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  1. t@intshredder

    jus got f ing rip off attitude seedbank

    This is hands-down the DUMBEST thing I've ever read in my life. What ethnicity do you think I am? Would you be suprised to know that I am an African American male and I've never said anything to the effect of "Yo I be gettin dah milk at da sto down da street.". You sir are an uneducated idiot.
  2. t@intshredder

    jus got f ing rip off attitude seedbank

    Did you stop to think that English may not be his primary language before you posted this uneducated bit of nonsense? And what makes you think he's an "African American male"? So foolish and rude ...
  3. t@intshredder

    Real Quick Question About The Sight? (You)

    If you say you're 18 why does your profile say 19? And you started your own thread just to draw attention to yourself? That doesn't seem like someone who is "Too Mature For My Age" would do...
  4. t@intshredder

    Real Quick Question About The Sight? (You)

    I know who he was ...I was inquiring as to how you knew his screenname. Suspicious.
  5. t@intshredder

    Real Quick Question About The Sight? (You)

    Who said anything about marijaneindeed?
  6. t@intshredder

    Real Quick Question About The Sight? (You)

    I hope it's a coincidence that they both refer to this website as a "sight".
  7. t@intshredder


    They are used to determine how active you are. You see the orange bar under our post count and reputation? That's your activity level. It's arbitrary but there are activity awards you can win and such.
  8. t@intshredder

    Real Quick Question About The Sight? (You)

    EXACTLY what I was thinking. I really hope that kid finally enrolled in Paleontology classes and decided to leave us the f*ck alone. :lol:
  9. t@intshredder

    sorry so long please help before may 11th

    That is by far the longest run-on sentence I've ever read. :lol:
  10. t@intshredder

    Could some1 explain ppm

    PPM = Parts Per Million. It's a metric used to gauge how much nutrients are in your water.
  11. t@intshredder

    Fdd's New Contest

    Congrats, Nick! That hat is cool as hell!
  12. t@intshredder

    the most fucked up thing someone ever did to me(must read)

    Can you take a picture of your boy, preferably shirtless, with the gun and post it to this thread: Thanks!
  13. t@intshredder

    Does This Sound Like Cops? Opinion

    Kids these days ...growing on other peoples property. :cuss: Nothing personal, kid, but you learned a very valuable lesson ...rather - a potential lesson lies before you. PLEASE learn from it. Hopefully the kid who's plant I ripped up learned from his mistake as well...
  14. t@intshredder

    "hey, lets do something really funny"

    Is this part of your new standup routine? :lol: If so ...I wouldn't open with it. :neutral:
  15. t@intshredder

    "hey, lets do something really funny"

    I guess this answers my question from earlier:
  16. t@intshredder

    "hey, lets do something really funny"

    I was amazed at how quickly it was on the front page of every news site. Like I said, it was as if someone knew they f'd up and knew they were about to induce panic all over Manhattan. Can't wait for the "Obama is a Nazi" conspiracy theorists to hop all over this one. You might have a more...
  17. t@intshredder

    "hey, lets do something really funny"

    Yeah baby! Ain't capitalism grand? I was in NY over the last week to discuss a restructuring effort within our company. I took the voluntary layoff route. I consider myself to be very lucky to have had that option. I decided to work in NY over the weekend and yesterday ...had some vacation...
  18. t@intshredder

    "hey, lets do something really funny"

    When you said that took me a couple of seconds to realize: I'm sitting on my couch ...I'm unemployed! I would say I'm already bored with unemployment but I just built a new 25-site aeroponics rig that appears to be leaking all over my room that should keep me busy for a while! :lol...
  19. t@intshredder

    Onearmbiker13 Raw living ganja ingestion

    Haa ...what? Not sure what Ron Paul has to do with shipping Aloe from Texas, but thanks for the info!
  20. t@intshredder

    help subscribing

    Sorry ...I meant the top-most "Reply Now" button.