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  1. smokeybandit22

    pH Issue or Mg Def? (pics)

    looking good. looks like u may have a little burn from chlorine so I would let my tap sit for 24-48 hours if not doing so already
  2. smokeybandit22

    Plant problem....

    it sounds like you got it. gona have to go with your gut. just keep them ppms. around 500-600 and u should be fine. the charts are for reference, just keep em at 1/4 strength for now.
  3. smokeybandit22

    leaves are drooping in bubble ponics

    supposed to have that pump on 24/7 bro. always.
  4. smokeybandit22

    EXPERT OPINIONS NEEDED....I cant wait much more

    yes they do to an extent. damn, go chop off a bud or two already, dry it and smoke it.:bigjoint:
  5. smokeybandit22

    EXPERT OPINIONS NEEDED....I cant wait much more

    start harvesting the mature upper buds and leave the lowers to finish up
  6. smokeybandit22

    leaves are drooping in bubble ponics

    wait, so Roseman I cant use cat urine for ferts? what about enema juice? I heard this is very high in NPK.
  7. smokeybandit22

    Lower Leaves Yellowing with some Brown Spots

    what up D, lookin glike u got a K deficiency. I have posted about 6 times today and yest in this section for peeps with the same issues, 3rd week flowering. very noticble from the 2nd and 4th pics-slight chlorosis first, followed by necrotic leaf edges and random spotting on seemingly unaffected...
  8. smokeybandit22

    Plant problem....

    sounds like u got it now. this should help alot. those affected leaves wont get any better, but u want to keep a careful eye to make sure they do not get any worse. also, if you are using HID lights, than I would suggest raising them for a bit. if CFL's, than u r fine.bongsmilie
  9. smokeybandit22

    Plant problem....

    ok I will check it out. 15 tps sounds like a hell of alot. the most I use at any time is half strength. keep in mind these nutes are meant for heavier fruit bearing plants like tomatos, mj needs less, especially when they are immature. did u have these issues at 1/4 strength?
  10. smokeybandit22

    Over Fert?

    oh, sorry, flush first- 3 times the volume of your pot than feed, than give her couple days to dry out. feed half again, than water, water, feed
  11. smokeybandit22

    Over Fert?

    flushing can be critical. fert salts build up over time, especially if the soil dries quickly. almost always u will have nute uptake issues from salt build up over ph being off.
  12. smokeybandit22

    Over Fert?

    well that was easy than. flush and than refeed. dont know about full strength though- I never use full strength as well as most RIU ppl. keep in mind these nutes are generally designed for heavier fruit bearing plants like tomatos, and mj does not require as high dosages, although they need to...
  13. smokeybandit22

    Plant problem....

    necrotic=dead tissue. what strength nutes were u using? 1400 ppms would be full strength. either that or the meter is not calibrated. best thing u can do now is flush out that res and leave out the nutes for a week or more than go back to 1/4 strength. I dont even use 1400 ppm in flowering...
  14. smokeybandit22

    Plant problem....

    yeah, I was gonna say over fert before i read ur second post. those ppms are way, way, way high. I would drop it down to 500. r u sure you calibrated it correctly? your tap water sounds hard, and drinking water should be lower than ur tap, unless it was treated with sodium chloride which u dont...
  15. smokeybandit22

    Over Fert?

    I thought those containers may have been bigger. if ur soil is drying out o the point where u r water 3 times a week, than good chance if u havent flushed in a while to do to rid of excess fert salts. immediately feed 1/2 strength. flush with 6-8 gallons. just b/c u r feeding nutes, doesnt mean...
  16. smokeybandit22

    Magnesium Deficiency help

    no proble. u can pick it up at any drug store or supermarket. watch those younger ones so if it does develop on them, you can spot it right away. I would also pick up some hydrate lime to add to the top layer of your soil. will provide extra mg and ca and help buffer ur ph as well.
  17. smokeybandit22

    problem at 17 days into 12/12

    lmao, splotches. no, that is a p def, and yes I would be concerned. sure fans should yellow in flowering, but they are the best indicator of what is going on. if your plant is P deficient, especially in flowering, than this needs to be corrected. not ignored.:wall:. at worst, dripped on. lmao again.
  18. smokeybandit22

    Over Fert?

    u have a couple things goin gon-the last pic is classic P deficiency. I would suspect overwatering if u r watering three times a week-those look like big containers. also, if u havent flushed in a while, your EC may be high. either way there seems to be some nute uptake issues. and WW is believe...
  19. smokeybandit22

    Magnesium Deficiency help

    u can foliar feed with epsom salts and pick up some hydrated lime to add to the top layer of ur soil. I agree with the mg diagnosis-getting pretty sever too. otherwise plant looks nice
  20. smokeybandit22

    Auto Ak not budding up like normal. +++++++++rep for help

    right on, now u r thinking. fine dolomite lime is ok but hydrated is better-quicker absorbtion. very well could have delayed budding, so extra time is a good idea. hopefully budding was only delayed and not diminsihed.