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  1. smokeybandit22

    Nute burn ? ? ? of def ? 5thweekflowering pics.

    next time just continue with the veg nutes a little while longer into flowering or substitute with guano or something organic that will be released over time. again, they look great, a healthy finishing plant IS N deficient, IMO and experience. thankfully no other signs of issues, so kind of...
  2. smokeybandit22

    Long term problem need help solving!

    yup, that top pic looks alot like a k deficiency-yellowing of outer leaf edges, than turning brown necrotic, followed by/including whole leaf turning yellow, tips curl. I mean those pics kinda fuzzy, could be Ca issue, but not likely with the yellowing. flush, in case of salt build up and...
  3. smokeybandit22

    Nute burn ? ? ? of def ? 5thweekflowering pics.

    I wouldnt be running 2000 ppms this close to harvest. the yellowing and the purpling in the second pic is nitrogen deficiency, which is exactly what you want during the last weeks prior to harvest. that middle pic-she looks to be about 2-3 weeks out and I would want my leaves looking like this...
  4. smokeybandit22

    power vs yield

    it would, but are you talking about dual spectrum bulbs? also, it's not the wattage, it is the light coverage in your case. my intial sugg of 2 400watters was off. I still think you are better off with 3 lamps, whatever wattage they are. 400-600 watts each would be enough
  5. smokeybandit22

    I wanna start and I have ALOT of questions....

    yo wat up baz? yeah, I figured someone else would chime in with that. bongsmilie
  6. smokeybandit22

    I wanna start and I have ALOT of questions....

    seek out user OregonMeds, although he can be a bit grumpy and opnionated.
  7. smokeybandit22

    Yellow dots on my sprouts! need help

    again, couple of cfl's or tubes would be the best bet. save the Mh for when they are couple weeks old, 3rd - 5th internode.
  8. smokeybandit22

    power vs yield

    thats a big jump from 800 to 2000. my advice is intended soley upon you growing in a jurisdiction that allows for it. that being said, 13 feet long, u prob want to go with 3 lamps. you want even coverage left to right. 1000w will put off alot of heat and with your top being at 5.5 feet... maybe...
  9. smokeybandit22

    close to giving up :(

    no offense, but your post and info is contradicting here...if she was losing color in veg, why would u assume waiting a month later is not an issue? that makes no sense. if she has always had nitrogen issues, and you wont feed her, what am I missing? although some can grow without ADDED nutes...
  10. smokeybandit22

    Yellowing Leaves on Top, minimum crusting on bottom

    I would continue to use the Grow Big at higher dosage and start adding the Big Bloom at 1/4 dosage for now. the tiger bloom should be used the last half of flowering. can u post the NPK ratios of all three? should be right on the label... dont forget to flush first as for the topping of the...
  11. smokeybandit22

    Long term problem need help solving!

    post some updated pics and of the whole plant(s). distilled water should be ph nuetral, or 7. it looks like a def, perhaps K and/or mg. check out this thread and my reply posts-although grown in different medium, could be the same issues-lack of nutes/K and mg lockout from excessive fert salts...
  12. smokeybandit22

    Yellowing Leaves on Top, minimum crusting on bottom

    bloom nutes contain essentially the same nutes as grow- just higher in the p and k and lower in the N. nothing in there that will bring on flowering-only light can do this. I mean looking at ur pics again, I think the nutes u were/are using just not enough for the plants. they are light...
  13. smokeybandit22

    Help!!! I broke a branch in half

    hey man, nice work. look very very good especially for CFL's. + rep
  14. smokeybandit22

    close to giving up :(

    just started nutes 3 weeks into flowering? sounds like the issue here.
  15. smokeybandit22

    power vs yield

    dont think it is so much the lumens, which would probably just barely suffice for this many plants, but rather the reflectivity. i.e.-you would have much better coverage with 2 400 watters. that is a pretty big grow area and certainly light will have a problem dispersing across this area. the...
  16. smokeybandit22

    My Last grow my wife will EVER let me do. WTF is happening 2 my Plants Plz Advise K+

    the bunched bay ridges indicate too high of fert level and with 575 at 3 weeks old, IMO, that is just way too high, especially in hydro. try backing down. the spotting could be lockout of something from high fert/salt levels.
  17. smokeybandit22

    Yellowing Leaves on Top, minimum crusting on bottom

    I let em grow right into the bulb on CFL's when they are premies. he has got ot be using some HID b/c they are very fat and bushy plants. how's ur grow goin?
  18. smokeybandit22

    Whats my problem?

    hate to say it, but looks like could be a virus. just killed one of mine that looking the same way. like D said, try the cal mag, or could be root issues-overwatering, rootbound, etc.
  19. smokeybandit22

    leaves turning yellow

    fing hate snapfish. only had the patience to look at the first pic but looks like overwater symptoms
  20. smokeybandit22

    Yellowing Leaves on Top, minimum crusting on bottom

    no way man, you were right on track. ppl really need to post more info. the lights will worsen the situation b/c most deficiencies are from burning leaf tissue and u r right, if he is using some serious lights than that would def make the prob worse.