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  1. doogleef

    My first grow! Updated daily. 400 watt Ebb and Flow - White Berry

    20 days and counting! Good question. lol. If i dropped the overnight temps i'm sure it would change colors but that is kind of cheating. I will let them go as is and see what happens.
  2. doogleef

    My first grow! Updated daily. 400 watt Ebb and Flow - White Berry

    Day 30 1120PPM 6.0PH Basically on autopilot today. Starting to plump up and fill in. There are a few browning pistols starting to show. 3 weeks left by my calendar. The plants will, of course, have the final say on when they are ready. I am a little concerned about the fan discoloration. My PPM...
  3. doogleef

    SOG growers wanted !!!

    You will get plenty of light. The biggest issue with cramming in 4" cubes is the water frequency. You can only flood rockwool once a day. If you can get 5-6" square posts and fill them with medium you can flood more often (hydroton) you will be better off. 4" cubes WILL WORK. 5" square pots...
  4. doogleef

    My first grow! Updated daily. 400 watt Ebb and Flow - White Berry

    Day 29 1320PPM 6.0PH Added 2 gallon tap water, PH'd to 5.8. Should bring PPM down to about 1100 Just a quickie today. C U tomorrow.
  5. doogleef

    SOG growers wanted !!!

    I would feel more comfortable using epsom if my nutes were low on Mg. It is cheap and easy. PH drifting is healthy in a certain range but I've never heard of it actually creating an element that is not already there. Can;t create or destroy matter. It is what it is.
  6. doogleef

    SOG growers wanted !!!

    The statement that most commercial nutes don't have enough Mg is a valid one. In fact a LOT of nutes on the market don't have any Mg in them. :shock: Just check the label. If your nutes have less then about 2% mg. more will be needed. The PBP line makes you actually buy Cal_Mag for the MG as...
  7. doogleef

    My first grow! Updated daily. 400 watt Ebb and Flow - White Berry

    No worries. That should actually be FNB - Stands for FloraNovaBloom. GH 1-part nutrient Attitude rox! Day 28 Plants 20-29" Light 6" from tallest. 1250PPM - Getting a little high 5.8PH I corrected PH today with a tsp of PH down. It was up above 6.1. I would prolly be fine there but it will...
  8. doogleef

    My first grow! Updated daily. 400 watt Ebb and Flow - White Berry

    cool cool. Who you order from? I'm happy with them so far
  9. doogleef

    The Hempy Collective

    My vote is for the MG perlite being the problem. Burning them. If you are forced to use that stuff you should rinse the hell out of it first to flush it clean.
  10. doogleef

    Diesel Ryder 400 grow

    Attitude is da bomb right now. VERY few things get nipped by customs. Just do it. Life is too short.
  11. doogleef

    My first grow! Updated daily. 400 watt Ebb and Flow - White Berry

    Cool. Let me know how it goes. Welcome back, PPP. Congrats. Ill take a peek in awhile Day 27 Addback - 2 gallons water, 16ml FNG, 1/4 cup H2O2 1200PPM 6.0PH I was glad to see the PH coming back down a little. I was a little nervous. Clear sailing ahead. :weed::weed::clap: I may post some...
  12. doogleef

    First Grow Closet Stealth Supergirl Blue Moonshine

    Good advice. It's also a good idea to setup the system like you are planning to do a week in advance. Hang a wet towel in there to simulate the plants as well. Good luck, man. I'll be around.
  13. doogleef

    My first grow! Updated daily. 400 watt Ebb and Flow - White Berry

    99% humidity is way overkill. Root temp and the amount of moisture in the medium are far more important. I got %100, no yellowing, with an ambient RH of about 30. You can give weak nutes (100-200ppm use bloom nutes, low in N) after about 5 days.
  14. doogleef

    My first grow! Updated daily. 400 watt Ebb and Flow - White Berry

    Yellow clone leaves? Overwatered. Throw that humidome away
  15. doogleef

    PC Stealth Grow box

    :o:o You're a funny guy. I call bullshit. :hump::spew:
  16. doogleef

    My first grow! Updated daily. 400 watt Ebb and Flow - White Berry

    Day 26 6.0PH 1230PPM Watered moms My PH is still in range but it came up pretty quick. I will keep an eye on it. Will prolly correct one more time if I have to. More than that and I will be forced to dump my res.
  17. doogleef

    SOG growers wanted !!!

    Wow. A touchy-feely, Bugs. Quick, check his place for UFO's! He's either been anally probed or has grown a vagina. :lol:
  18. doogleef

    SOG growers wanted !!!

    The guy actually sold you netpots for flood hydro? Crook. Not good. They will work but understand, now you have to fill the WHOLE TRAY with hydroton instead of just the pots. You will not be able to move your plants around. Net pots become nothing more than a stand later in growth. Regular...