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  1. JonnyBlunt88

    Need some recommendation

    This is the one I have...Sun System® VI Switchable Ballast 1000 watt They come much cheaper though... Just look around.
  2. JonnyBlunt88

    confirmed u.s. deliveries??BEANS

    Talk to SmokerE about that BB x NL... Apparently it's not the most consistent strain, but I'll let you be the judge of that...GL.
  3. JonnyBlunt88

    put on your sunglasses - NO CFL's ALLOWED -

    Fdd, you have to admit the anticipation factor waiting on indoor is much higher than outdoors...They just grow so much faster. Mine wake up in 20...can't wait.
  4. JonnyBlunt88

    confirmed u.s. deliveries??BEANS

    Good to see someone else has ordered from BC Bud Depot instead of talking shit based on hear/say. I have nothing but good things to say about them despite what greenman or any one else says... If you get that God Bud, let me know how it is...
  5. JonnyBlunt88

    SuperCloset, Sea of Green

    It's like another world right... Just look for the white guy with dreads, gonna have to get those going as it seems to be the status quo over there. I'm still coming up with my shop's theme...The Marley one's already taken.
  6. JonnyBlunt88

    Need some recommendation

    I have two digital ballasts...can't recommend anything less as I've never cheaped out on them. If you have the extra money, get the conversion never know when you might want to switch it up. Most fans will be loud regardless...I'm using large computer fans and have yet to find a...
  7. JonnyBlunt88

    put on your sunglasses - NO CFL's ALLOWED -

    Gotta keep this train moving... My last BB harvest...for anyone who missed it.
  8. JonnyBlunt88

    Need some recommendation

    How much space do you have? What are your ambient temps? Check out these sights and have a look around. You might see something to fit your set up. Grow Lights, Advanced Nutrients, Hydroponic Supplies and more at Hydroempire GreenCoast Hydroponics, Hydroponic Systems - Grow Lights...
  9. JonnyBlunt88

    White Widow My First Grow

    Don't worry, there not going to die...haha. Your doing much better than you give your self credit for. Leaves will naturally show deficiencies as more energy is put into the buds... They look sweet man, keep it up.
  10. JonnyBlunt88

    SuperCloset, Sea of Green

    Thanks dude, stop by anytime... Hey Solo, you make a good point. The first thing I would change is the auro-cloner. I would replace it with my drip, but much better. Before I moved back to the U.S., I had seriously thought about starting a coffee shop in Amsterdam...Still want to, but...
  11. JonnyBlunt88

    The SuperCloset

    Thanks dude, check out my new thread...I'm trying to kill this one.
  12. JonnyBlunt88


    You got a ways to patient. It depends on space, and your desired yeild...
  13. JonnyBlunt88

    raised grate for sog flood systems?

    Use hydroton under the RW...It is great for space and the roots love it.
  14. JonnyBlunt88

    put on your sunglasses - NO CFL's ALLOWED -

    It's not bad... Here's a better shot of the res. that I came up with.
  15. JonnyBlunt88

    put on your sunglasses - NO CFL's ALLOWED -

    My dual SoG... The E&F has three WW in day 44 now, and the rest are BB under a 600w HPS. My closet SoG is all BB under a 400w HPS using a drip system... Just thought I would share.
  16. JonnyBlunt88

    Tahoe's doing it - stepping up to the plate....we're ready.....

    So where are the fan leaves...I thought you meant you cloned single leaves. Those actually look pretty well cut branches. How do you plan on housing is?
  17. JonnyBlunt88

    Going On Long Trip. How Will I Water?!

    Sounds like a plan...Didn't think about the slow constant drip. That would actually be more reliable than timed drippers. I would just fill the reservoir to the top, and maybe cover it to avoid evaporation. GL...
  18. JonnyBlunt88

    SuperCloset, Sea of Green

    I know my last grow inspired two others to buy it...That I know of. Don't know about rollitup, there are much better grows than mine. My last one was viewed just over 19,000...It went for a while though. I'm going to wait to get my SoG in full effect though... I still have bigger plans.
  19. JonnyBlunt88

    SuperCloset, Sea of Green

    Whatup mattso, thanks for dropping in. Those five girls yeilded me just over six ounces. Once I get this dual SoG going, that should be nothing...
  20. JonnyBlunt88

    SuperCloset, Sea of Green

    I thought about contacting high times and telling them of the success with my SC and the seeds I recieved from BC Bud Depot which they both sponsored. I figured it may be possible to get sponsored for growing, just don't know exactly how to go about that. Maybe in time when I get more...