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  1. loke

    Whats your stash box?

    I use an old large 'churchhill rejects' cigar box.
  2. loke

    Where would you go if you had a time machine?

    Social Suicide: If I had a time machine I would try to stop humanity from evolving. mhm
  3. loke

    lol this dude does a dance like MJ and then kicks the repo guy up the ass O

    lol That was Hilarious! but wow that repo guy became an instant psychologist after that man, I guess the shoe to the crotch is the perfect credential to make complete psychological evaluation. lol
  4. loke

    holding your smoke in

    I think this is bs. I've always noticed that when you hold it in longer, you get higher. That's not to say that if you hold it in for like 2 mins your gonna be way higher than say if you had held it in for 42 secs, there is a limiting point but it is most definitely not 10 seconds or some shit...
  5. loke

    how bad is your coughing when you smoke?

    There was a time i never caughed at all but lately I have been, quite a lot infact. It's been getting worse for me as I continue to smoke, I'm all weezing and whistling all the time now. I know for a fact that my throat and lungs are black and tarred. I could see the charred reminance in my...
  6. loke

    wtf is up with this`?

    Three hit shit? Damn that must be some good az smoke. I had a friend who was like that; taking some mean ass hits and claiming not to feel the effect. I was quite perplexed by this because I was getting significantly high in compairison. I later chalked it up to his lower intelligence and high...
  7. loke

    Who likes kids cartoons...

    Had some free time the other day and was inspired by this thread to watch a bunch of cartoons on utube. I watched: Darkwing Duck, Ducktales, Rescue Rangers, Gummi Bears, Eek The Cat and The Terrible Thunder Lizards. Animaniacs, tiny toons ang muppet babies. It was a nice walk down memory...
  8. loke

    Bump If You're Baked!

    Bump! 8:00am bake. I'm feelin' a special kind of fresh euphoria today, haven't felt this way in many bowls. Peace, love and harmony in abundance to all, friend, foe and strangers.
  9. loke

    Who likes kids cartoons...

    Spongebob Squarepants is hilarious sometimes. I noticed It's becoming more and more like Ren and Stempy as time progresses. lol
  10. loke

    What does being high feel like to you?

    I feel sort of a thick and soft warm, dissociative, light and floaty cocoon of euphoria sensation. Within this; I feel happy, creative, carefree and silly and all of this is happening in a dream-like slomo.
  11. loke

    I understand life

    I'm somewhat of a philosopher and a metaphysics theorist and theres nothing quite like the feeling that you have solved the puzzle of life. It seems like the closer I get to the true meaning of life the more depressed I feel. The other day my family and I were talking about the asteroid that is...
  12. loke

    I dont get high anymore

    The weed high is dependent on many things, the most important of which is the contrast of sensation, if your body feels that same high for too long its never going to feel as strong after a while because you haven't givin your body enough time to come down to base line. Take a break. It will...
  13. loke

    Who here at RIU smokes weed 'LEGALLY'?

    My family wont let me smoke illegally anymore since i got a medican card. I havent smoked stress in several months now, its good and bad because as everyone knows here, I value a good brick weed but im enjoying the purps and the kush's and the purple kush's and verieties of hash and pastries are...
  14. loke

    Bump If You're Baked!

    *BuMp im so fuckin baked outside my house in 98 degree temp and feelin soooo goood, im so out of it, i think heat makes highs higher but im all out here in the hot sun, feel like im in a really soft n hot womb man but it dont matter it isnt bad, im still chillin representin shade side biotchez...
  15. loke

    MaryJane and Physical Pain?

    ROFLMAO! Thas funny dude.
  16. loke

    Owned by a stoner

    Haha sounds like that fool learned his lesson.
  17. loke

    MaryJane and Physical Pain?

    Yeah I noticed that phenomena too. It's like you can feel the depth of the pain more clearly and that allows you to see that the pain is not so bad and that a lot of the limitation and discomfort your experiencing is all in your head.
  18. loke

    Owned by a stoner

    Hi, im wakin n bakin and typin this on my iphone and something has been on my mind. I noticed that most people take offence to being beat by a pothead. I noticed this in my recreational life as well as in my acedemic life. This type of lifestyle prejudice is extreemly condesending and...
  19. loke

    The number of post on rollitup not meaning a thing about experienced growers.

    No shit Shurlock, now pass your shurlock and lock down fer shur. lol
  20. loke

    TV Commercials

    Yeah and the writers of some of these commercial have no imagination and are lame minded.