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  1. smokeybandit22

    can u grow in usa?

    r u for real? priors?
  2. smokeybandit22

    Brown Spots On Plants

    if ur growing DWc, you def need an EC meter or at the least a ppm meter. when was the last time you changed res/added the nutes?
  3. smokeybandit22

    Brown Spots On Plants

    how do ur roots look? if anything I would prob try 3/4 nutes. the spotting does not look like burn, possibly ph issues but u have that under control right?
  4. smokeybandit22

    can u grow in usa?

    I dunno know...something about some fat guys setting traps on us soil
  5. smokeybandit22

    plants DYING! expert help please - dwc, second grow

    yeah, u r right. I just got yelled at for it.
  6. smokeybandit22

    can u grow in usa?

    MA decriminalized under oz. eventually it will be decriminalized everywhere, but medical use is currently under the gun. there is just waaay too much shit to worry bout in the states than some small homegrower who keeps to himself, which is 90% of RIU. yo, yo, smell dat fear, hold them babies...
  7. smokeybandit22

    plants DYING! expert help please - dwc, second grow

    ok, I will change it...but it may get messy again. I run Sm90 in DWC the last 2 weeksbefore harvest. helps with the taste a bit-if u like fruity peppbles. I am trying the Citrus from Botanicare-has some mg and iron and some carbs-will let you know if I see a diff in bud size considering I cant...
  8. smokeybandit22

    Heat Issues? Light Bleaching? (pics)

    I only know it can be used for ph up but if u have been using this all along I would swap it out to see if a diff can be noticed. looking back again, the old pics show nute burn, ruling out ur rootzone problem as u seems to have that situated. the second set, could be nute burn begging, could be...
  9. smokeybandit22

    Water Curing and CBD/CBN - water soluability

    honestly Billy, it was like a very very very mild sedative trip. like a real real week shroom. I also ate some of the uncooked batch with the hash oil just added too. I puked after 3 hours for like an hour-but it was still cool. after the 2nd day, and dwindling down, one or two hits of the...
  10. smokeybandit22

    Brown Spots On Plants

    well something is def up considering they are only 15 days old, are big for their age and already experiencing problems. my guess is u have not started nuting yet and they are ready-earlier than usual. or the opposite- u r feeding them too strong. which one? and ur ph tester-digital or droppers?
  11. smokeybandit22

    Humidity Problem: Fixed w/before and after photos

    I agree, maybe you have a strain that is more sensitive to RH. but in the after pics, is that increased yellowing of those lower leaves? at this age u shouldnt have any yellowing whatsoever.
  12. smokeybandit22

    plants DYING! expert help please - dwc, second grow

    h202 is available at most convienence stores. hydroguard has done wonders for me. also it looks like you may have your net cups set too low and the medium becoming saturated and drowning the majority of the roots still not gorwn out of the rockwool yet. also are u sure about your ph? b/c I have...
  13. smokeybandit22

    Brown Spots On Plants

    not sure exactly how to post pic, but there has got to be some threads on it-did you try the search option?
  14. smokeybandit22

    Humidity Problem: Fixed w/before and after photos

    hey man, that's what this forum is all about. take alook at this thread and my replies: I think see similarities between your two guys plants. IMO, full strength is just way too much for them at this stage of...
  15. smokeybandit22

    I need some advice

    I would have to say that is on the extreme end of it.
  16. smokeybandit22

    Whats wrong with these plants?

    I would feed her 1/2 strength for next 2 wterings and than go to every other. overall they look good and this is the purpose of the big fans- it is when it progresses to the smaller fans u have to worry about.
  17. smokeybandit22

    Heat Issues? Light Bleaching? (pics)

    you can add a small layer of fine dolomite lime to the top layer of soil- will help keep the ph buffered over time and provide extra mg and ca which most indoor gardens need
  18. smokeybandit22

    Humidity Problem: Fixed w/before and after photos

    ok, 20% may do that. what type of set up? drip hydro?
  19. smokeybandit22

    Take a geeze at my trichromes please..

  20. smokeybandit22

    **WW - WEEK 4 FloWer, ADVICE NEEDED***!!!***

    shit man, they cant really look any better for 4 weeks. have some patience. and 10 days to show buds is actually fast. must have been a mature plant going in. most take 2-3 weeks. where's the fire?