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  1. smokeybandit22

    Attiude is bad dont buy

    boy am I confused here. I think the Candy store accepts his mail but they wanted him to sign for it. Usually they leave a post it with a choice to have it redelivered 2 or 3times before they hold it at post office. Def not Attitude's fault. If anything, props to them for delivering their end of...
  2. smokeybandit22

    Whats going on here?????

    ...because plant nutes are generally made for heavier fruit bearing plants and perennials, while mj does not need quite that much and seem to be much more sensitive to ferts, especially when they are composed of harsher ingredients like Scott's and MG. Good rule of thumb is to go half of reco...
  3. smokeybandit22

    Please pro's, lend me your wisdom

    well than smokin on the herb has thos one covered. + reps to him. hey smokin, if u want more reps, put together this post of what you have posted including the finale, and post it newbie section like: Attn 1st Time growers. and trust me, the rep system is whack. 99% of everyone gets their reps...
  4. smokeybandit22

    Potential Hydroponic root problem

    than keep in mind with the airstone you will be encouraging the roots to grow down into res-they are sneaky little bastards. now the question I have is, can you tell if they are the main tap root? if not-you can trim them just make it sterile. If it is the main tap root, than forget it. You will...
  5. smokeybandit22

    Please pro's, lend me your wisdom

    you have a valid point here project. any grow should be considered serious b/c of the risks, albeit many times small. that being said, proper investment will lead to proper returns. unless you want some crap bud that you will be posting and crying over. or unless you have many many grows under...
  6. smokeybandit22

    How am I doing?

    the screwed up thing is everything looks like something else and everyone's opinion, no matter how experienced is a shot in the dark. I am a fellow soil hater. DWC is the way to go
  7. smokeybandit22

    How am I doing?

    Im thinking it is not nute burn, as the yellowing is indicitive of opposite of that. that being said, you could be overwatering, leading to problems with uptaking of any nutes fed or in the soil.
  8. smokeybandit22

    Potential Hydroponic root problem

    you can convert your system into DWC, using airstone and air pump. once they have all grown out of the medium, cut off the dripper.
  9. smokeybandit22

    Where do i put all the rubbish trimmings and roots

    bury them in your yard. put em in blender and dump in yard. dont throw in trash. if you have a wood stove, burn em.
  10. smokeybandit22

    Whats going on here?????

    looking to me like nute burn/over fert- with three weeks to go, I would drop the nitrogen, flush and feed with bloom nutes.
  11. smokeybandit22

    a spot of mold in huge dank cola

    usually it is higher humidity which fungi like. post some pics
  12. smokeybandit22

    first grow

    what r we lookin at?
  13. smokeybandit22

    New Leaves At The Top Yellowing?

    odd, wouldn't it not contain sulpher if 'unsulphered'? also, never heard of epsom salts containin gsulpher, only magnesium, but hey, what the hell do I know, I hate obama
  14. smokeybandit22

    Lady Newbie Got Probs

    still have no clue on what you are talking about. all I know is there is absolutely no need for insult hurling. I read and reread every post I reply to. I am not a post counter like so many who give out one line bs responses. I never have. And anyone posting a pic should have the common sense to...
  15. smokeybandit22

    Weed On A Plane

    I agree, there is no safe. But as for the packages, escpecially in this economy, unless is is just so blantaly obvious, it is in their best interest financially to ship it and ask no questions.
  16. smokeybandit22

    Plant Porblems, Brown Spots On Leafs, Dying And Yellow Leafs PICS INCLUDED

    pick up some fine dolomite lime or hydrated lime at lowes or home depot and add to top layer of soil. will help with extra mg and ca and also buffer your ph. my experience and ur pics tell me that is a classic K deficiency coupled with mg, slowly working its way up. flush and immediately...
  17. smokeybandit22

    help pls

    month and half old may be time for very lose dosage of nutes. and with Boneman, dont water every day. post some pics
  18. smokeybandit22

    New Leaves At The Top Yellowing?

    look up Fe deficiency-is the yellowing starting at the petiole and working way out towards the leaf tip? also, it is natural for new growth to be light green and darken with age.
  19. smokeybandit22

    a spot of mold in huge dank cola

    IMO, u r better cutting off the whole cola and ditching it. and I wouls consider chopping now as bud mold/rot can spread pretty quickly. goodle bud rot and see if it matches