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  1. smokeybandit22

    please read this.

    yes, nutes first, ph second. post up some pics so we can see ur issues
  2. smokeybandit22

    Potential Hydroponic root problem

    it doesnt have any feeder hairs/roots coming off for last 6 inches or so. but with 4 weeks left, I would leave em and deal with it
  3. smokeybandit22

    awesome-keep em growin

    awesome-keep em growin
  4. smokeybandit22

    Plant Porblems, Brown Spots On Leafs, Dying And Yellow Leafs PICS INCLUDED

    depends on how quickly your soil dires out-the faster the more water-but yes till a bit comes out the bottom should work.
  5. smokeybandit22

    please read this.

    your ph is in range. are there nutes in the soil or not? you do need to flush-2-3 times the volume of your container-than immediately feed
  6. smokeybandit22

    please read this.

    sounds like there are nutes in the soil
  7. smokeybandit22

    dry leaves?

    high ec can lead to excessive transpiration
  8. smokeybandit22

    What is wrong with my girls?

    a bit, skip that one.
  9. smokeybandit22

    Leaf curling problem

    either overfert, which prob not the case at 600 ppms, or low humidity/not enough circulation. I would seuggest adding a fan, that should help. otherwise they look happy and healthy. prop vent and circ main ingredients to successful grow
  10. smokeybandit22

    dry leaves?

    your ec should be closer to 1.3-1.5- over 1.8 is still too high IMO
  11. smokeybandit22

    What is wrong with my girls?

    fox farms is best but out of that list... Bio-tone Starter Plus All Natural Plant Food 4-3-3 Dyna Gro Liquid Grow Plant Food 7-9-5 Ironite Liquid Plant & Flower Food 7-6-6 Rose Tone 6-6-4 Pro Gro 5-3-4 Peter's Azaela, Camellia, & Rhododendrun Plant Food 24-12-12 Osmocote Azaela Camellia...
  12. smokeybandit22


    alot of erroneous info here. pluck em as you find em. they will first be at the main internodes before the bud site, and later right in the crook of the node at the budsite. if u do a good job u can get 90% of em. if you dont, than you will get seeded. if you do, you will not get seeded. good...
  13. smokeybandit22

    my girls 3 weeks flowering

    while 3 weeks may be on the longer end of it, it is completely in range, moreso if a sativa. the less mature they r going in, the longer to form buds. no worries, u r on time, just make sure you have zero light leaks and temps at night are within range and dont kill em with nutes. over fert is...
  14. smokeybandit22

    What is wrong with my girls?

    yes, agreed, about that time, but please, start low, 1.4 strength. lack og K, Mg, and Ca. they r hungry.
  15. smokeybandit22

    Plant Porblems, Brown Spots On Leafs, Dying And Yellow Leafs PICS INCLUDED

    agreed, but dont over do it and dont overwater. water, nute, water, nute, water, water, nute, water, water, nute
  16. smokeybandit22

    Plant Porblems, Brown Spots On Leafs, Dying And Yellow Leafs PICS INCLUDED

    u can pick up some ph up and down at walmart or any aquarium place. if u must use vinegar-
  17. smokeybandit22

    Timer Failure 2 Weeks before harvest.

    agreed, just keep em regular routine. it has happened to all of us at some point. takes a bit more than that to stimulate hormone changes. if anything, they grew abit more in those 3 hours. I wouldnt put them in 24 hours darkness though. that may confuse the shit out of em, unless u r willing to...
  18. smokeybandit22

    Whats going on here?????

    looking again, could aslo be an mg deficiency. see if you can pick up some hydrated lime or fine dolomite lime and add to top layer of your soil. if not, try some epsom salts. looks ok otherwise, some deficiency can be tolerated if last half of flowering.
  19. smokeybandit22

    Whats going on here?????

    u may be right but Im pretty sure none of that is for MJ. could be you have a 'hot mix'. flushing and immediately feeding with half strength should help.