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  1. RDGgreenthumb

    how long til harvest? pics included

    More like 2. Really depends on your taste. Good looking plant you have there!
  2. RDGgreenthumb

    White Picket Fence Garden or Odbsmydog's Organic Outdoor 2010!

    i hope ur doggie's holdin it together bud. on the 5-0 note had a shootout a few blocks away tonight, can't wait to get the fuck out of dodge man; days change, the weather changes, peoples mentalities dont. stay safe bud. peace
  3. RDGgreenthumb

    Deer bow season

    I'm glad youre willing to wait. If the hunter hasnt ripped them or alerted the authorities by now you're more than likely fine. Take this into acount for next year ans plan accordingly. Good luck amigo!
  4. RDGgreenthumb

    Dubious Greenhouse Grow

    yeah about another month. They look awesome though youre doing a good job!
  5. RDGgreenthumb

    How much longer??

    Don't sweat it they can survive through a couple frosts. When your daytime temps start dropping below 65 on a weekly basis it time to think about givin it the chop & i dont mean yur fucking foreskin (sorry had to drop that quote)
  6. RDGgreenthumb

    RDGgreenthumb 2010 Outdoor Grow

    HAHA yea i just find the nearest tree and take refuge. but usually i dont even try to hide, theres alot of small plane traffic through the valley and itd just be a waste of worry to hide from them all. We def have the same problem, all the open fields in my area are being used in some form by...
  7. RDGgreenthumb

    Anyone ever grown Mazar OUTDOORS?

    Looking very good mazar!
  8. RDGgreenthumb

    Countryfarmer's outdoor grow

    Most plants can take a few cold spells but it depends on strain, how long it stays cold, and how cold it truly is. I think youll be ok
  9. RDGgreenthumb

    Concerned about my Himalaya Gold's

    Looking good van! I think in the coming weeks you'll see your HGs becoming alot more dense with swelling in the flowers. Thanks for the update! I'm hoping to update this sunday. It's interesting what was said about the clones taking longer to flower than from seed. Mine is from seed and i dont...
  10. RDGgreenthumb

    Nb's 2010 Medical Medication Cultivation -Prop 215-

    Coming along really well nb. not too long now!
  11. RDGgreenthumb

    Pine Berry medical outdoor grow

    Looks amazing, youve done a great job! I really like that fisrt picture from your latest post. beoootiful
  12. RDGgreenthumb

    Rich's Girl

    Looks like they still have some growing to do. Awesome fil!
  13. RDGgreenthumb


    Thanks for the tape measure thats a real good idea! The garden looks sweet. Great job!
  14. RDGgreenthumb

    Countryfarmer's outdoor grow

    It all looks amazing country! Flowers are maturing beautifully keep it up, ill be checking back.
  15. RDGgreenthumb

    my outdoor grow super lemon haze topped and fim'ed

    yeah they look great those hazes take a bit longer i was thinking 6-8 more weeks depending on how you like your smoke. i'm pretty keen on trying a haze next season but need something the finishes before november. great plants keep us updated. peace.
  16. RDGgreenthumb

    Grow Of Nothing III

    Hey dude saw you on the flowers thread and thought i'd drop by. Your plants are looking awesome. Keep up the good work ill be checking back before harvest. Check my outdoor thread if you'd like you'll have to access it through my profile though. Peace & have a splendid weekend
  17. RDGgreenthumb

    Post Your Outdoor Flowers Here

    mm you sure do got some purty plants s.o.n.
  18. RDGgreenthumb

    out of control TRAINWRECK! please help! w/pics

    Plants look beautiful! Cheers to your success!
  19. RDGgreenthumb

    wonder berry x cannalope haze

    sorry to hear that wordz. take that into consideration for next season. oh and if you do happen to catch the dickless pieces of shit let us know how it goes, i'd love to hear a good story. peace