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  1. smokeybandit22

    Reuse Flushing H2O????

    yeah, I was stoned. sounded like he was trying to go green.
  2. smokeybandit22

    Reuse Flushing H2O????

    cant u RO that used h20?
  3. smokeybandit22

    small white jumping insects

    heard springtails were beneficial.
  4. smokeybandit22

    White Widow issues 1st grow

    I wouldnt be given them any nutes at this stage
  5. smokeybandit22

    Experienced help needed (I think).

    YES! must be a healthy diet complete with ur best nuggets off ur best plant and plenty of wood ashes
  6. smokeybandit22

    Experienced help needed (I think).

    actually the best results come from germmin in dogshit-no kidding
  7. smokeybandit22

    Experienced help needed (I think).

    maxi pads work best
  8. smokeybandit22

    Please help lots pics

    that sucks about the ph meter-had my share of issues too. looks like gonna be a nice strain and the plants look healthy just not happy. they should perk up with the lower ppms. those baby one are gonna have issues at those ppms though. if u r a cloner, tna it should work itself out in next...
  9. smokeybandit22

    10 weeks , need help

    radioshack-ten buck-60-100x microscope to check trichs. only REAL way to tell. but they look to be done soon, except for the first pic
  10. smokeybandit22

    Is this an Mg deficiency? Plants less than 2 weeks old. (pics)

    and if that green grow or whatever soil u have contains wood chips, wood ashes, etc, it could be very very acidic causing ur ph to drop like that. not good.
  11. smokeybandit22

    Is this an Mg deficiency? Plants less than 2 weeks old. (pics)

    I agree with skunkdog-nice advice. use distilled ph should be 7.0. r there nutes in that soil? spotting on very young newbies generally attributed to overwatering, complicated with hard water and nute sin soil. they look they r gonna be some nice ones-nice premie titties. make sure u have proper...
  12. smokeybandit22

    Is this a magnesium problem?

    that's not nute burn. more like beggining stages of k deficiency-classic signs-look it up. what are you gonna do about nutes?
  13. smokeybandit22

    Please help lots pics

    700ppm is just way to high IMO. and 6 weeks? they should be ALOT bigger. when was the last time u flushed ur res? and temps of res? all those plants are getting 600 PPM? even those small teeny ones? r u crazy? no offense.
  14. smokeybandit22

    I messed something up...please help me fix this

    may want to up ur humidity a bit and try dropping ur temps a bit
  15. smokeybandit22

    I messed something up...please help me fix this

    looks like a worsening magnesium issue. feed with epsom salts at 1 table spoon per gallon. can pick them up at any drug store or supermarket
  16. smokeybandit22

    WTF is this on my plants!!!

    that is nute burn for sure. sativa's can have a much longer flower schedule, with sparse buds up until the last 3 weeks of flowering and they are also known to hate high fert levels
  17. smokeybandit22

    Any helpwhy the top of my plants are hanging down???helppp

    root issues-under/overwatered. unless they are in early flowering, than could be normal
  18. smokeybandit22

    why would a plant stop growing but not deteriorate. at all

    r those pics all of the one in question? looks like there are some things going on. what is r ur nutes and sched? ph?
  19. smokeybandit22

    why would a plant stop growing but not deteriorate. at all

    there's your answer...u shocked the shit out of her-mg is absolutely horrible to grow mj in, so she was probably mad pissed at u for that. now that there are nutes in the soil, when u watered her, she again was shocked after the transplant. like imagine the first time a girl gets a finger in...
  20. smokeybandit22

    Was wondering ..

    alos watch ur overwatering