Spores take several months to colonize. Attributing immediate root growth to freshly introduced spores is irrational. :wall: Placebo effect.
  12. doogleef

    Foxfarm hydro. Is there Anyone else out there use foxfarm nutes?

    Fox is good for dirt, especially if your using FOX dirt which already has lots of goodies in it to start with. If you do use em, toss the chart away and do your best to mix the 3-part into a decent NPK blend. 3-1-2 for grow 1-3-2 for bloom after stretch.
  13. doogleef

    Mite problem solved?

    Floramite works in 1 treatment. It's pricey for a qt but you can get 1/2,1,2 oz bottles on ebay that makes several gallons of spray and its not that expensive. Neem is great as a precautionary step but adult spider mites laugh at neem.
  14. doogleef

    Foxfarm hydro. Is there Anyone else out there use foxfarm nutes?

    I've used fox in hydro and have a recommendation. Use Dynagro. Hydroponic organic is mess soup man. PH swings all over and it gets gummy. Especially in an ebb/grow with the valves in play (I have this system and LOVE it) avoid organic. Dynagro is cheap and complete. I'll be switching to it soon...
  15. doogleef

    Colorado Med Growers, Unite

    I want to pre-empt the oncoming posts about "My plants grow so much better" and "treated roots are everything" by saying that to have any validity you must have an untreated control group or at least have grown the strain in the same op multiple times to know if you are really seeing anything...
  16. doogleef

    Goin Loco, First Colorado Medical Grow, Lots of Learnin

    lol, i'm stirring shit up in the wrong thread. Nice pix man.
  17. doogleef

    Colorado Med Growers, Unite

    Thats a great thread on Myco, I had started it but not read it to completion because i'm a chem guy. As usual, Uncle Ben and crew came to a reasoned conclusion: Very little benefit for cannabis or any annual container plant for that matter. It takes up to 2 years to fully colonize after...
  18. doogleef

    Goin Loco, First Colorado Medical Grow, Lots of Learnin

    I want to pre-empt the oncoming posts about "My plants grow so much better" and "treated roots are everything" by saying that to have any validity you must have an untreated control group or at least have grown the strain in the same op multiple times to know if you are really seeing anything...
  19. doogleef

    Goin Loco, First Colorado Medical Grow, Lots of Learnin

    Thats a great thread on Myco, I had started it but not read it to completion because i'm a chem guy. As usual, Uncle Ben and crew came to a reasoned conclusion: Very little benefit for cannabis or any annual container plant for that matter. It takes up to 2 years to fully colonize after...
  20. doogleef

    Mycorrhizal fungi applications for cannabis - the caveats

    I hear this A LOT. :wall: A quick look at the cal-mag label answers why you saw an increase in leaf health. It's 2-0-0. Its the nitrogen boost you were needing. Thanks UB, jberry, Dave, and all the other good posters on this thread...