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  1. RDGgreenthumb

    RDGgreenthumb 2010 Outdoor Grow

    I'm still in the process of drying and making some hash. I'll be updated with pics and weight by tomorrow hopefully. Next year for sure! My density is lacking due to the location but i still count it as a success! Time to start scouting..
  2. RDGgreenthumb

    RDGgreenthumb 2010 Outdoor Grow

    Harvesting big bang romorrow due to rain
  3. RDGgreenthumb

    Updated Pics of my little girls

    awesome . .
  4. RDGgreenthumb

    Automatic watering?

    look for collapsible resevoirs. pretty cheap anf fold flat when not in use. they even have a spigot at the bottom to connect a garden hose. put it uphill of your grow then attach a length of hose and connect a low pressure watering timer to the end which can be programmed to flow howver many...
  5. RDGgreenthumb

    Well planning for next Sping-Fall

    You could always just save a bit of money and build your own. But i'm assuming youre looking into pop-up greenhouses because you dont want it to be permanent?
  6. RDGgreenthumb

    avanced nutrients heavy harvest.

    Its not bad and works well if youre gurilla growing and dont want to lug liquid nutes with you all the time. It gets the job done though many senior growers like having more exacting control over their nutrients. If youre planning to use it in pots or containers be sure not to overdue it. The...
  7. RDGgreenthumb

    RDGgreenthumb 2010 Outdoor Grow

    Thanks, van. Im actually not using grow bags though. Planted directly in the ground. Made a 6 x 3 ft. terrace on the hillside and mixed 50/50 Fox Farms soil conditioner with the native soil. The absolute reason why my plants arent producing as well as they could is tree cover.. Not nearly enough...
  8. RDGgreenthumb

    Leaf questions.

    Molasses doesnt contain macronutrients i.e. nirtrogen/phosphorous/potassium. The reason for the mollasses is that it's a great source of carbohydrates, or sugars, which the plant absorbs making the bud taste sweeter. It also contains micronutrients that arent quite as important but definately...
  9. RDGgreenthumb

    RDGgreenthumb 2010 Outdoor Grow

    Everythings going well. The Big Bangs should be harvested next friday, and the Himalaya Golds will be given a cut-off date off Oct 31st. Hopefully it matures by then but i just dont want to take the risk of leaving it til the major hunting seasons start. Here are the pics (HG is the lesser...
  10. RDGgreenthumb

    RDGgreenthumb 2010 Outdoor Grow

    The first post on this page was from 10/3/10 not 8/3/10. oops. I'm posting more pics right now
  11. RDGgreenthumb

    STRAINS?! Both 6 foot beauty's, bagseeds, one is pink indica

    Much better pictures but youre still getting too close for bud pics(why theyre so blurry). some kind of afghan hybrid lol.. just like many hybrids. looks good tho
  12. RDGgreenthumb

    HUsalife's 2010 outdoor grow, lotta Nirvana Strains going on.

    looks really good. i dont prefer pots but theyre impressive. saaweet!!
  13. RDGgreenthumb

    Post Your Outdoor Flowers Here

    You could harvest now. Maybe 5 days.. Why are there thumbtacks in your stem?
  14. RDGgreenthumb

    sunny for the weekend rain all week should i harvest the day before it rains?

    Yes. (you already knew that) peace. No more mold!
  15. RDGgreenthumb

    Please help my girls.

    Bad. Cut away the effected parts and hope it doesnt spread.
  16. RDGgreenthumb

    fdd2blk 2010 Outdoor Grow Thread

    love that dino!
  17. RDGgreenthumb

    fdd2blk 2010 Outdoor Grow Thread

    Sweet. Looks fantastic